Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Veronica Monsonís Far (Dénia)

Veronica Monsonis Far. Psychologist CV 08093 of the Center Sanitari emòtica, espai de benestar, recognized by the Conselleria de Sanitat. Teacher of Early Childhood Education specialized in Therapeutic Pedagogy. Psychologist Responsible for the Psycho-Pedagogical Service of the Colorets children's center in Denia. Child psychologist at the Shelter Center for Women Victims of Gender Violence. Coordinator of Schools for Parents, workshops for children, adolescents and adults. Contributor to the newspaper Canfali Marina Alta. Animal Assisted Intervention Technician. Master in Clinical Psychology Expert in Child Emotional Education and Positive Discipline. Trained in Educational Coaching

Specializes in Education and Emotional Accompaniment in childhood and adulthood. I emphasize the importance of self-care aimed at meeting our own well-being. I carry out numerous orientations to families and family schools on current and interesting topics. In addition, I carry out orientations and training for teachers.

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I am a person committed to my work. I am passionate about helping other people and being able to contribute to changing their world.

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