The 100 best phrases of altruism
Altruism is the maximum capacity for selflessness that a person can show when helping someone else.
This term was created by Auguste Comte, a French philosopher who wanted to define a concept that was opposed to egoism. It consists of procuring the good of others in a disinterested way even when it can go against one's own interests. If you want to delve into this concept, you will be interested in this selection of the best quotes about altruism.
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The most inspiring phrases about altruism
With this collection of quotes and thoughts about altruism, we will be able to reflect on our actions and the importance of helping others, without expecting any kind of reward.
1. A friend, a person who is truly understanding, who takes the trouble to listen to us and consider our problems, can change our vision of the world. (Elton Mayo)
A true friend is one who not only listens to our problems, but also gives us advice to deal with such a situation.
2. The great passions can give us a sense of accelerated life, ecstasy and pain of love, the various forms of enthusiastic activity, disinterested or not, that is natural for many of us. (Walter Pater)
You have to live each day in such a way that neither the problems nor any situation trigger positive or negative enthusiasms of which we can later regret.
3. The man is a miracle without interest. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
The help we provide to others must be selfless.
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4. It is time to stop seeing our friendships as a luxury and start recognizing them for what they really are: a powerful means to invest in our well-being, development and community. (Miriam Kirmayer)
Friendship is a union that will last according to our behavior.
5. Humanity needs dreamers, for whom the selfless development of a company is so captivating that it is impossible for them to devote their care to their own material benefit. (Marie Curie)
We must focus on helping others as if they were family.
6. Generosity is, by definition, selfless. (Piero Ferrucci)
Being generous must be a selfless act.
7. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the achievement. Total effort is total victory. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Don't focus on the goal, but on the path that leads you to it.
8. Of all the varieties of virtue, generosity is the most esteemed. (Aristotle)
A generous person is worth knowing.
9. The best way to be remembered is by showing a generous heart. (George Sand)
Generosity is a way for someone to remember us.
10. With time and maturity, you will discover that you have two hands; one to help you and one to help others. (Audrey Hepburn)
Just as you seek a better quality of life for yourself, you must also do so with others.

11. Generosity, kindness, honesty and a sense of humor make us really rich. (Waylon Lewis)
Material things are not what generates wealth, but those that come from the heart.
12. True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. (Suzie Orman)
When help is given, it must be selfless and full of love.
13. When you give alms, do not blow the trumpet in front of you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to be praised by men. (Saint Matthew)
Let others not know how kind you are.
14. Those who love themselves are very affectionate, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness, and inclusion. (Sanaya Roman)
Humility and forgiveness must be the fundamental foundation of every person.
15. The law of prosperity is generosity. If you want more, give more. (Bob Proctor)
With the same measure that you give to others, life will reward you.
16. The most generous people are those who give quietly without hope of praise or reward. (Carol Ryrie Brink)
If you're going to help someone, do it in such a way that others won't find out.
17. We must give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly and without hesitation; since there is no grace in a benefit that clings to the fingers. (Seneca)
If you receive you also have to give.
18. The great lesson is that the sacred is hidden in the ordinary, in everyday life: in neighbors, friends, family; in our own backyard. (Abraham Maslow)
Every day is a new opportunity to give to the needy.
19. Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. (Theodore Roosevelt)
Not only money represents a form of help, but also a hug or listening to someone.
20. Even the most disinterested love is, after all, but a kind of bargain, in which self-love always sets out to win one way or the other. (François de La Rochefoucauld)
When you help someone, do it with true love.
21. Interest, which blinds some, enlightens others. (François de la Rochefoucauld)
Do not do things out of interest, it is useless.
22. If you want to attract attention by doing a good deed, then it is not a good deed, it is a selfish act. Because? Not only have you patted yourself on the back, but you're encouraging others to do the same. (Donna Lynn Hope)
When giving help, make sure no one sees you.
23. No worthy man will ask to be thanked for what costs him nothing. (Terence)
Do not ask for anything in exchange for offering help.
24. The most generous tend to be the most humble. (Rene Descartes)
Humility is a great act of love towards others.
25. If you ever don't get the expected smile, be generous and give yours. Because no one needs a smile as much as someone who doesn't know how to smile at others. (Dalai Lama)
Smiling can change a sadness for joy.
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26. The heart that gives, gathers. (Tao Te Ching)
Everything you give selflessly will come back to you abundantly.
27. My intention is to be generous in spirit and live with complete integrity every day of my life. (Deepak Chopra)
Being generous is a lifestyle that pleases the spirit and comforts the heart.
28. Generosity, kindness, honesty and a sense of humor make us really rich. (Waylon Lewis)
Generosity should not be openly disclosed.
29. Generosity is produced in the heart, selfishness is approved by the mind. (Dr.T. Q. shish)
Keep your heart away from selfishness.
