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The 70 best phrases (and quotes) of Peaky Blinders

TV series have a very special place in our hearts, as well as movies. And it is that they catch us with their plots and dramatic twists, while they teach us new things about life. In this case, we will focus on the English television series, Peaky Blinders, which tells the lifestyle of a gangster family in the 20s, watching how they become the kings of the working class.

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Great Quotes and Sayings from Peaky Blinders

Next we will see a compilation with the best phrases of Peaky Blinders that show us more of the English historical drama.

1. This place is being re-managed on behalf of the Peaky Blinders. (Arthur Shelby)

Conquering territories.

2. We are an organization of a different dimension, you dress well, Mr. Shelby. But now I see, not as well as I do. (Luca Changretta)

A war between organizations.

3. Instinct is a curious thing. (Aunt Polly)

It can take us to good places or unexpected places.

4. The only way to guarantee peace is to make the prospect of war seem inevitable. (Tommy Shelby)

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The war to find peace.

5. One thing I have learned is that you and I are opposites, but also the same. Like the reflection of a mirror. (Chester Campbell)

That strange relationship between criminals and police.

6. You have to get what you want through your own means. (Thomas Shelby)

Although the means of the Peaky Blinders is violence.

7. Rum is for leisure and sex, isn't it? Now, whiskey, now that's for business. (Thomas Shelby)

Different uses for liquors.

8. If you pull the trigger, okay, you'll pull the trigger for a fucking honorable reason. (Alfie Solomons)

Looking for a valid excuse to kill.

9. Sometimes women have to take charge. Like in war. (Aunt Polly)

Just as she did, an undisputed leader.

10. When you are already dead, you are free. (Aunt Polly)

The only freedom that can be acquired in that world.

11. My fury is something to behold. (Inspector Campbell)

An intimidating name.

12. I imagine being shot by a woman hurts the same as being shot by a man. It's just more embarrassing. (Thomas Shelby)

Never underestimate the power of a woman.

13. My brother Tommy helped me through some of the worst times. Despite the fact that the circumstances of their union were tragic. (Arthur Shelby)

Recognizing family sacrifice.

14. Every man longs for certainty. (Alfie Solomons)

The safety of walking where you have to.

15. There's only one thing that can blind a man as smart as you, Tommy. Love. (Aunt Polly)

A firm leader, but with a soft heart.

16. Who wants to be in heaven when you could be sending men to fucking hell? (Arthur Shelby)

A power gone out of control.

17. Whiskey is the best truth serum, it immediately shows who is lying and who is not. (Thomas Shelby)

Drunks usually tell the truth.

18. I'm glad I didn't shoot you. It would have been a kindness. (Linda Shelby)

Sometimes death is a gift instead of a punishment.

19. Men like us will always be alone. And for the love we have for each other, we will have to pay.

We all answer for our actions sooner or later.

20. What line should I have crossed? How many parents, of course, how many children? Yes, you cut, killed, murdered, murdered, innocent and guilty to send directly to hell, right? (Alfie Solomons)

A destiny from which there is no turning back.

21. There is no rest for me in this world. Maybe in the next. (Thomas Shelby)

Completely dedicated to the cause.

22. Ambition for respectability does not make you a saint. (John Hughes)

There are those who use power to gain respect, although they only manage to intimidate.

23. You know, gentlemen. There is hell, and there is another place below hell. (Thomas Shelby)

When hell is not enough of a threat.

24. Men do not have the strategic intelligence to sustain a war between families. (Aunt Polly)

Chaos can be unleashed anywhere.

25. She is in the past. The past is not my problem. And the future is not one of my worries either. (Thomas Shelby)

Living in the present, even if I leave many people behind.

26. Anyway, we are Peaky Blinders. (John Shelby)

A family that became an organization.

27. The end of a rope has been this man's fate since the night he was born. (Inspector Campbell)

A destiny marked by misfortunes.

28. If you apologize once, you will apologize again and again. It's like taking bricks out of the wall of your fucking house. (Thomas Shelby)

The danger of apologizing in the world of criminals.

29. He will wake up. I recognize that although he will no longer have teeth, he will be a wiser man for it. (Alfie Solomons)

Difficult situations change us.

30. You can change what you do, but you can't change what you want. (Thomas Shelby)

We are always drawn to the things we want.

31. It's much easier to deal with life when you're dead. (Alfie Solomons)

For some, death is a rest.

32. You told me about her, like a gentleman, now go back to behaving nicely like a gangster. (May Carleton)

In the world of low crime, there is no room for love.

