The 90 best phrases (and reflections) of Bill Gates
Bill Gates is a very important character in the business world, thanks to Microsoft and its assets, as is the case with Xbox. His success is due to his great commitment and dedication, which has allowed him to have a great fortune. And while he is one of the wealthiest people in the world.
- We recommend you read: "The 10 Richest People in the World"
Best phrases and quotes of Bill Gates
To learn a little more about his personal and work life, we bring a compilation with the best phrases and reflections of Bill Gates that will surely inspire us.
1. It's okay to celebrate success, but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure.
Failure has a lot to teach us to overcome ourselves.
2. I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one. And I'm still a fan of the work, but now I'm a little less of a fan.
Fanaticism is never good, you have to find a middle ground.
3. My ambition has always been to make dreams come true.
Dreams are achievable as long as you work for it.
4. The world will not care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something, regardless of whether or not you feel good about yourself.
Do your job, that's your responsibility.
5. Your most dissatisfied customers are your greatest source of learning.
Always listen to people who are not satisfied with your behavior, since they have a lot to teach you.
6. To win big, sometimes you need to take big risks.
Winning implies facing great challenges.
7. If you show people the problems and also the solutions, they will move to act.
Every problem has its solution.
8. I choose a lazy person to do hard work. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.
You have to find a way to make responsibilities easier to bear.
9. Looking ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.
Today's world leaders are those who encourage young people to pursue their dreams with the tools at hand.
10. I think the next century will hopefully have a more global picture. In which you don't think 'yes, my country is doing well', but you can think about the world on a large scale.
Well-being should not only be focused in each country or a specific one, but globally.
11. Money has no utility beyond a certain point.
There are things that money can not buy.
12. Power does not come from knowledge, but from shared knowledge.
Sharing ideas and thoughts increases knowledge.
13. The key to being successful in business is knowing which way the world is going and trying to get there before anyone else.
When you want to achieve something, you have to go for it.
14. Being surrounded by information does not mean that we are using the right information.
Not everything we see, read and hear is appropriate.
15. We tell our employees that if no one is laughing at at least one of their ideas, they're probably not being creative enough.
Laughter is a great medicine to avoid stress.
16. Don't compare yourself to anyone in this world. If you do, you are insulting yourself.
Never compare yourself to other people or allow others to do so.
17. If you think your teacher is tough, he waits for you to have a boss. That one will not have a teaching vocation or the required patience.
Demanding bosses bring out the best in their employees.
18. In recent years, Microsoft has deliberately hired a few managers with experience in companies that have failed.
The failures of others are opportunities for someone else.
19. Whether it's Google, Apple or free software, we have fantastic competitors and that keeps us grounded.
Healthy competition is important.
20. DNA is like a computer program but much, much more advanced than any software ever created.
Our essence is what drives us to be better every day at what we do.
21. You're not going to walk out of college to make $3,000, let alone run a company. You will only do it when, with your effort, you deserve it.
What is done with effort leads to success.
22. Your parents weren't as boring as they are today. They started to be when you were born, when they started paying bills, listening to your problems and cleaning your clothes.
Children change the world of their parents.
23. TV is not real life. In real life people have to leave the cafeteria and go to work.
Real life is not like what we see on television.
24. If you can't do it right, at least make it look good.
Always do your best.
25. The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.
The computer has come to facilitate many things.
26. People are always afraid of change. People were afraid of electricity when it was invented, right?
Changes generate anxiety and fear.
27. Leaders are those who empower others.
When a person brings out the best in someone else, then he is a born leader.
28. my success... I owe it to the fact that I concentrated on few things.
Doing few things is one of the keys to success.
29. The Internet provides the right information, at the right time, for the right purpose.
The internet when you know how to use it is an important support.
30. Criminals in real life will also be criminals online, where the police need to be a bit more sophisticated.
There are also criminal acts on the internet.
31. There are things that catch you by surprise.
Life is full of surprising moments.
32. The most amazing philanthropists are the people who are actually making a significant sacrifice.
Giving help to the needy should not be seen as something impossible.
33. The general idea of the rich helping the poor, I think, is important.
Helping the needy should be a priority.
34. 'I don't know' has become 'I don't know yet'.
You always have to keep learning.
35. To be great, sometimes you have to take big risks.
Success requires great commitments.
36. If we look to the next century, the leaders will be the ones who empower others.
Leaders have an important role in society.
37. If the company culture doesn't support nerds, there's a huge problem to fix.
All those people who are experts in some subject should be the priority for companies.
38. People often ask me to explain the success of Microsoft… Of course, there is no single answer and luck has played a part, but I think the most important element was our vision original.
Having a focus on something is fundamental to achieving success.
39. If geek means you're willing to study things, and if you think science and engineering are important, I plead guilty.
Defending the 'geeky' or 'nerd' position, making it not be seen as an insult, but as a compliment.
40. Learn to love and respect the smartest, you will surely end up working for them.
It is good to rely on people with more knowledge.
41. I'm a big believer that wherever possible, and obviously there are political limitations on that, free migration is a good thing.
Emigrating has its benefits, when done the right way.
42. If I had any idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?
Sometimes the goal is not observed very well.
43. Money is of no use to me beyond a certain point. Its usefulness is entirely in building an organization and bringing resources to the world's poorest.
Making a good investment with the money helping others will give greater benefit.
44. The Internet is becoming the town square of the global village of tomorrow.
The internet is here to stay.
45. Philanthropy should take far greater risks than business. If these are easy problems, business and government can step in and solve them.
Helping others should be an attitude that we all must apply.
