Psychologist Neuroscenter (Barcelona)
Neuroscenter is a unique clinical space. We are pioneers and point of reference in the integration of therapies and neurotherapies in Spain. We have two psychology centers located in Barcelona and Girona. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain harmony between body and mind. Our services are focused on anyone who wants to improve their quality of life on a psychological, physical or emotional level. We have a team of professionals with extensive experience to guide and accompany you throughout the therapeutic process.
Brain training with Neurofeedback together with EMDR therapy allows the brain to be "reprogrammed" by creating new neural networks and regulating the different brain waves. It is a non-invasive procedure, without side effects, and that offers scientifically proven fast and long-lasting results. Mental health is closely related to physical and emotional health. Thanks to PNI we know the relationship between our nervous and immune systems, that is, how emotions affect our immune system and vice versa.
Our goal is your well-being, and for this we have the latest technology in Neurofeedback, the best professionals, and well-cared facilities. At Neuroscenter we are constantly innovating and researching in order to offer the best to you and your loved ones.