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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of famous philosophers

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Philosophers have been a very important representation of knowledge for humanity. Not only offering a new perspective of the world in which we live, but also as a fundamental basis for the development of science, by seeking to resolve all the questions that surround life in general.

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Best Quotes and Phrases of Famous Philosophers

This compilation with the best phrases of famous philosophers allows us to reflect on our actions and the way we move around the world.

1. Intelligence consists not only of knowledge, but also of the ability to apply knowledge in practice. (Aristotle)

It is useless to learn something if you are not going to put it to the test.

2. True wisdom is in recognizing one's own ignorance. (Socrates)

Ignorance can be overthrown when we seek the knowledge that we lack.

3. Freedom is in being masters of your own life. (Plato)

No one should control your life, because it is yours.

4. A harmful truth is better than a useful lie. (mann)

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All lies collapse with time.

5. I consider the one who conquers his desires to be braver than the one who conquers his enemies, since the hardest victory is the victory over oneself. (Aristotle)

Without a doubt, facing our personal problems is the hardest of battles.

6. You ask me why I buy rice and flowers? I buy rice to live and flowers to have something to live for. (Confucius)

Just surviving does not give us the happiness we need to enjoy life.

7. The most difficult thing is to know ourselves; the easiest is to speak ill of others. (Thales of Miletus)

There is an ingrained fear of facing ourselves.

8. We do not judge the people we love. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Judging someone is the worst sin, imagine doing it with someone you say you love.

9. Don't let grass grow in the way of friendship. (Socrates)

Friendship is the most valuable treasure we have, because it is the family we choose to have.

10. No one is happy throughout his life. (Euripides)

Happiness is not a perpetual state, but it is constant when we find various reasons for it.

11. Being idle is the short road to death, being diligent is a way of life; foolish people are inactive, wise people are diligent. (Buddha)

When we are inactive we fall into a comfort zone that is difficult to get out of.

12. The teacher is the correct synthesis of natural disposition and constant exercise. (Protagoras)

Being a teacher involves a commitment to education and motivation.

13. The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead. (Aristotle)

A difference that is perceptible, not only because of the knowledge, but also because of the values ​​that are acquired.

14. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

It is normal to want to throw in the towel, but perseverance and effort pay off.

15. Only cowards are brave with women. (Julius Caesar)

A critique of men who abuse women just because they can.

16. If the soul is of an immortal nature, if at birth it insinuates itself into the body, how is it that we cannot remember the past life, nor do we have any remnants of the old events? (Lucretius)

An interesting question, do you believe in past lives?

17. We acquire the habit of living before the habit of thinking. (Albert Camus)

Impulsivity leads us to commit acts that we later regret.

18. Only he who builds the future has the right to judge the past. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

You can't point to something if you haven't been through it.

19. Happiness is not doing what one wants but wanting what one does. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

When we love what we do, it is an enjoyment not an obligation.

20. Men always forget that human happiness is a disposition of the mind and not a condition of circumstances. (John Locke)

Much of human infidelity is due to the distortion we have of the world.

21. Some people make things happen. Some people see things happen. And then there are those who wonder: 'What the hell just happened?' (Carroll Bryant)

People react differently and your future depends on it.

22. The world is founded on States; States, in families; and families, in people. (Mencius)

We are part of a whole in society.

23. What little I know I owe to my ignorance. (Plato)

Curiosity leads us to acquire more knowledge and great skills.

24. Some believe that to be friends it is enough to want, as if to be healthy it is enough to desire health. (Aristotle)

Love is not enough in any relationship, it also takes commitment, respect and admiration.

25. We live in the best of all possible worlds. (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)

If we all understood this, we would surely make this a better world.

26. To be is to be perceived. (George Berkeley)

When we distance ourselves, we also lose part of our identity.

27. The entire history of human society, up to the present, is a history of class struggle. (Karl Marx)

The inexplicable need of the human being to categorize people by their social conditions.

28. The wisest thing is time, because it clarifies everything. (Thales of Miletus)

Time helps us understand things that we couldn't before.

29. Hope is the worst of evils, because it prolongs man's torment. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

When we cling to hope but do nothing to improve, things will never change.

30. Ignorance is the night of the mind: but a night without moon and without stars. (Confucius)

A mist that prevents people from opening up to all the differences that inhabit the world.

31. Only in solitude is the thirst for truth felt. (Maria Zambrano)

Solitude has to be a space for analysis and reflection.

32. A bad peace is always better than the best of wars. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Even if it is a small peace agreement, that brings more peace to people than living eternally in conflict.

