Education, study and knowledge

The 9 main learning models, and their application

Learning is one of the main processes that allow most organisms to be able to adapt to changes that may occur in the environment, as well as responding favorably to the different types of stimuli that we can find. We learn how to react, what we like and what we don't like, what each thing is, what it means to us or even how the world works. In the case of human beings, we even use a large part of our lives to train and learn, even creating institutions such as schools for this purpose.

Throughout history, professionals who have studied how we learn have been developing different learning models in order to understand the mechanisms and processes that we follow, using these models to try to improve the educational system. In this article we are going to look at some of the main learning models that exist or have existed.

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Learn: what is it?

Before focusing on the different models that may exist, it is convenient to try to make a brief review of what it means, in a generic way, to learn.

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We understand how to learn the action through which a being (be it human or not) acquires some type of information or data from the medium (whether said medium is external or internal to one's own being), through different tracks. The fact that there is learning does not only imply that the information arrives but also that the subject is capable of carrying out some type of operation with it, restructuring their behavior or understanding of the environment, of himself or of reality.

It must be borne in mind that there are many types of learning, some of them being based on the association between two stimuli and others based on the mere repetition of exposure to a stimulus.

It is also necessary to bear in mind that although we generally identify learning with the educational system, learning and educating are not concepts that are completely overlap: although education is intended for someone or something to learn, the fact of learning can occur without the existence of such intention. It can be learned for example through exposure to parental models, vicariously through observation or even based on biological or innate aspects such as the imprint.

Main learning models

Here are some of the main learning models that have existed throughout history and that have had great influence at some point in history. Most of them have been applied to the world of formal education or are derived directly from observing how learning is done in that environment.

1. Behavioral or behavioral models

At a scientific level, some of the earliest models of learning that existed are based on the theoretical paradigm of behaviorism (which in turn is largely derived from logical positivism). This type of model proposes that learning is achieved through the association between stimuli, although it also contemplates non-associative learning processes such as habituation to a stimulus or sensitization to it.

Behaviorism as a paradigm does not initially contemplate the existence of the mind, or rather it does not consider that it can be known by not being able to observe it empirically. Even in some cases the mind is seen as a product of action and association, or directly as a concept referring to something that does not exist. Within the behaviorist models we can find three especially remarkable models. In fact, the self is nothing more than a passive receiver of information.

  • Related article: "Behaviorism: history, concepts and main authors"

1.1. Classical conditioning

The first of these is classical conditioning, which proposes that we learn through the association between stimuli that generate a reaction or response and neutral stimuli. Pavlov and Watson are two of the main authors of this theory, in that learning is equivalent to associating the presence of an appetitive or aversive stimulus to a neutral element that ends up generating the same answer, conditioning is based on exposure to the stimulus that it does generate a reaction per se.

1.2. Instrumental conditioning

A second model is Thorndike's instrumental conditioning, which proposes that we learn based on the association of different stimuli and responses, weakening or strengthening the association based on practice and whether or not the consequences are positive. We learn that a certain stimulus requires a certain response and that it has its consequences.

1.3. Operant conditioning

The third great model is Skinner's, the so-called operant conditioning. In your case, our actions and learnings are derived from the association between the actions we take and their consequences, appearing the concept of reinforcers (consequences that favor the repetition of the action) and punishments (that make it difficult) and these consequences being what determines if and what we are going to learn. This model is of all behaviorists the one that has had the most application at the school level.

2. Cognitivist models

Behavioral models suffered from great difficulty in trying to explain learning: they did not take into account the mental activity beyond the associative capacity, not explaining a large part of the elements that allow the fact of learn. This difficulty would pretend to be solved from the cognitivist model, which explores human cognition as an evidential fact through different methods and assesses the different capacities and mental processes. The human being is an active entity in learning.

Within cognitivism we can also find different great models, among which stand out those of Bandura, the information processing models and those of the cumulative learning of Gagné.

