Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Coaching events

With the passage of time, more and more professionals from different areas decide at some time of their careers to specialize in the field of coaching or in one of its branches in concrete. This is a booming sector today, and it feeds on profiles from very different worlds: psychologists, company managers and directors, communicators, etc.

That is why in recent years events specifically designed for coaches have emerged, spaces in which it is possible to come into contact with new intervention techniques and strategies, other life philosophies, inspiring examples, exercises that invite you to learn about different aspects of the activity human etc All this in the form of workshops, conferences, group activities, and more.

If you are interested in this type of activity, keep reading; Here we will review the most interesting coaching events at the Spanish level.

  • Related article: "The 6 types of Coaching: the different coaches and their functions"

The most valued Coaching events

This is a brief summary of the coaching events that you should know about as a coach to keep up to date with the latest trends and work resources.

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1. Coaching Pro Live 22 (D'Arte Human and Business School)

The team of D'Arte Human and Business School The Coaching Pro Live 22 event will be held from June 13 to the 19 of the same month, which will be a truly massive event full of presentations. More than 200 specialists from the sector will participate in it, offering activities lasting more than 85 hours.

If you would like to have greater access to the content of this event, you can access the purchase of a Gold Pack for an amount of 97 euros; Thanks to this pack we will get the recordings of all the presentations that will be made during the event and we will It will allow you to have much more direct access to some of the events led by coaches that there they will come You can find more information about the event at this page.

2. Conference: All About Coaching (EFIC)

The conference "All About Coaching" of the Comprehensive Training School in Coaching It will be held on the 31st of May in the Andalusian city of Seville. This event is designed to show the general public how the figure of the personal coach can be very useful. in their daily lives and why they themselves should also be trained in the correct exercise of this profession.

The event will last 90 minutes and will be given by the experienced coach Pedro Marcos, who after At the end of his presentation, he will also go on to sign some of the books related to the subject that he himself has written.

3. International Executive Coaching Congress (AECOP)

To the International Congress of Executive Coaching offered by the professionals of AECOP Some of the most outstanding executive coaches from all over the Spanish geography usually attend; It is an event that we cannot miss if we are thinking of training in this specific branch of coaching.

This annual congress takes place in the city of Valencia in the month of May and for 48 hours numerous speakers (coaches, entrepreneurs and managers) talk about the latest trends in the concise practice of Coaching Executive.

4. Virtual Coaching Event (ICF Spain Charter Chapter)

The group of professionals ICF Spain Charter Chapter usually periodically carry out a series of virtual events aimed at disseminating Life Coaching to through the increasingly used and well-known telematic communication tools (Skype, Zoom, etc.).

During these talks, these professionals will talk to us about how coaching can help us during some very delicate personal moments and also about why, we should not think about contacting one of these specialists, whether we are going through a complication of both a personal and labor.

5. Coaching Day (School of People and Business Development)

The Coaching Day event of School of People and Business Development (EDPyN) It is usually held every year in the city of Barcelona and during it, there are several speakers who will speak to us in first person about how personal coaching has helped them to approach their lives in a very different way.

In the course of this event, various activities and workshops oriented towards the development of personal, so we should not worry about whether we are thinking of going and we do not know the possible amenity of this event.

6. Coaching Experience (Jose Luis Vives Baixauli)

The Coaching Experience of Jose Luis Vives Baixaulli It is an event that this professional usually carries out periodically with the firm intention of sending Life Coaching to all those people who had not previously considered acquiring this type of services.

If we attend this event we should know that during it we will discover the most relevant aspects of personal coaching and, on the other hand, we will also we will have the opportunity to talk with some professionals from the sector who will surely give us some very personal reflections powerful.

7. Executive Coaching (OBS Business School)

Executive Coaching of the training center O.B.S. Business School It is an event aimed at previously trained coaches who are still interested in growing professionally.

Those who attend this event will be able to discover the keys to optimizing their work performance, they will learn to manage new challenges efficiently and will give us some types with which to correctly develop transition processes in their careers.

8. International Coaching Week (Higher Institute of Coaching)

International Coaching Week is an event organized by the Higher Institute of Coaching (ISC), in which these professionals usually perform Throughout a whole week, a series of online conferences especially aimed at all enthusiasts of this sector.

The specific planning of each of these events can be found on the website of these same professionals and to be able to attend one of the workshops that these specialists will carry out, we must previously fill out a contact form where we can attach some of our personal data and we will inform you about what our prior knowledge is about the particular field of coaching staff.

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