33. We can imagine everything, predict everything, except how far we can sink. (AND. Cioran)

Failures sometimes come from unforeseen events.

34. He who knows himself knows the being of the Universe. (Teachings of the Upanishads)

By knowing each other, we have the power to face any change in life.

35. Immature love says: “I love you because I need you”. The mature says: “I need you because I love you”. (Erich Fromm)

Two ways to know when love is true and, above all, lasting.

36. The basis of any State is the education of its young people. (Diogenes)

A nation is advanced when the education of its people is of quality.

37. We seldom think about what we have; but always in what we lack. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

We have a perpetual need to complain about what we don't have.

38. Happiness is in freedom, and freedom in courage. (Pericles)

Courage to take life in our hands and do what we love.

39. There are men who work as if they were going to live forever. (Democritus)

Obsessing ourselves with work only leads us to put aside the most important things in life.

40. The great talent comes, more than from the intellectual elements and from a social refinement superior to that of others, from the faculty of transmitting them, of inverting them. (Proust)

Natural talent is useless if you are not going to work to refine it.

41. All great events take place in our minds. (Oscar Wilde)

Every great advance, achievement and goal achieved began as an idea.

42. Leisure is the mother of philosophy. (Thomas Hobbes)

We can take advantage of free time to do great things.

43. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. (Nicolas Machiavelli)

That's why we can't listen to people's mean comments.

44. Love and do what you want. If you are silent, you will be silent with love; if you scream, you will scream with love; if you correct, you will correct with love, if you forgive, you will forgive with love. (Saint Augustine of Hippo)

In conclusion, do everything with love.

45. Time is a great veil suspended before eternity as if to hide it from us. (Tertullian)

Don't waste your time doing something you hate.

46. Life can only be understood backwards, but it can only be lived forwards. (Soren Kierkegaard)

The past teaches us how we should live our future.

47. To fall in love is to be enchanted by something, and something can only enchant if it is or appears to be perfection. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

That dazzling moment when we fall in love with someone special.

48. The sage does not pretend anything: neither to be good, nor to be strong, nor to be docile, nor to be rebellious, nor to be contradictory, nor to be coherent… he only wants to be. (Jorge Bucay)

Live life your way, knowing what you can do.

49. A truth that is said with bad intention. Overcome all the lies you can invent. (WilliamBlake)

Truths also hurt, if you don't know how to say them.

50. Loving someone deeply gives us strength. Feeling deeply loved by someone gives us courage. (Lao Tse)

Love gives us motivation to keep improving.

51. All life sustains each other. Within you is salvation. (Mahavira)

We can only make progress when we are committed to having meaningful change.

52. Why do you seek happiness, oh mortals, outside of yourselves, when you have it within yourselves? (Boethius)

When we are not comfortable with ourselves, we will never be satisfied with anything outside.

53. And above all this, clothe yourselves with love, which is the bond of perfection. (Paul of Tarsus)

Love is what makes relationships perfect.

54. Each person takes the limits of her own field of vision for the limits of the world. (Arthur Schopenhauer) |

Many limits that we think we have are actually barriers that we create in our minds.

55. The beauty in things exists in the mind that contemplates them. (David Humes)

Each person has their own concept of beauty.

56. I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature. (Baruch Spinoza)

To overcome a situation, we must solve its origin.

57. The greater the difficulty, the more glory there is in overcoming it. (Epicurus)

Celebrate each of your wins, no matter how big or small.

58. Life is divided into three tenses: present, past and future. Of these, the present is very brief; the future, doubtful; the past, right. (Seneca)

That is why we must live in the now that is happening and not worry about what we can no longer control.

59. The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself. (Galileo Galilei)

It is the first step to have control over ourselves.

60. The youth of today seem to have no respect for the past and no hope for the future. (Hippocrates)

A scenario that seems to repeat itself in all times.

61. Listen, you will be wise. The beginning of wisdom is silence. (Pythagoras)

There are times when we need to learn to listen to understand.

62. Our most deeply rooted, most indubitable convictions are the most suspect. They form our limit, our borders, our prison. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

It is fine to have our own beliefs, but they must be flexible enough to adapt to changes.

63. He who is happier with less has more. (Diogenes)

When you are happy with what you have, you are able to appreciate more what is new and do not allow yourself to be swept away by greed.

64. Curiosity is the lust of the mind. (Thomas Hobbes)

A power that leads us to discover new things, but can also get us into thousands of problems.

65. It is an indisputable principle that in order to know how to command well, it is necessary to know how to obey. (Aristotle)

To take power, you must first respect the laws.

