Who is the god of ISLAM and characteristics

The monotheistic religions They have been predominant in the world for centuries, occupying the largest number of believers and therefore having enormous relevance. One of the main monotheistic religions is the Islam and to know the god of him, in this lesson of a Teacher we must talk about who is the god of Islam and characteristics most prominent.
It is Islam is the monotheistic religion origin in the Arab area, being a belief created by Muhammadduring the seventh century. He has a abrahamic origin, that is to say, being born from the texts of Abraham, like the christianity and judaism, although in his case he changes the figure of God, for that of his own god known as Allah.
Followers of Islam are known as Muslims, a word whose meaning is "subject to the will of Allah". Although currently this word is used more and more to refer to nations where Islam is the most relevant religion and less and less to talk about the believers of Islam themselves.
The importance of Islam lies in the huge number of believers
with which he counts in the world, being the second religion with the largest number of followers and occupying 25% of the world population. There are 50 countries where Islam is relevant, although most of them are in Asia, and more specifically in the so-called Arab zone.We must bear in mind that not all believers in Islam are the same, since there are two large groups, Sunnis and Shiites. The former are the ones with the largest number of believers in the world, and the latter are those that we can find in Iran or Iraq.

The god of Islam is known as Allah. An eternal and divine being who created everything, he preserved it and that at some point will repeat everything. Muslims consider Allah to be the only god, owner of everything that exists, creator of the heavens and the earth, and totally perfect. It is believed that Allah is the one who gives the instincts to human beings so that they can have a full life.
Characteristics of Allah
To understand how Muslims view Allah, we need to talk about their main features and understand the vision that this religion has of its main god. The main characteristics of Allah are the following:
- Allah is completely omnipotent and omniscient, being totally powerful and being able to know everything that happens in the world at all times.
- He is merciful and compassionate to his faithful ones, forgiving his sins and not asking them not to do it again.
- He has no physical body or gender, although whenever he is talked about in the texts, masculine articles are usually used.
- He does not incarnate himself or choose a human body, as it is considered that by doing so Allah would relinquish the supreme and omniscient power of him.
- In the only god, there being no companion or some kind of trinity, he is unique and permanent.
- The image of him cannot be represented in any way, as it is considered an insult to represent something that does not have a body.
- Allah does not relate to human beings, as he is considered to be on another level from humanity, and he does not need to appear before them for them to believe in him.
- Allah is above evil and sins, and allows those faithful to him not to repent of them as long as they apologize to him.
- Muhammad is the only representative that Allah has had, being the only person who has been considered worthy of understanding his word.

To conclude this lesson on who is the god of Islam and characteristics, we must talk about the main differences between Allah and the Christian God, to better understand this deity from our Western vision. Their main differences are the following:
- Allah cannot be represented in any way, while the Christian God does have his representations both in art and in churches.
- Allah is unique, while God is a trinity made up of himself, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
- Allah cannot form himself in human form, while God has on occasion.
- Allah does not relate to humans or the faithful, while God has come down to earth to speak with his followers and help them.
- The Christian God asks his followers to repent of his sins, while Allah only wants them to apologize.
- Allah has only had Muhammad as a prophet, while God has had numerous prophets.
- Allah does not have companions, while God does have angels and some saints.