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Ergonomics: what is it and what are its 4 types and functions

Imagine that we work in an office eight hours a day in front of a computer, but that company places the computer screens at the same height as our legs.

Obviously it would be an uncomfortable situation, and it could even cause back and/or visual problems. Let us now think of jobs that require concentration, such as that of a surgeon. Not having the right light could have catastrophic consequences. Finally, let us imagine that we have a physical disability and that we are given a chair that is smaller than our own, or that is excessively inclined.

In all cases, we are seeing how the existence or absence of certain elements can modulate the efficiency and degree of difficulty of performing a task or using a service. It is in order to prevent and be able to solve this type of situation what makes ergonomics necessary.

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What is ergonomics?

As indicated by the Spanish Association of Ergonomics, ergonomics is the name given to the body of knowledge from different scientific disciplines which is applied to

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adapt products, systems or environments to the needs and characteristics of the people who use them.

It is a scientific discipline of great importance when it comes to ensuring the safety and suitability of goods, services and environments to the needs of the people who use them, taking charge of assessing the characteristics of the users or workers and the products or environments in question in order to be able to establish the necessary changes to optimize the maximum said relationship.

Ergonomics aims to improve the level of safety, well-being and efficiency of workers or customers, increasing the quality of life while improving productivity. Likewise, its objective is also the control of the environment, that of optimizing the adjustment of the characteristics of the position or product to the needs of the person and detect and solve threats to your well being.

The type of knowledge that is taken into account to achieve these objectives are multiple: medicine, anatomy, psychology, engineering or design These are some of the disciplines from which ergonomics takes concepts and knowledge in order to carry out its function.

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Your app at work

As we have indicated previously, one of the main areas of application of ergonomics is the work environment.

In this sense, it is intended to make the materials, instruments, clothing or even work environments are as safe as possible, as well as that allow to enhance the capacities and productivity of the employees. It is also tried produce a healthy and motivating work environment, that favors the satisfaction of the employee and that allows the correct performance of his functions.

Aspects such as luminosity, exposure to noise, size of spaces, temperature, use of appropriate clothing and that allows the protection of the employee in case of that their work involves some danger, separation of light sources, position of materials and instruments (for example, chair-table separation or inclination of the back of the chair).

And not only regarding what is present: The possible impact and adequacy of the introduction of new methodologies and instruments has also been assessed. by employees. The posture of the body, the schedules and breaks and the instruments themselves are other important aspects.

In the case of more specific needs, such as in the case of disability or functional diversity, we seek to generate adaptations that allow there to be no affectation that prevents the normal performance of their functions without the appearance of difficulties.

Taking into account the ergonomic design of the workstation and the materials has great advantages, since it allows reduce the possibility of occupational illnesses, injuries and accidents. It also reduces work absenteeism and increases production, well-being, commitment and work environment.

in other contexts

It is generally associated with the workplace, which is where this aspect is most often emphasized due to the existing responsibility for the safety and well-being of employees, although It is also applied in the design and elaboration of products and consumer goods..

In addition to this, the knowledge of this discipline is also used for the adaptation of materials and work environments or evaluation and prevention of problems (for example health problems) in these and other contexts.

Types of ergonomics

Ergonomics is a diverse discipline, dealing with different aspects of reality and the person-product-environment relationship or suitability. This wide diversity means that we can value the existence of different types of ergonomics. Although there are many more, the four best known are the following.

1. physical ergonomics

When we talk about ergonomics, most people imagine the physical suitability of the environment or products. It is the one in charge of evaluating work material, body posture during working hours or spaces with a view to avoiding the appearance of physical problems or facilitating work performance, especially taking into account the physiological/mechanical factor.

2. cognitive ergonomics

This type of ergonomics is very different from the previous one, being focused on the implications and adaptation of the position or product to the capacities and psychological needs of the subject.

We are talking about things like stress management and the presence of devices or services to reduce it, the workload, the treatment of the emotional impact of some positions (for example the surgeon in the initial example) or the interaction between the materials and the subject's cognitive abilities.

3. organizational ergonomics

In this case we are dealing with a type of ergonomics focused not on the relationship between subject-job but on the relationship subject-institution. In this sense, the activities carried out by each one, the management of human resources or the internal communication of the company are analyzed.

4. environmental ergonomics

Dedicated to the evaluation and allocation of spaces, it assesses elements such as noise or the level of light or temperature that can affect the subject.

Bibliographic references:

  • Spanish Association of Ergonomics (s.f.). What is ergonomics? Available in:

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