Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in Castro Urdiales

Certified Pedagogue and Coach

I accompany and help girls and women to heal their self-esteem, manage their emotions, have favorable relationships, and ultimately to have greater self-knowledge. In addition to my work experience and my training, I include my personal development and my own transformation through different therapies. I'm still in constant training

Degree in Pedagogy, Speech Therapy and Master in Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology

Inpsiko is a comprehensive health center located in Castro Urdiales, Bilbao and Barakaldo. Our team is made up of professionals from different disciplines: Psychology, Speech Therapy, Pedagogy and Physiotherapy.

Degree in psychology

If you have come this far, it is because you have decided to end your discomfort. You may have been trying to deal with your problems alone for a long time. This is the ideal place for you if… • You are not going through your best moment. You feel lost, anxious, sad, unmotivated. • You think that your intimate relationships or your sexuality are not working as they should. • Your relationship with your partner is going through a rough patch and there is no way to fix it. • You want to love yourself more (and better).

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Due to the interest that the origin of human behavior has produced in me for 15 years, I have dedicated myself to delving into dynamics about comprehensive care for people. For the work in consultation I have reached a perspective of dynamic systems (systemic-relational, person-centered approach, family therapy, Gestalt therapy, active listening, body psychotherapy and psychonutrition), through the experience, training and influence of other health professionals Health. I offer a space and time for listening free of judgment and expectations that makes it possible to get in touch with one's own needs and accompany the person in the exploration of their mental attitudes, cultivating conscious self-leadership to attend to the different facets of the individual. When working under a psychonutritional approach in changing eating habits, it is highly recommended to complete the team with a nutrition professional. In these cases, I have the collaboration of Esperanza Gómez, who will identify patterns that use food as emotional comfort and excessively restrictive patterns that lead to bingeing.

Psychologists in Castro Urdiales

Degree in Pedagogy, Speech Therapy and Master in Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology Inpsiko ...

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Psychologists in Castro Urdiales

Certified Pedagogue and Coach I accompany and help girls and women to heal their self-esteem, man...

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