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The 60 best phrases (and reflections) of famous comedians

Comedians not only put a smile on our face and brighten our day, but also make us reflect on various topics, in a different way. They are people who know how to use humor to communicate and leave messages that make us analyze our actions.

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Best quotes and phrases of famous comedians

To learn more about the impact of humor on us, we bring a compilation with the best quotes from famous comedians.

1. Everything is fun, as long as it happens to someone else. (William Rogers)

Sometimes the misfortunes of others are funny.

2. Never mock for free. You are a comedian, not a politician. (Jo Soares)

Comedy shows are for having a good time.

3. All of my photos are built around the idea of ​​getting me in trouble and thus giving me the opportunity to be desperately serious in my attempt to appear like a normal little gentleman. (Charles Chaplin)

The process behind Chaplin's genius.

4. Comedians say sensible things in madness and madness in sanity. (Carlo Dossi)

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A subtle way of making us wake up to various situations in society.

5. All life is a joke. To be born, to die… What a joke! (Michael Gila)

That is why you should never take life so seriously.

6. We comedians are important enough to be arrested and not important enough to be released. (Million Fernandes)

Speaking about the repression of humorists by the government.

7. Humor is like fruit, meat or life, if it's good, it's wonderful and if not, it's shit. (Jose Luis Coll)

It all depends on how people see it.

8. The comedian, like the beast, is always alone. (Soren Kierkegaard)

There are those who reject comedians for believing that they do not take anything seriously.

9. One day I went to the doctor to get rid of the desire to smoke and the truth is that he has succeeded. Now I smoke without desire. (Eugene)

Vices are difficult to remove.

10. The humorist is almost always a man who is not very benevolent and never happy. (Hipolito Taine)

On the bitter side of comedians.

11. Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute. (Josh Billings)

The biggest challenge for a comedian is keeping the audience awake.

12. You have to have faith in yourself. Therein lies the secret. (Charles Chaplin)

The key to achieving the things we want is trusting that we can achieve it.

13. I was arrested three times: for being a journalist, broadcaster and comedian. If he knew, he would be corrupt. (ediel)

A direct attack on freedom of expression.

14. Even when I was in the orphanage and wandering the streets looking for what to eat for a living, even then, I considered myself the greatest actor in the world. (Charles Chaplin)

Having a great vision of himself in the future.

15. She had everything she wanted, but she wasn't being myself. So I decided to be honest about who she was. (Ellen Degeneres)

One of the most difficult moments for this comedian was being honest about her sexual orientation.

16. Humor is the mirror where the stupidity of the human being is reflected. (Michael Gila)

Do you think this is the only element of comedy?

17. A country has the politicians and comedians it deserves. (Thiago Benedict)

An interesting reflection on the people's elections.

18. Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you're not surrounded by idiots. (Faemino and Tired)

Sometimes surrounding ourselves with negative people makes our mood drop.

19. I think that Humanism is intimately linked to the evolution of people, to the overcoming of the Human Being. (Mario Moreno "Cantinflas")

Talking about the power of understanding and empathy in humans.

20. He who, in life, has started from scratch to reach nothing, he does not have to thank anyone. (Pierre Dack)

Each one owns his destiny.

21. For Brazilians, when he is not a politician, he is a comedian. (Brenon Salvador)

An extreme vision of humor.

22. The best comedian is the one who knows how to laugh at his own jokes. (Eduardo Henrique Correia da Silva)

Something vital for any comedian.

23. Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. (William Rogers)

You need to act and work to be able to stand out.

24. I'm not a comedian, much less a clown, I take the smile off your face so I don't see your tears fall. (Cleyton Leonard P.)

Comedy helps us get through stormy times.

25. I always believed that overcoming the trade is linked to overcoming the entire being. (Mario Moreno "Cantinflas")

First you have to improve internally to be the best outside.

26. Every comedian I've ever met is depressed. (Adrian Peralta)

Apparently, melancholy is closely related to humor.

27. It was weird: People who loved me for being funny suddenly didn't love me for being…the way I am. (Ellen Degeneres)

It's hard when people turn away from you for not being how they want you to be.

28. Do you know what the problem with life is? That he doesn't have danger music. (Jim Carrey)

Referring to life needs more fun.

29. I prefer Anacleto. James Bond is very uptight. (Berto Romero)

Each person has the favorite characters of him.

30. The Indians were not the only ones with feathers in the far west. (Andreu Buenafuente)

Everyone has their secrets to hide.

31. Some comedians are so absent-minded, so incompetent, so unfair, so moody -or all of that together- because they only know how to make "humor" by making fun of others, of the mothers of others, of the children of the rest... Never yours! (Orlando Allergy)

A criticism of heavy humor that seems to be more of a form of attack.