46. We should all own our own food and do our own waste treatment.
Helping to minimize environmental pollution is everyone's task.
47. Expectations are a first-class form of truth: if people believe it, it is true.
People only believe what they see.
48. If you show people the problem, and point them to the solution, people will move into action.
Staying on the problem will only make it bigger, while looking for a solution helps us move forward.
49. Treat the geeks well, one day you will work for one of them.
Many people make fun of people's abilities, not knowing that they may meet someone like that in the future.
50. I am a great believer that any tool that improves communication has profound effects.
We must seek to have better communication.
51. The world progresses and goods are more and more abundant. I prefer a grocery store today to a king's table a hundred years ago.
Life is constantly changing and you have to adapt to it.
52. Stability and education are important…but innovation is the real engine of progress.
Innovating, creating and inventing is what leads to progress.
53. Large organizations require a high level of commitment from the people involved.
If you have goals, you have to work hard.
54. Of my mental cycles, I dedicate maybe 10% to business thinking. The business is not that complicated.
You don't have to spend all your time on one thing.
55. Being born poor is not your fault, dying poor is.
Our origin does not necessarily determine what we can achieve in the future.
56. If your culture doesn't like geeks, you've got a real problem.
People with special hobbies should be taken into account.
57. We never waste time talking about what we're doing right. That is not our culture. All the meetings are of the type: of course, we have won in seven categories, but what about the eighth?
It is not necessary to focus on what is done well, but on what still does not turn out as expected.
58. There are tons of great ideas at Microsoft, but the idea that they all come from the top is totally wrong.
New ideas should not come from leaders, but from ordinary people.
59. Try not to make the same decision twice. Take your time to think and make a solid decision the first time.
Before making a decision, study all the options.
60. I think the biggest killer of a company, especially in rapidly changing industries like ours, is the refusal to adapt to change.
To be against the changes is a blunder.
61. We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we dwell on their suffering.
Giving help to those who need it is a way of changing the world.
62. Climate change is a terrible problem, and it needs to be solved. It deserves a huge priority.
We must raise awareness about the pollution that reigns on the planet.
63. I am never completely satisfied with any Microsoft product.
You always have to bet on the best.
64. When the internet came along it was number 5 or 6 on our priority list. But there came a time when we realized that it was a deeper phenomenon than we had thought.
You have to know how to set priorities.
65. Online crime is just part of the maturing of the medium.
With technological advancement also comes online transgression.
66. The great advances of humanity are not its discoveries; if not how those discoveries will be applied to reduce inequality.
We must focus on minimizing the inequality that exists in the world.
67. There are always more challenges than hours.
The hours of the day are not enough when we have a thousand things to do.
68. If you want to do something great in your life, you must remember that shyness is only in the mind.
To progress you have to put aside shyness.
69. We all need people who give us their opinion. This is how we improve.
Both good and bad opinions have their teachings.
70. Life is not divided into semesters. You don't have summer vacations and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.
To know others, you must first know yourself.
71. We always overestimate the change that will happen in the next two years and underestimate the change that will happen in the next ten. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.
We must not get carried away by what should happen tomorrow.
72. Before going out to conquer and travel the world, making all your dreams and goals come true, start by organizing your room
If you can't keep your house in order, how are you going to conquer the world?
73. If you make a mistake, don't hold yourself accountable. It's not your friend's fault, or your parents, or your bosses, stop complaining and learn from them.
Assume your responsibilities and stop complaining.
74. It's easier to add things to a PC than it's ever been. With just one click and boom!, it appears.
Technology has allowed everything to be at your fingertips.
75. Software is a great combination between art and engineering.
Programming requires creativity and imagination.
76. If you can't beat the enemy... Buy it!
In the world where he manages, everything has a price.
77. When you fail you are forced to be creative, to dig deep and to think night and day. I like being around people who have been through it.
Failure drives you to keep trying whenever necessary.
78. From the beginning we did not think about anything other than being successful.
Having a dream is the key to success.
79. Just in terms of time resource allocation, religion is not very efficient. I could be doing so much more on a Sunday morning.
A personal opinion about attending church.
80. I consider that business is really very simple.
When we like something, doing it is a pleasure.
81. Working for a store, for a restaurant, or preparing hamburgers... none of that is going to detract from your dignity. The name of all those jobs is “opportunity”.
A job is an opportunity that we should not miss.
82. We all need people to give us feedback. This is how we improve.
You have to surround yourself with the right people.
83. Life is not completely fair, we must get used to that. The faster we do it the better.
Knowing that life has its setbacks helps us prevent different scenarios and accept what we cannot control.
84. Capitalism is a wonderful thing to motivate people, it helps great inventions come to fruition. But in the area of large-scale global issues, it has really let us down.
Well-applied capitalism has thousands of benefits for the growth of a nation, but it is also used for current labor exploitation.
85. Success is a lousy teacher. Persuade smart people to think they can't lose.
The negative side of success is that it leads us to settle.
86. I have been beaten over and over again, which is why I think how important it is to measure the improvement of the human condition.
Despite the blows, the world is wonderful.
87. Patience is a key element of success.
Every achievement is achieved with small steps and time.
88. I had a lot of dreams growing up, and I think a lot of it grew out of the fact that I had the opportunity to read a lot.
Reading expands knowledge.
89. If you think timidly, your actions will be similar. But if you think for sure, you will act the same way. Therefore, never let shyness conquer your mind.
Having confidence in our abilities is what helps us reach the goal.
90. Keep in mind that information is power.
All information has the power to influence.