66. If in the midst of adversity the heart perseveres with serenity, with joy and with peace, this is love. (Saint Teresa of Jesus)

Love is capable of overcoming everything, as long as it always puts itself first.

67. Philosophy is the search for truth as a measure of what man should do and as a standard for his conduct. (Socrates)

Describing what philosophy means to Socrates.

68. Don't hurt others with what causes you pain. (Buddha)

No innocent person should pay for something he didn't do.

69. New reviews are always suspect, and are usually rejected, for no reason other than that they are not common. (J. Locke)

We tend to look down on things that represent massive change.

70. The problem of women has always been a problem of men. (Simone deBeauvoir)

Restrictions on women are a human rights problem.

71. The purpose of education is to show people how to learn for themselves. The other concept of education is indoctrination. (Noam Chomski)

The best education is the one that teaches its students to be independent.

72. Silence is the only friend that never betrays. (Confucius)

We will always need a moment or a quiet space to rest.

73. In love there is always something crazy. In madness there is always some reason. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Madness appears when we listen to our hearts instead of our reason.

74. I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. (Evelyn Beatrice Hall)

Everyone has an opinion about him and has the right to say it.

75. First of all you must guard against suspicion, because that is the poison of friendship. (Saint Augustine of Hippo)

In the face of any misunderstanding, it is advisable to face the situation instead of assuming wrong things.

76. The main elements that make up a satisfied life are two: tranquility and stimulation (John Stuart Mill)

Tranquility of a conflict-free life and encouragement to do something we love.

77. Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of the imagination. (Immanuel Kant)

Since it is a vision of our dreams, we tend to look for a life that does not exist.

78. God is dead! Stay dead! And we have killed him among all. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

A critique about setting aside values ​​for the corruption of consumerism.

79. We are what we do, day by day. So excellence is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)

When we want to achieve something, it must become a daily routine.

80. Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have something to say. (Plato)

There are people who speak for no reason, just to impress or attract attention.

81. From the whole is born the one, and from the one is born the whole. (Heraclitus)

We are part of the whole and therefore, that is part of us.

82. Justice without mercy is cruelty. (Thomas Aquinas)

Justice must not only be given, but must comfort.

83. Happiness is a wonderful article: the more one gives, the more one has left. (BlaisePascal)

Happiness is something that is shared, because it is not selfish.

84. There are no evil thoughts, except one: refusing to think. (Ayn Rand)

Many of the discriminatory attacks are made out of ignorance of what we do not know.

85. We can't always please, but we can always try to be likeable. (Voltaire)

Never stop being kind, because that is the way relationships with others are built.

86. When a man thinks big, he's wrong big. (Martin Heidegger)

Mistakes are part of building a dream.

87. Who gets angry at the criticism, recognizes that he deserved it. (Tacit)

When we take something personally, it is because it affects us inside.

88. Let's forget what has already happened, because it can be regretted, but not remade. (Livy Titus)

The things of the past can no longer be changed. They hurt, but you have to move on.

89. I would never die for my beliefs, because I could be wrong. (Bertrand Russell)

By clinging to their own beliefs, many misfortunes have been unleashed.

90. What worries you dominates you. (John Locke)

When something negative dominates us, we end up being a mess.

91. It is characteristic of censorship to accredit the opinions that they attack. (Voltaire)

Censorships are created to prevent people from hearing what they need and not what they want.

92. Science is not only compatible with spirituality, but is a profound source of spirituality. (Carl Sagan)

Science should not be at odds with a person's spiritual beliefs.

93. The greatest declaration of love is the one that is not made; The man that feels a lot, speaks little. (Plato)

Love needs to be shown, otherwise it withers.

94. A true friend is the one who arrives when everyone has left. (Albert Camus)

The darkest situations show us who really are friends.

95. Knowledge is power. (Francis Bacon)

There is never too much knowledge to learn.

96. I can't teach anyone anything. I can only make you think. (Socrates)

The main role of teachers

97. The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn. (B. Russell)

Not only do we have to take the opportunities to move forward, but also give up what is bad for us, even if we don't want to.

98. Before convincing the intellect, it is essential to touch and predispose the heart. (BlaisePascal)

The intellect, without emotions, turns us into machines.

99. If you cheat on me once, it's your fault; If you fool me two, it's mine. (Anaxagoras)

You can't blame others when you make the same mistake more than once.

100. Force and mind are opposites. Morality ends where the gun begins. (Ayn Rand)

Morality has been a hypocritical excuse to impose the beliefs of the powerful on others.

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