32. An optimist is one who believes that everything has a solution. A pessimist is one who thinks the same, but he knows that no one is going to try. (Jaume Perich)

In the end, if you don't solve your problems, nobody will do it for you.

33. The difference between a comedian and a prejudiced is that one laughs with everyone and the other laughs at someone. (Bruno Marquez)

An interesting reflection on what it is to be a true comedian.

34. I took a speed reading course and was able to read "War and Peace" in twenty minutes. I think he was saying something about Russia. (Woody Allen)

A joke about how long and boring books can get.

35. For the comedian, the least fun part is the humor; the funniest part is the humor it provides to the audience. (Joni Baltar)

The real goal they pursue.

36. When a comedian makes us shed the tears of the soul, it is the most beautiful expression of art and artist. (Nereu Alves)

It is the purest essence of the art of comedy.

37. Life is a play that does not allow rehearsals... That's why sing, laugh, dance, cry and live every moment of your life intensely... Before the curtain falls and the play ends without applause. (Charles Chaplin)

Do what you want to do in your life, as long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt others.

38. Everyone is as he is, and he already has enough misfortune. (Jose Luis Coll)

All people must assume their strengths and weaknesses.

39. Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive. (Elbert Hubbard)

Life is a ride that eventually ends.

40. I don't know the key to success, but I do know that the key to failure is trying to please everyone. (Woody Allen)

This is why you should always focus on pleasing yourself.

41. Comedians should be rich. After all, the government gives us the raw material for free. (ediel)

Many comedians use political situations as a driving force for their acts.

42. I'm not sure how I became a comedian or a comedic actor. Maybe it is not. In any case, I have made a very good living for a number of years posing as one of them. (Groucho Marx)

A natural talent that he managed to develop over time, until it became his way of life.

43. Every time a comedian dies, the world seems to get sadder. (Saint Clair Mello)

It is a loss of someone who brought joy.

44. For me humor is not only telling jokes, it is my life. (Small of the Causeway)

A life that knows how to enjoy.

45. I'm a comic actor, I feel good there, I don't feel anxious having to break that image. (Berto Romero)

A role that has become his entire life.

46. The Brazilian comedian needs to understand that there is a very fine line between the comic and the insult. (Renato Arruda Pimenta)

A call to attention to what some comedians consider 'funny', when it can be cruel.

47. The world should laugh more, but after having eaten. (Mario Moreno "Cantinflas")

Without a doubt, the world needs more joy.

48. One of the most difficult tasks for the humorist is to make people understand that this is his job. (Philip Street)

There are those who take to heart the things that comedians say.

49. We are all gifted with a spark of madness, don't waste it! (Robin-Williams)

Your imagination is the most powerful weapon you have.

50. The success of comedians shows us that not everything in life is meant to be taken seriously. Play, smile. (Aprisderito Agorito)

It is a way of showing us that we can have fun without guilt.

51. Without absolute self-confidence, one is destined to fail. (Charles Chaplin)

To cross all the obstacles that are on the way, it is necessary to have self-confidence.

52. I was supposed to be born in winter, but since we were poor and had no heating, I waited until May. (Michael Gila)

A funny way to recount a hard childhood.

53. When I was a child I complained to my father because he had no toys and he responded by pointing his index finger to his forehead: This is the best toy ever created. Everything is here. That is the secret of our happiness. (Charles Chaplin)

A valuable lesson, the power of creativity.

54. Smiles and tears flow from the same source. They are like citrus, they exude acidity and sweetness at the same time. (Adrian Peralta)

Explaining that laughter and sadness come from the same place.

55. My father was a very humble man. He never wanted to admit that he was my father. (Jose Luis Coll)

One of the worst faults in a person's life is not having met his parents.

56. That's what being a comedian is, even when a comedy turns against the comedian, somehow everyone finds the fun. (Georgiana Alves)

Fun is the ultimate goal of every comedian.

57. The reason for my life has been overcoming. If he had chosen to be a carpenter, he would be a good carpenter; if he had been an electrician, he would now be a very good electrician. (Mario Moreno "Cantinflas")

Cantinflas teaches us that we can always improve, because we are constantly growing.

58. Living in a country where there is more supervision of the comedian than of the politician, the reality of Brazilian society. (Julia Coquito)

An irony, punishment for those who do not deserve it and freedom for criminals.

59. Politics is the art of looking for problems, finding them, making a false diagnosis, and then applying the wrong remedies. (Groucho Marx)

A critique of the mishandling of politics.

60. It is much better to risk and starve than to give up. (Jim Carrey)

We cannot be sure of success or failure if we do not try.

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