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The Allies of World War II

The Allies of World War II

The WWII It is one of the most important conflicts in the history of humanity, confronting two huge blocs that encompassed most of the nations of the world. To understand the alliances that formed these blocs, we must talk about the nations that made it up, being vital to see which countries supported each side in the war. For all these reasons, in this lesson of a Teacher we must talk about the Allies of World War II.

The allies were one of the two sides that participated in World War II, being the counterpart to the Axis Powers. It is usually considered that the Allies were the United Kingdom, the USSR and the United States, but these were only the major participating powers, being in reality many more nations participating in the war and in this alliance.

The Allies represented the liberalism and communism, being two political currents confronted with the fascism of the Axis Powers, since although both ideas they were very different, they were still united in their hatred of the dangerous fascism that was emerging in Europe.

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We must bear in mind that the Allied side was very variable, changing its members a lot over the years. years, being the opposite of the Axis Powers, which kept their members for most of the war.

When talking about the nations that make up the Allied side, we must talk about the Big Three, being the nations who are considered the leaders of the alliance, and who were the main cause of their victory in the Second War World. These three nations were United Kingdom, United States and USSR, Of which only the first was in the war from the beginning, being the one who endured the German bombing for years before the entry into the conflict of the other two.

United Kingdom

The central figure of the Allies, being the only nation that was from the beginning and until the end in the war by this side. During much of the war, the United Kingdom and Germany maintained a constant bombardment, being a stage in which the English had no allies and the only thing they could do was withstand the attacks Germans. At the same time, the United Kingdom had to fight in North Africa against the Italians, and in its Asian colonies against Japan, having a global fight.


At the beginning of the war, USA it remained neutral, although it did send weapons and supplies to the Allies. It was in 1941. Following an attack by Japan on the basis of Pearl Harbor, the Americans decided to enter the war. The entry of this nation was key to the war, as it was not as tired as the rest of the countries that had been fighting for years. At first, their fight was more focused on Japan, but they also collaborated to beat Italy and Germany.


At first, the Russians did not enter the war, signing a non-aggression pact with the Germans. This pact was broken by the Germans in the Operation Barbarossa, when the Germans tried to take the Soviet country, making the USSR enter the war on the side of the Allies. The USSR was the main responsible for the German defeat, since he was able to attack from the east the tired German army, quickly conquering different areas, and finally causing the fall of the capital German.

Once we have talked about the main powers of the Allies, we must talk about the rest of the nations that formed part of this side, since the international level reached by this conflict means that there are many nations existing. For all these reasons, these member countries of the Allies are the following:

  • China: At the start of the war, China was already at war with Japan, so more than joining the Allies we can say that he considers himself a member for having been fighting against an Axis Power during the war. China was quickly taken over by Japan, taking advantage of the nation's internal wars, and it was not until the entry of the United States that it could be liberated.
  • India: It is considered one of the most important nations of the war, being the army with the largest number of volunteers in history. It was one of the countries with the highest number of deaths, suffering more casualties than the English. Although they mostly fought against Japan on Asian soil, they also faced Germans and Italians on European or African soil, demonstrating the breadth of their troops.
  • Canada: As an allied country of the English, it was one of the first nations to enter the war, although it was the last of the Commonwealth to do so. Its main interventions were in Italy, northern Europe and the Atlantic, its air power being especially important. Canada suffered a serious crisis due to the recruitment in the war, colliding the English and French interests in the area.
  • Australia: As a nation allied with the British, the Australians were governed by their foreign policy, so at entering the UK war against the Germans, the Australians were among the first to declare war. war. From 1941 Australians became more independent, declaring war on Japan, Finland and Romania.
  • New Zealand: It was one of the first powers to enter the war, since unlike Australia, which was forced by the English, the nation of New Zealand found it necessary to fight the Germans. His participation was key in North Africa and southern Europe, being a tough enemy of the Italians.
  • South Africa: Another of the nations that entered the war because of their relationship with the English. Although much of their intervention was in Africa, they also sent troops to Europe.
  • Brazil: At first the Brazilians were neutral, although their president carried out policies very close to fascism. At a certain moment, Brazil ceased to have commercial power with the Axis Powers, for which reason it made agreements trade with the United States, causing the Germans to sink Brazilian ships, and Brazil to join the side of the allies. It was the only South American country that sent troops to Europe.
  • Mongolia: With clear communist influence, it was one of the nations that gave the greatest support to the USSR, being, therefore, key to one of the Big Three. Mongolia fought especially against the Japanese, to try to stop their advance and maintain its independence.
  • Mexico: Mexicans entered the war when German submarines sank ships carrying oil to the United States. They were especially important joining the American troops, and many of them stayed after the war.

To continue this lesson on the Allies of World War II, we must talk about those nations that participated in the side of the Allies, but whose government was in exile, so it was only part of these countries that were with the Allies. These nations that, despite having everything against them, joined the Allies are the following:

  • Poland: Poland was the first country invaded in World War II, being its invasion by the Germans the reason for the beginning of the war. After suffering the invasion, the Poles fought alongside the British, being especially important in the area close to Germany.
  • Czechoslovakia: Like Poland, the Czechoslovak nation was one of the first to fall into German hands, since years before Hitler had been taking parts of the nation. Like the Poles, the provisional government of Czechoslovakia had its headquarters in London, from where its troops supported the English army.
  • Netherlands: The Netherlands joined the Allies in 1940, after the German invasion of its territory. They kept up their fight in much of Europe, until being rescued by the British and Canadians in 1944.
  • Belgium: Belgium remained neutral until it was invaded by Germany in 1940. Although the Belgian king surrendered to the Germans, the same did not happen with the provisional government, which, exiled in London, maintained the war against the Germans.
  • Luxembourg: Like the Netherlands and Belgium, Luxembourg remained neutral until her country was invaded by the Germans. During the exile, the provisional government of Luxembourg formed Benelux, together with the Dutch and Belgians.
  • France: One of the first nations to be part of the Allies, being together with the United Kingdom the main enemy of Hitler at the beginning of the war. The French were invaded and conquered by the Germans, so much of the war was spent in exile, being his resistance and troops the ones that had the largest number of the countries conquered by Hitler.
  • Greece: It joined the Allies after being conquered by Germans and Italians. For much of the war they were occupied and divided by the Bulgarians, Italians and Germans, although a strong Greek resistance remained attacking from the mountains.
  • Yugoslavia: It was another of the nations that entered the side of the Allies after receiving the invasion of the Germans. The nation was divided among the Axis Powers, and puppet governments of Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro were created. On the other hand, the Partisans and Chetniks are the ones who fought to defeat the Italians and Germans.
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