30. Even karma rewards generosity. The good you do must be returned to you. (Chinonye J. Chidalue)
What you give today, tomorrow will return to your life.
31. Liberality is the first daughter of love and the most attractive lodestone for the irons of the will. (Lope de Vega)
Altruism is synonymous with love.
32. Only a happy person can make another happy. (Phil Bosmans)
Happiness is contagious, so learn to be happy.
33. Be good, be kind, be humane and charitable, love your fellow men, comfort the afflicted; forgive those who have hurt you. (Zoroaster)
Treat the others as you want the others treat you.
34. Discover the inner energy and deliver it to renew the world; behold altruism. (Raphael Barrett)
Give your best, give your heart.
35. Anonymity is the most genuine expression of altruism. (Eric Gibson)
Don't brag about the charity you do.
36. We have been taught that the ego is synonymous with evil and altruism the ideal of virtue. But while the creator is selfish and intelligent, the altruist is an imbecile who doesn't think, doesn't feel, doesn't judge, doesn't act. These are functions of the ego. (Ain Rand)
It is useless to do a good act, if we do it to appear to be better.
37. Where grace happens, generosity happens. (Max Lucado)
Every moment provides the opportunity to practice generosity.
38. No one has more love than the one who gives his life for those he loves. (Paul Claudell)
Who gives everything with love, receives the same.
39. Life is not about understanding, but about loving, helping others and working. (Alexis Carrel)
Helping others should be the goal of every person.
40. There is no better springboard than a bad conscience to jump into philanthropy. (John Ernst Steinbeck)
If a person wants to redeem himself, he only has to practice philanthropy.
41. Sometimes we are altruistic and other times, selfish. Without selfishness we could not survive, and without altruism we could not live together. (Mario Bunge)
There are times when selfishness is stronger than the desire to help.
42. If we can make someone more joyful and happy, we should do it in any case. (H. Hesse)
Seeing others happy for our actions is something that is priceless.
43. It is in giving that we receive. (San Francisco de Asis)
The more you give, the more you will receive.
44. Love is the only thing that grows when shared. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
The satisfaction of giving is what really matters.
45. This is the life-giving power of generosity: to do good to others, simply because you can. (Jan Grace)
If you can help someone, then don't miss the opportunity to do it.
46. Feeding selfishness you will never be part of the builders of Peace. (Antonio Paez Pinzon)
Selfishness does not generate peace.
47. You will recognize a true teacher by his altruism. (Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov)
A good teacher is one who teaches through generosity.
48. Being humble towards superiors is a duty; towards equals, a sample of courtesy; towards the inferiors, a proof of nobility. (Benjamin Franklin)
Do not help someone who is of the same level as it does not make sense, but focus on those most in need.
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49. A man only has the right to look down on another when he has to help him up. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
No one has the right to humiliate others just for the sake of helping them.
50. Anonymity is the most genuine expression of altruism. (Eric Gibson)
When you give help, let it be anonymous.
52. We are outstanding at making a living but often fail to build our lives. (David G. Myers)
Focusing on helping yourself also has its rewards.
53. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive egoism. (Martin Luther King)
Each person has the ability to choose his path.
54. The person who does not have a charitable heart suffers from the worst heart disease. (Bob Hope)
Evil does not let the heart smile.
55. He does not give in order to receive; Giving is, in itself, an exquisite bliss. (Erich Frommm)
Don't give anything with the purpose of receiving something in return, that's not how generosity works.
56. Generosity is what prevents things from taking over us.
Do not accumulate wealth, because you do not know if you are going to enjoy it.
57. Money allows you to live better, but it is not what inspires me, I live to play football not for its economic benefits, also I play for the team and not for myself. (Leo Messi)
Things have to be done because they fill us with happiness.
58. Love never claims; always give. (Indira Gandhi)
Do not claim what you give.
59. If you ever doubt yourself, do it as God would: with love and altruism. That is what I try to convey to the world. (Madonna)
Do not doubt your abilities, generosity is also towards oneself.
60. The social and virtual distances that characterize life have generated an anomaly that today we consider normal. And that distance prevents the development of empathy, without which altruism is impossible. (Daniel Golemman)
Don't let someone's social status make you give up helping them.
61. A worthy man should help the needy, but not increase the wealth of the rich. (Confucius)
Help those who really need it.
62. The greatest pleasure I know is to stealthily do a good deed and let it be found out by accident. (Charles Lamb)
Make things happen in a way that no one notices and let others discover it.
63. There is generosity in giving, but gentleness in receiving. (Freya Stark)
When someone is generous with you, be gentle.
64. People who practice being grateful are usually more generous. (Lalney Garretson)
Gratitude is essential in life.
65. We are going to try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are all born selfish. (Richard Dawkins)
Generosity is learned just like selfishness.
