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What happens psychologically after abortion, and what to do?

Having an abortion can bring many emotional effects. Before this process, being aware of how we can feel after this, it is important first to know what to do with these feelings and thoughts. But we must also remember that an abortion does not always cause mental health problems or negative emotionsWell, women react to it in very different ways.

As you know there is an extensive debate about the idea of ​​abortion, this being a traumatic experience (women can suffer intense restlessness due to it) that is, it can suppose a post-mortem syndrome abortion.

Although these effects can be denied or defended by various specialists, there are common symptoms that women may experience after having one.

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What happens after an abortion?

Many of the symptoms of post-abortion syndrome are often similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Thus, research indicates that Symptoms of grief due to miscarriage or induced abortion may include the following:

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  • Guilt: Those grieving miscarriage or induced abortion can end up feeling regret, guilt, and even denial.
  • Depression: Some studies show a link between grief over miscarriage or induced abortion and the possibility of depression.
  • Problems in relationships: suffering from this issue can negatively influence relationships due to the emotional effects it entails. Having an abortion in women can affect sexual interests, causing them to increase or decrease.
  • Low self-esteem: mood swings, guilt, among other components related to abortion, can have a negative effect on a woman's self-esteem.
  • Mood swings: An abortion can cause many changes in our moods, causing individuals to experience sadness, anger, and frequent crying.
  • Sleep disorder: having nightmares is one of the most common symptoms, since abortion can influence the quality of sleep of women who suffer from it.

Experts who support "post abortion syndrome" indicate that these symptoms appear after the abortion is carried out and that can last for months, even years.

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Can grief over abortion cause depression?

Research around the topic of "abortion" is a challenge, since carrying it out is unethical. That's why, many of these studies are usually observational.

With this in mind, a 2015 study showed that having an abortion doesn't exactly predict the development of a mood disorder.

But this does not mean that it does not influence you to suffer from depression. In fact, it all depends on the individual and the situation. In this way, some of the most common reasons that can lead to depression after experiencing an abortion are:

  • Personality traits, such as low self-esteem
  • Voluntary and involuntary abortion. As well as the characteristics of pregnancy.
  • Having mental health problems before having an abortion
  • Lack of social support and stigma
Psychological symptoms after an abortion
  • Related article: "What is trauma and how does it influence our lives?"

How to overcome an abortion?

After an abortion, each case is different, so it is important to take into account the following tips to take care of our mental health in those moments.

1. Go to a professional

Being able to talk to someone neutral that you know that he will not judge you will be a great relief that will allow you to overcome an abortion. In this way, a professional can be of great help in this process.

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2. Don't suppress your feelings

Open up and talk about your feelings with your loved ones; this is the first step to overcoming an abortion. Expressing emotions will make this process much easier.

3. be kind to yourself

It is normal for women who have had an abortion to feel some guilt or shame.

Faced with these thoughts or feelings, it is important that you try to be more affable with yourself. Have more moments of internalization to be able to heal your interior and plan small moments during the week so you can enjoy your hobbies.

  • Related article: "Selfishness or self-care?"

4. Change your point of view

Abortion is a topic that can generate a lot of prejudice from others. To overcome it I recommend that you try to change the point of view that some individuals may think and always remember that it is a valid decision.

You will see that, with internal dedication and work, overcoming an abortion does not have to symbolize sequels on a psychological level for the women who go through it. Even so, it is vital to know when to ask our loved ones for help and to listen if we feel bad.

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