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The 110 best phrases for everyday life

It is common that from time to time we need extra energy to successfully face the day that awaits us, and a good option for this is to read phrases that lift our spirits in the morning. Whether it is because we have exhausted our energies or for any other personal matter, it is always advisable to take a moment to rest and disconnect.

In this sense, here you can find a collection of phrases for day to day that will motivate you and help you tackle the challenges of the day.

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Great phrases for everyday

In this collection of phrases for the day to day you have a motivating resource for those moments in which you find yourself in a low mood or need a little push to continue with your day.

1. If you can imagine it you can achieve it, if you can dream it you can make it happen. (William ArthurWard)

Work hard to make your dreams come true.

2. Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity meet and merge. (Voltaire)

Knowledge is the only thing that opens opportunities.

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3. Don't judge each day by what you reap, but by the seeds you plant. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Every day is a new beginning, so don't miss a moment.

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4. Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. (Charles Swindoll)

The way we react to a situation is what will determine success.

5. Life begins every five minutes. (Andreu Buenafuente)

Life is a continuous learning.

6. My mistakes were seeds. (Alexander Jodorowsky)

Of the errors also learn.

7. It is convenient to laugh without waiting to be happy, lest death surprise us without having laughed. (Jean de la Bruyere)

The smile is a medicine that relieves pain and does not like anything.

8. There is no nail strong enough to stop the wheel of fortune. (Miguel de Cervantes)

No one can determine your success except yourself.

9. I have not failed, I have found ten thousand ways that do not work. (Thomas Álva Edison)

Failure is a way of learning for success.

10. If you focus on the hurt you will continue to suffer, if you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow.

We must not let failures take over our lives since continuing would be very difficult.

Reflections on the day to day

11. In life, sometimes you win, other times you learn. (John Maxwell)

Mistakes are ways that life gives us to learn.

12. An intelligent man would never be irritated if he always had a mirror in front of him and saw himself when he argued. (Anonymous)

Arguments do not lead to anything good.

13. Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. (Buddha)

Today is what really matters since yesterday is over and tomorrow is just a dream.

14. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Somehow they already know what you really want to be. Everything else is secondary. (SteveJobs)

Pay attention to your intuition, it will take you far.

15. Wealth, after all, is a relative thing, since he who has little and wants less is richer than he who has more and wants even more. (Charles Caleb Colton)

Wealth does not bring true happiness.

16. The way to hit the nail once is to hit the horseshoe a hundred times. (Colonel Sanders)

Never stop persisting in achieving dreams.

17. A good traveler has neither fixed plans nor the intention of arriving. (Lao Tzu)

Do not focus on the future as it is only a dream.

18. Uninterrupted happiness is boring; You must have alternatives. (Moliere)

The perfect life is very boring.

19. Your journey will be much easier and lighter if you don't carry the past with you. (Anonymous)

Leave the past in its place, well, it is a very heavy load.

20. When I woke up this morning I smiled. I have 24 new hours in front of me. I promise to live every moment to the fullest. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Every day must be lived as if it were the last.

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21. Make each day your masterpiece. (John Wooden)

At all times put the same effort you put at the beginning.

22. Every step forward is a step towards something bigger and better than your current situation. (Brian Tracey)

Do not stop, because every step, no matter how small, will take you far.

23. New day, new thoughts, new hopes and new opportunities. (Lailah Gifty Akita)

Every day is a new opportunity not to give up.

24. Always give your best every day. What you plant now will reap later. (Og Mandino)

Your behavior today will be reflected tomorrow.

25. Pleasure in work leads to perfection of the work. (Aristotle)

Love what you do, so that it can turn out as you expected.

26. I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. (Stephen Covey)

Making the right decisions at the right time is what will guarantee your success.

27. Uncertainty is always there, dismantling our comfort when we most believe it will be eternal. (Pancho Antonio Benjumea)

Every moment of our life we ​​will always have insecurities.

28. If you never see the light of day, the night will last forever. (Marta Gargoyles)

Do not focus on the bad, because it will not allow you to see the beauty of life.

29. Joy is the main ingredient in the health compound. (A. Murphy)

Joy brings life and health.

30. To educate intelligence is to broaden the horizon of its desires and needs. (J. R. Lowell)

Knowledge is the only key that opens doors.

31. Sometimes I win and other times I learn. I never lose. (Javier Romero Naranjo)

It depends on you whether your failures are defeats or teachings.

32. Whatever you decide to do, do it for yourself and no one else.

Fulfill those dreams that will bring happiness to you and not to others.

33. If you want something you never had, you must do something you never did. (Anonymous)

Bet on doing things you've never done before, get out of your comfort zone.

34. The smile costs less than electricity and gives more light. (Scottish proverb)

A sincere smile is priceless.

35. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. (Abby Hoffman)

Today is a new day, so make the most of it.

36. The joy of life consists in always having something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to. (Thomas Chammer)

Always looking for something to do, idleness is a bad adviser.

37. Keep a global vision while attending to the daily details. (Donald Trump)

Even if you do simple things, be aware of everything that happens around you.

38. Never go down the path laid out, because it leads to where others have already been. (Alexander Graham Bell)

Find your own path.

39. Love the life you have so you can live the life you love. (Hussein Nishah)

Learn to love your life as it is, only then will you find the tools to improve it.

40. Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced. (Soren Kierkegaard)

Life is lived every moment, do not waste it.

41. Every morning you have two options: continue to sleep with your dreams, or get up and chase them.

You decide how you are going to live your day.

42. You must be willing to be a beginner each of your mornings. (Meister Eckhart)

Life is a constant challenge.

43. The beginning is always today. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

Every sunrise brings its happiness and difficulties.

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44. The best way to know what is going to happen today is to forge the path yourself. (Alan Kay)

It will only depend on you, the way you live your life.

45. The way to really start the day is to stop talking about it and get things done. (Walt-Disney)

Take action and stop making plans and talking about it.

46. Every day brings us new possibilities. (Martha Beck)

Every day represents new opportunities to continue and advance.

47. Always think about your legacy, because you write it every day. (Gary Vaynerchuk)

All your actions are an example for someone else.

48. The biggest risk is not taking any risk. (Mark Zuckerberg)

Everything you do carries risk.

49. The power of imagination makes us infinite. (John Muir)

Imagination is a very powerful and infinite tool.

50. Many people miss out on the little joys while waiting for the big happiness. (PearlS. Buck)

Happiness also comes through the little things.

51. When you allow yourself what you deserve, you attract what you need.

It is important that you think and believe that you deserve the best.

52. The occasion must be created, not wait for it to arrive. (Francis Bacon)

Find and create your own path, no one else will do it for you.

53. I have always loved the prospect of a new day; a fresh start, a new beginning. (Joseph Priestly)

Every day is an opportunity that life gives you to be better.

54. Always give more than what is expected of you. (Larry Page)

In everything you do, put all your best effort.

55. Peace cannot be found by avoiding life. (Virginia Woolf)

Finding the tranquility so desired will only depend on you.

56. I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward. (David Livingstone)

Keep going despite the difficulties.

57. Action is the fundamental key to all success. (Pablo Picasso)

If you want to achieve the goal, act, do not stay thinking.

58. No matter your age, there is always something good to look forward to in a new day. (Lynn Johnson)

Age has nothing to do with being successful, it's a matter of attitude.

59. Rise above those storm clouds and you will find the rays of dawn. (Mario Fernandez)

When you have a problem or difficulty, do not focus on it, but look for alternatives to solve them.

60. Don't overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. you are better than you think. (TimothyFerris)

Do not compare yourself with anyone, you are worth a lot.

61. One of the keys to being successful is eating lunch at the time most people eat breakfast. (Robert Brault)

If you work with dedication, hard work and perseverance, everything will turn out perfectly.

62. Lose an hour in the morning, and you'll spend all day looking for where it went. (Richard Whatley)

Don't waste time as you can never get it back.

63. Pessimism leads to weakness. Optimism, to power. (WilliamJames)

Put pessimism aside, fill yourself with confidence, security and faith.

64. True happiness costs little; if it is expensive, it is not of good class. (Chateaubriand)

To be happy you do not need great wealth.

65. Always keep your eyes open, Always watching. Because anything you see can inspire you. (Grace Coddington)

Everything around you can inspire you, so be very attentive.

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66. If you don't like to take risks, you should run out of business. (Ray Krock)

Life is full of challenges to face and overcome.

67. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. (Robert Collier)

Success is achieved through small steps on an ongoing basis.

68. Today is a new day. Even if you did it wrong yesterday, you can do it right today.

If yesterday was not a good day, do not despair, today it will be.

69. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the candles. (William GeorgeWard)

Put in your favor any adversity that comes your way.

70. He who seeks a friend without flaws is left without friends. (Turkish proverb)

Perfection does not exist.

71. There is no better medicine than having happy thoughts. (biblical proverb)

Joy brings happiness, which translates into well-being.

72. Go for it, beware of fears, they love to steal dreams.

Fears are the great enemies of success.

73. Happiness consists mainly in settling for luck; want to be what one is. (Erasmus)

If you accept yourself as you are and seek to improve every day, then you are a lucky and happy person.

74. The soul is like a besieged city: behind its strong walls the defenders watch. If the foundations are strong, the fortress will not have to capitulate. (Epictetus)

If you are someone with a lot of confidence in yourself, then difficulties will not affect you.

