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Consequences of the disappearance of predators

Consequences of the disappearance of predators

The specialized publication Science has found what many experts predicted long ago, that is to say that the important decline of large predators such as lions, tigers or sharks, among others, it has a considerable impact on ecosystems. There is no doubt that it is one of the most serious phenomena in which human beings have intervened. In a PROFESSOR we are going to analyze this situation to see the consequences that the extinction of predators.

Two of the most important causes that help to understand the notable decline of these animal species are the uncontrolled hunting and the loss of their habitats life, both caused by human intervention.

Whether in the marine world, as in the terrestrial world, the decline of these predators has a decisive influence on plant and animal species, much more than was initially thought.

Experts remind us, also through this publication, that it is predators that throughout history have contributed to shape different ecosystems, achieving a certain balance in the environment.

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A phenomenon that will cause a series of important catastrophes in our environment, and many of them we have been experiencing for a long time. The increase in the number of forest fires, changes in flora, appearance of invasive species and infectious diseases are some of the main consequences.

However, the thing does not end here, since the gradual disappearance of many predators will lead to what scientists call, a sixth great terrestrial extinction. The most incredulous should know that there is scientific evidence about the importance of these predators in nature, since they also protect human beings.

The perfect example of this is found in the reduction of the number of lions and leopards in Africa, which caused an increase in the species of baboon that transmits intestinal parasites to humans.

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