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What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

With its complex systems and operations, the organism presents an infinite intelligence, since it always provides the means necessary to understand it and deal with the problems that affect it directly and thus overcome what repress.

You've probably heard that having a good mood during an illness allows faster healing, and yes, it's true. Although many do not believe it, mental state is closely related to physical health and plays a very important role in the quality of life.

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The mind-body relationship

There is no separation between what happens in the mind and what happens in the organism. In theory, one cannot exist independently of the body in which we develop existence.

In this sense, denying the psychosomatic relationship means ignoring the opportunity that the organism itself gives to examine, accept and put an end to the ailments. The mind and body interact in such a powerful way that both can affect a person's health.

That is why a feeling of anxiety or nervousness can lead to an upset stomach, constipation or headache. Stress can cause ulcers or even heart attacks;

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depression and unhappiness affect the body to the point of feeling heavy and lethargic.

Therefore, the disease manifests itself as a symptom in the body and indicates that the consciousness has ceased to be in order and harmony, giving the opportunity to connect with those parts of the organism with which it has been lost Contact.

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Attitude defines how the body reacts

The attitude is the behavior that a person uses in relation to life, it can be said that it is the way of life or of acting from it. However, it is always possible to improve it, you just have to work on yourself, on react more objectively than subjectively. For example, if you are in a place where there is a lot of ambient noise, you can react in two ways:

  • Get irritated increasingly, suffering from severe headaches, leading to increased blood pressure.
  • Take the opposite stance by responding objectively to the situation and seek positive solutions.

Consequently, the message we send to the body, whether it is irritation or acceptance of the problem, is the message to which the body will respond. In life we ​​do not go through negative or positive situations. It is the personal reaction or response to it, which allows them to be cataloged in one way or another.

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

In other words, the messages that are sent to the body in one way or another unconsciously are a determining factor in the state of well-being. If they are based on failure, despair and anxiety, they will cause the body to react, weakening the defense mechanisms.

In this sense, the repetition of thought patterns and negative attitudes such as worry, guilt, jealousy, anger, criticism, fear, among others, will cause much more damage than any external situation can produce.

On the other hand, messages with content of joy, success, hope, love and well-being are vital communications that strengthen the body, infuse it with energy and make it feel full of life.

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Recognize the signals that the body sends

When you are aware that something is happening and take time to look inside, the body interprets that you want to continue living; therefore, is able to respond and begin to counteract ailments.

Therefore, when there are health problems, it is time to pay attention to the body's warning, since the body reflects both what happens on the conscious and unconscious level.

At the same time, the human being has become dependent and defenseless, he has lost contact with the inner voice of his intuition. And the use of powerful drugs has increased to such an extent that, in recent decades, it has robbed it of its own curative authority.

By providing any physical and pharmacological treatment, only a temporary cure or elimination of the symptom can be achieved; by ignoring and not listening to the body, an important part of the cause is forgotten, so, without treating this pathology, it will last longer or repeat itself over and over again. People are living longer, but disability is on the rise.

The amount of activities and external stimuli that modern man faces every day days, has led him to forget himself and the comprehensive care of his body, both physical and emotional.

What to do to maintain well-being between body and mind?

These are several tips that you can apply in your day to day.

  • Express emotions and not repress them.
  • Drop loads that you assumed and are not your responsibility.
  • Exercise, meditation and yoga, will help you reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Do what you love.

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