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Why do turtles have shells

Why do turtles have shells

The turtle shell it is undoubtedly the most characteristic part of his anatomy. However, until now it was unknown what had been the reason for its existence. That is, why these animals had created it, at what point in their evolution and for what reason.

Thanks to recent research we can answer these questions. Although it was clear that the shell fulfilled a protective function, it was unknown what it protected against, specifically. According to this new study, they are not useful as a defense, as a result of their slowness, to always have a way to hide.

In a PROFESSOR we discover you why do turtles have shells based on the findings of this study.

The reason, according to this study published in Current Biology is to be able to dig the ground more easily. Specifically, the study was based on the discovery of several fossils of Eunotosaurus Africanus, turtles with an age of about 260 million years.

Being one of the oldest tortoises that exist, they provide very valuable information in this regard and the researchers who participated in the study have no doubts about it. This is how Tyler Lyson, reputed leading paleontologist for research, explains:

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It seems obvious to think that turtles developed the shell in order to protect themselves, but it is the same as with the feathers of birds: initially they were not for flying. In the case of turtles, it is due to need to dig underground in order to escape the harsh conditions of South Africa.

Why do turtles have shells - An aid to digging underground

Logically, it's not 100% true. It is by no means irrefutable, of course, since we are talking about the proposition of a theory, yes, based on a series of tests that give it an important credibility at the scientific level.

Now, as is well known, the proposal will or will not work among the scientific community and finally there will be more or less consensus regarding it. Or, why not, putting a note of humor to the question, let's look for another origin of this shield.

In addition, without the need to provide paleontological evidence. And it is that, without going any further, in the world of the Ninja Turtles fighting against the Kraang well deserves a good shield. Another theory, and this time it is also really difficult to refute ...

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