2.1. Bandura's social cognitive model

Albert Bandura considered that mental processes and the environment interact in such a way that learning takes place from this connection. Learning is for this author, at least in the human being, eminently social: thanks to the interaction with others we observe and acquire the different behaviors and information that we end up integrating into our schemes. He introduces the concept of observational learning, as well as the idea of ​​modeling or even vicarious learning as a way of learning.

  • Related article: "Albert Bandura's Theory of Social Learning"

2.2. Information processing

This set of models states that our mind captures, operates and produces information from the environment, working with her through different levels of processing or even depending on different memory processes.

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2.3. Gagné Cumulative Learning

Considered the general theory of instruction, this theory proposes that we learn through a sequencing of associations typical of classical conditioning.

Robert Gagné proposes that we carry out different types of learning, which are ordered hierarchically in such a way that to be able to carry out one the previous ones must have been carried out. First we learn signals, to later do it with stimuli and responses, chains of the previous ones, verbal associations, ways of differentiating between the different chains and, based on all this, we managed to make associations and acquire concepts and principles that we finally learn to use to solve problems.

3. Constructivist models

Even assessing the cognitivist models the presence of different abilities and mental processes within learning, in that type of model often neglect other types of processes such as the ability to link the new with the previously learned, the role of motivation and the subject's own will to learn. That is why the constructivism, centered on what is the learner's attitude and the ability to make what is learned meaningful for this fundamental elements.

In constructivism, it is the apprentice himself who builds the knowledge he learns, based on external information, his own abilities and the aids provided by the environment.

It is the type of learning model that has had the most prevalence in recent times, still being the predominant today. Within the constructivist models we can highlight these models, again, we also find the contributions of various authors such as Piaget, Vygotsky or Ausubel.

3.1. Piaget's theory of learning

Piaget is a highly known name in the world of education. Specifically, his studies on human development stand out in which he theorized about different stages of mental maturation, and research on the acquisition of different cognitive abilities. He also generated a theory about how we learn.

Within his theory, learning something supposes that the human being carries out some type of operation in which the set of elements is altered in some way. cognitive schemas that the subject had previously. Our mental schemes form a basic structure of thought that we have been acquiring throughout life and learning implies the arrival of new information to our system. Before the arrival of news, our schemes will have to adapt, either expanding to incorporate the new information into the previous schema (process known as assimilation) or be modified in the event that such information contradicts the past schemes (allowing the accommodation of the new data).

3.2. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

Another of the most cited and renowned theories about learning and education is that of Vygostky. In this case, sociocultural theory is characterized by assess the importance of providing support that is adjusted and adapted to the minor so that they can learn.

In this theory we can see how there is a series of learning that a subject can achieve by himself, another that he will not be able to achieve in any way, and a third that although he cannot achieve at the moment it is possible that he can do so if he has enough help. It would be in the difference between what the subject can do and what he could do with enough help, the so-called Zone of Proximate Development, the point on which formal education should focus.

This model considers the idea of ​​scaffolding fundamental, in which the temporary support of teachers, family members or colleagues will allow us to build our knowledge in a way that we would not achieve on our own despite having the potential to reach them.

3.3. Ausubel's assimilation of meaningful learning

Another of the main theories and models of learning and the last one that we are going to deal with in this article is Ausubel's assimilation theory of meaningful learning. This theory values ​​the existence of learning by reception, in which the learner acquires information because it is given to him, and learning by discovery, in which the subject himself investigates and learns based on his interests. In relation to this, he also distinguishes between mechanical and repetitive learning and meaningful learning.

It is the latter that is most interesting in order to obtain quality learning, in which the new is linked to what already exists and a meaning is given to both what has been learned and the fact of learning. Thanks to this we can learn and make sense of representational, conceptual and propositional elements, There is a certain hierarchy as it is necessary to learn the first ones to advance in the learning of the following.

Many other models

In addition to the above, there are many other models related to learning that exist. For example, the Bruner, Carroll and Bloom models, or the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program, are another of the many examples of authors and proposals on the operation of one or several different types of learning that must be taken into account, although they are not as recognized as those mentioned.

Bibliographic references:

  • Sanz, L.J. (2012). Evolutionary and educational psychology. CEDE PIR Preparation Manual, 10. CEDE: Madrid

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