75. Crave it, chase it, but if you have to, let it go. (Juan Armando Corbin)

If you see that something you really want is not for you, then walk away.

76. Everything is meaningless when time runs out. (Francis Castell)

Do everything when time is in your favor.

77. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. (Jim Ron)

Hesitation will not allow you to take advantage of that opportunity that life offers you.

78. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. (Henry Ford)

You will be the result of your thoughts.

79. Today is a new day. Even if you did it wrong yesterday, you can do it right today. (DwightHoward)

We always aim to make a complicated task out of something simple.

80. Hard work, a positive mindset and getting up early are the keys to having a great day. (George Allen)

Leave laziness and negative thoughts aside, otherwise, you will not be able to move forward.

81. Every day brings us new options. (Martha Beck)

The options are endless, choose the one that suits you.

82. Smile when you look in the mirror. Do it every morning and you will start to see a big difference in your life. (Yoko Ono)

Want a little more each day, you deserve it.

83. Walking in the morning is a blessing for the whole day. (Henry David Thoreau)

Morning walks fill us with energy to start a good day.

84. The morning is an important part of the day, since the way you spend these hours usually tells you what the day you are going to have will be like. (Lemony Snicket)

It is important to be productive in the morning, then fatigue becomes more evident.

85. The starting point for all achievement is desire. (Napoleon Hill)

What you want can become reality, it will only depend on you.

86. Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often the result of a lack of wisdom. (Terry Pratchett)

Listen to the wise people, they have more experiences than you.

87. He who loses money, he loses a lot; the one who loses a friend; he loses even more; he who loses faith, loses everything. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

When we lose faith in ourselves, we move away from our goal.

88. You can't save people, you can just love them. (Anais Nin)

Do not allow anyone to carry your responsibilities, that is your obligation

89. When you wake up in the morning, think of the precious privilege of being alive, breathing, thinking, enjoying and loving. (Marcus Aurelius)

When you open your eyes every morning, you are in the presence of a beautiful gift, enjoy it.

90. Starting your day with a smile will paint your destiny with colors. (BobMarley)

Try to always smile, even in those difficult moments.

91. Asking for forgiveness is intelligent, forgiving is noble and forgiving is wise. (Anonymous)

Always ask for forgiveness, but most importantly, forgive yourself.

92. Don't measure your wealth by the money you have, measure it by those things you have that you wouldn't trade for money. (Paulo Coelho)

Money can't buy many things that are really worth it.

93. The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't. (Walter Bagehot)

If someone tells you that you can't, show them that you will.

94. Bravery doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it's the little voice at the end of the day that says: I'll try again tomorrow. (Mary Anne Radmacher)

If you failed to reach the goal today, you can try again tomorrow.

95. There is no better joy than the joy spread among others. (HenryF. Hoar)

The joy of another person is something that is also enjoyed.

96. The important thing is not what fate does to us, but what we make of it. (Florence Nightingale)

If the path is not what you expected, work to change it.

97. Success will never be a big step in the future, but rather a small step we take now. (Jonathan Martensson)

Success is built every day.

98. You will find meaning in life if you believe it. (osho)

If you have confidence in yourself, nothing will stop you.

99. The tragedy is not not achieving your goals, the tragedy is not having goals to achieve. (Benjamin Mays)

Always have a goal to achieve no matter how small.

100. Knowledge has to be constantly improved, challenged and increased, or it fades away. (Peter Drucker)

Every day you learn something new.

101. Many of us are not living our dreams because we are afraid to live our fears. (Les Brown)

Dreams come with fears, you just have to get over them and move on.

102. Good luck occurs when preparation meets opportunity. (Alex Rovira)

If we are prepared, opportunities appear.

103. If you can dream it you can do it. (Walt-Disney)

Everything we dream we can achieve, if we work at it.

104. I'd rather be a failure at something I like than a success at something I hate. (George Burns)

It is important to do what really pleases us, otherwise happiness will not be complete.

105. Unexpected things are likely to happen in every second of our fragile existence. (Paulo Coelho)

Unexpected things are the daily bread.

106. As long as a thing is in accordance with our nature, it is necessarily good. (Nicolas Espinosa)

There are things that are very similar to us, that means we are on the right track.

107. Never give up your happiness just because others don't like it.

Follow your dreams, even when it seems absurd to others.

108. The wise are those who search for wisdom; fools think they have found it. (Napoleon)

It is important to acquire knowledge, even if you think it is not necessary.

109. You will have to get up every morning with determination if you want to go to bed at night with satisfaction. (George Lorimer)

Do your best to achieve your dreams.

110. Take your first step with faith, you don't need to see the entire ladder, just take your first step. (Martin Luther King)

The most challenging and decisive thing is to start, the rest will be easier.

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