66. He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Helping others is a duty that we all must have.
67. Altruism is the doctrine that demands that man live for others and place others above himself. (Ain Rand)
Teaching others to be self-sufficient is a way of being generous.
68. If there are two moral attitudes that our time urgently needs, they are self-control and altruism. (Daniel Golemman)
Control your expenses and focus on helping those in need.
69. The greatest joys, on the other hand, are not those that we enjoy ourselves, but those that we procure for others. (Baron Pierre De Coubertin)
The joy of the people we help is the best reward we can have.
70. The lack of generosity when winning diminishes the merit and the fruits of victory. (Giuseppe Mazzini)
Don't let your life lack generosity.
71. What you do for others will bear fruit. (Singhalese proverb)
Do good without looking at who will reward you.
72. Remember that the happiest people are not those who receive more, but those who give more. (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)
True happiness comes when we give from the heart.
73. Generosity is not giving me what I need more than you, but giving me what you need more than me. (Khalil Gibran)
Getting rid of what we think we need is the essence of altruism.
74. This is the life-giving power of generosity: to do good to others, simply because you can. (Jan Grace)
Do not stop being generous since, even in cases of poverty, there is always something to give.
75. When our attitude towards ourselves is great and our attitude towards others is generous and merciful, we attract large and generous portions of success. (W. Clement Stone)
Success depends on the degree of generosity we have.
76. Generosity is giving more than you can. (Khalil Gibran)
Generosity is not giving what you have left over, it is giving what you have.
77. Charity begins at my house, and justice next door. (Charles Dickens)
We must start altruism at home and respect in the neighbor's home.
78. True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. (Suzie Orman)
May your generosity be free and full of love.
79. The hidden root does not ask for any prize for filling the branches with fruit. (Rabindranath Tagore)
Do your acts of generosity quietly.
80. Vanity always betrays our prudence and even our interest. (Jacinto Benavente)
Do not think yourself superior to others just because you are generous.
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81. Our culture places great importance on self-expression, but is relatively uninterested in producing selves worth expressing. (Matthew Kelly)
Egocentrism does not go hand in hand with altruism.
82. Friendship has a profound effect on physical well-being. Having good personal relationships helps improve health and combat depression. (Eugene Kennedy)
Friendship is a way to help you catharsis.
83. Love as you can, love who you can, love all you can. Don't worry about the purpose of your love. (Loved nerve)
Love without measure, be generous in that.
84. Generosity is compassion in action, and it is love in action. (Barbara Bonner)
Compassion is full of love, it is an act of generosity.
85. Calling attention to your own generosity is equivalent to indicating that others are indebted to you and that you expect compensation. (Marvin Harris)
Do not disclose your generosity since, if you do, it is waiting for something that may not come.
86. For me true generosity is like this: one gives everything and always feels as if it had cost nothing. (Simone deBeauvoir)
If you complain about what you give, then don't.
87. Be a warrior when it comes to fulfilling your ambitions and a saint when it comes to treating people with respect, modeling generosity, and showing yourself with absolute love. (Robin S. sharma)
Fight to achieve your goals, but also try to be humble with others.
88. You have not finished living the day until you have done something for another who will never repay you. (John Bunyan)
Don't let your day end without helping someone first.
89. be blessed. In the same way that you are transforming your life, transform that of others around you. (Paulo Coelho)
Just as you seek to change your life, also do it with others.
90. Love is forgetfulness of self. (Henri-Frederic Amiel)
Who truly loves, focuses on others and not on himself.
91. I love how you can be both the most selfish person and the most generous person. (Vera Farmiga)
You can be selfish at times, but at the same time be generous.
92. But the generous will think generosity, and by generosity he will be exalted. (Biblical saying)
Generosity means that the people who practice them are recognized at the right time.
93. Not taking revenge on an enemy when the opportunity arises is a test of humility; but pitying him when he has fallen from grace is the greatest sign of generosity. (Plato)
Do not respond with offenses to those who have offended you, life will take care of putting everything in its place.
94. Generosity does not need a reward; it pays itself. (Hippolyte de Livry)
Being generous makes the reward you get bigger.
95. Happiness is when what you think, say and do are in harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Seek that your thoughts and actions are on the same path.
96. True friendship must be based on the things we share and will share in the future, without any intention of getting anything in return. (Jorge Bucay)
True friends support each other without expecting any reward.
97. I love you without you wanting me, which is the true love, because wanting so that you love me is loving out of interest. (John Balderrama)
Love should be given without any interest.
98. Writing is selflessness. There is a certain renunciation in art. (Anthony Burgess)
You have to give up certain things when you really practice altruism.
99. Friendship is an affective relationship based on communication, understanding, mutual support, affection and harmony among its members. (Carl Rogers)
Friendship is a bond that depends a lot on supporting each other.
100. The lack of generosity when winning diminishes the merit and the fruits of victory. (Giuseppe Mazzini)
If you are not generous, life is not pleasant.