33. I can charm dogs. Gypsy witchcraft. And those I can't charm, I can kill with my bare hands. (Thomas Shelby)

A drastic decision.

34. Your brother doesn't obey the laws, but he lives by the rules. (Grace Burgess)

Rules that have to do with their beliefs.

35. I just put a bullet in his head…he gave me a dirty look. (Tommy Shelby)

Threats became their way of talking.

36. If that was heaven, what would I be doing here? (Charlie Strong)

For many, hell is this earth.

37. You're still you anyway, so that's why I hang up the phone. (Lizzie Stark)

There are people who never change and it is better to let them go.

38. I put it all together, but I don't participate. Look, I have a bright future, see? Plotted. (Michael Grey)

Trying to make a life apart.

39. It's not me who's playing. I'm just taking the bets. (Linda Shelby)

Someone who prefers to watch the world burn from afar.

40. Nobody works with me. People work for me. (BillyKimber)

Trying to maintain a privileged position.

41. Around the world, violent men are the easiest to deal with. (Irene O'Donnell)

Is this statement true?

42. I don't pay for the suits. My suits are paid for by the house, or the house goes up in flames. (Thomas Shelby)

The way to get favors.

43. Killing a man affects the heart. (Chester Campbell)

Murder destroys us a little from the inside.

44. In France I got used to seeing men die. I never got used to seeing horses die. (Thomas Shelby)

It is more difficult to witness the death of an innocent animal.

45. I don't need a knife to keep me from telling unsuspecting secrets. It's a matter of honor. (Esmé Shelby)

The honor of a family.

46. I came back for love. And common sense. (Ada Shelby)

Love sometimes guides you to uncertain destinations.

47. We are not afraid of coppers. If they come for us, we will give them a smile each. (John Shelby)

A warning or a threat. It depends on how it is taken.

48. An agreement is not the same thing as a guarantee. (Chester Campbell)

Not all agreements are respected.

49. Men are less good at keeping their secrets with their lies. (Aunt Polly)

The way some use lies.

50. I would have buried them all. But my mother, she knows them. She said it would be worse for you if she let you live and took everything you have. (Luca Changretta)

There are things that are much worse than death.

51. Everything is for sale. Everything. (Aberama Gold)

Could it be that we all have a price?

52. Every religion is a stupid answer to a stupid question. (Thomas Shelby)

Your opinion on religion.

53. London is just smoke and trouble. (Esmé Shelby)

A very dark London.

54. Men and their friends never cease to amaze me. (Aunt Polly)

Friendships are very strong bonds.

55. Good taste is for people who can't afford sapphires. (Tommy Shelby)

Good taste does not always represent fortune.

56. Politics is when something is done deliberately, something is better for some and worse for others. (Ruben Oliver)

The way politics moves.

57. May God grant you to be in paradise before the devil knows you are dead. (Grace Burgess)

About seeking peace, instead of being in chaos.

58. You have your mother's common sense, but your father's wickedness. I can see them fighting. Let your mother win. (Aunt Polly)

A wish that did not come true.

59. What made you think that I would go to bed with you after a whiskey and a light conversation? (Grace Burgess)

Easy things bring trouble.

60. Men always tell their problems to the waitress. (Grace Burgess)

Waitresses keep many secrets.

61. I find that the most obvious vices are the easiest to resist. (Chester Campbell)

We all fall into some kind of vice.

62. You have to be as bad as the ones above to survive. (Aunt Polly)

A corrupt world where good is underestimated.

63. One attacks when the enemy is weak. (Thomas Shelby)

Taking advantage of the low guard.

64. We're all whores, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves. (Thomas Shelby)

A different kind of prostitution.

65. As an honorable man, not as a fucking citizen who doesn't understand the twisted way our world works, man. (Alfie Solomons)

When morality weighs.

66. Intelligence is a very valuable thing, isn't it, my friend? And it's usually too late. (Arthur Shelby)

Sometimes we get carried away in the heat of the moment.

67. To make sure that your dog obeys you, you should show him the stick from time to time. (Inspector Campbell)

A ruthless policeman.

68. We hate people, and in return they hate and fear us. (Chester Campbell)

From being outcasts, they emerged as gangsters.

69. When there are no rules, women take charge. (Tatiana Petrovna)

Women know how to take advantage of difficult times.

70. I learned long ago to hate my enemies, but I have never loved any before. (Tommy Shelby)

When love arises in a strange way.

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