The 80 best phrases of Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke was known for being one of the most influential poets in Austrian culture and world literature, one of his most recognized works being 'Letters to a Young Poet'.
Born in Prague, in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, the life of this poet was not easy in his childhood, but he managed to overcome life thanks to his works. That's why we bring a compilation with the best quotes of Rainer Maria Rilke about his works and his personal life.
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Rainer Maria Rilke's most memorable phrases
In this selection of phrases by Rainer Maria Rilke you will find samples of the way of thinking of this artist.
1. God speaks to each of us as he does to us, then he walks with us silently out of the night.
God is the inner voice that guides us where we should go.
2. Beauty is but the beginnings of terror, which we are still able to bear, and we are so impressed because we serenely disdain to annihilate ourselves.
A reminder that we tend to let ourselves be blinded by beauty.
3. This is the miracle that happens to those who truly love: The more they give, the more they have.
When we share, our blessings multiply.
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4. Yes, all art is the result of having been in danger, of having lived an experience to the end, to the point where one cannot go further.
His opinion on art and his origin.
5. Turn your wall into a step.
A tip to take our obstacles as motivations to be better.
6. Fame is the sum of the misunderstandings that gather around a man.
You can't escape other people's comments when you get fame.
7. There are many people in the world, but there are still more faces, because each one has several.
Do not trust those you do not know well, because they can hide terrible things.
8. Love consists of two solitudes that protect, limit and try to make each other happy.
Two people who are committed to supporting each other through the good times and the bad.
9. To love is rather an opportunity, a sublime motive, offered to each individual to mature and become something in themselves; to become a world, a whole world, for the love of another.
Love is an opportunity to grow and appreciate life in a different way.
10. Delve into oneself and, for hours and hours, find no one... This is what matters knowing how to achieve.
Reach a point where loneliness becomes a space for introspection.
11. All who seek you tempt you. And those who find you tie you to the gesture and the image.
People will always have something to say, both for good and for bad.
12. Instead, I want to understand you as the earth understands you; With my maturation, mature your kingdom.
A serious relationship needs both people to make a commitment to grow.
13. The more you see, the more your own, the more personal, the more unique a life becomes.
Life is what we see in the world and want to do in it.
14. Reviews are letters to the public that no author has to open or read.
We must never let ourselves be carried away by malicious criticism from others.
15. Believe that with your feelings and with your work you are part of the most immense; the more strongly you cultivate that belief, the more reality and the world will depart from it.
Encouraging us to have more confidence in ourselves and work on our self-love.
16. Everything is flourishing recklessly; if they were voices instead of colours, there would be an incredible shriek in the heart of the night.
Nature can never be stopped, just like our will.
17. Dear friend, don't you see how everything that happens is always a beginning? And starting, itself, is always so beautiful!
Every day is a new beginning and the best thing is that it is never too late to do so.
18. Only those who do not exclude anything from its existence, nor what is enigmatic and mysterious, will be able to feel deeply his relations with another being as something alive, and only he will be in a position to determine by himself his own life.
To move forward, you have to have an open mind.
19. Loving is also good: loving is difficult.
Nothing that is really good is easy.
20. The goal of marriage is not to create a quick community by breaking down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each of the spouses designates the other as the guardian of his solitude, and therefore they show each other the greatest possible trust.
Your opinion about what it means to be married.
21. Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child who knows poems.
Spring is a demonstration that we can be reborn after any storm.
22. The will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.
No goal is achieved overnight, consistency and perseverance is needed.
23. And now let's believe in a long year that is given to us new, intact and full of things that have never been nor existed.
Many things can change in the course of a year.
24. Once the realization that infinite distances continue even between the closest human beings is accepted, a wonderful to live side by side, if they manage to love the distance between them that makes it possible for each one to see the other whole against the darling.
We all need a personal space and for this reason, distance does not imply that the relationships we build should be separated.
25. Man grows, flourishes and constantly renews himself in love, or he dies.
The love of wanting a better life, a promising future.
26. No great work of art has been created without the artist knowing danger.
Rilke considered danger to be the 'secret ingredient' behind art.
27. Make your ego porous.
The ego can close more doors for us than it can open for us.
28. If you think you can live without writing, don't write
No real writer stands without creating something with his lyrics.
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29. No feeling is final. Don't let me lose. Nearby is the country they call life. I know the reason for your seriousness.
Things eventually change because nothing in the world is static.
30. I live my life expanding the circle that extends throughout the world. I may never complete the last one, but I give myself to it.
Letting himself go along the path he decided to take in life.
31. Check if the writing is rooted in the bottom of your heart, confess to yourself if you would die if you were forbidden to write. Above all, ask yourself in the quietest hour of the night: Should I write?
Valuable tips to motivate writers in their fight.
32. Only the sadness that is carried among the crowd so that it can hide it is bad and dangerous.
It is never positive to hide emotions instead of facing them, because they will always come to take their toll.
33. To be an artist is: not to calculate, not to count, but to mature like the tree that does not press its sap, but remains Calm and confident under the storms of spring, without fear that after her another may never come. summer.
What for Rilke implies to be a true artist, to be connected with the soul.
34. If your everyday life seems poor to you, don't accuse her. Accuse yourself of not being poetic enough to perceive its riches.
The way we see life helps us or prevents us from enjoying it.
35. I have an interior that I ignored. That's how it is from now on. I don't know what's up.
It is always important to work to know ourselves.
36. Don't be fooled by what appears on the surface. In the depths is where everything becomes law.
Appearances are deceiving, that's why we have to take the time to get to know a person in depth.
37. The highest form of love is to be the protector of someone else's loneliness.
His particular vision of love.
38. We are in a stream where we must ride the tide. Sadness is also a wave.
Bad situations are like the tide, we must learn to surf them or we will drown in them.
39. We need, in love, to practice just this: letting go. Because holding on is easy; we don't need to learn it.
A controlled love never gets very far.
40. Being open-minded, patient, receptive and lonely, is everything.
Qualities necessary for all people.
41. Death is the side of life turned in a direction other than ours, not illuminated by us.
Death is just a state of life itself.
42. The person is not who they are during the last conversation you had with them, it is who they are throughout your relationship.
You can't really get to know someone after just one chat.
43. One has to do something against fear when it takes possession of one.
Fear paralyzes us, only when we let it.
44. Only your smile remains like many stars on you, and soon on me too.
The smile, the clearest manifestation of happiness.
45. This means destiny: to be in front and nothing more than always to be in front.
Move forward and continue, no matter where you go.
46. If what is close is so far away, it is because the amplitude of his life has grown a lot and already reaches the stars.
An interesting way of seeing our growth with respect to others.
47. It seems to him that there are only thousands of bars and that behind them no world exists.
An expression of how frustration feels.
48. The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things.
A way to see that losing is not always bad.
49. Young people, who are beginners in everything, cannot yet know love: they have to learn it.
Love is different at every stage of life.
50. The future enters us, to transform itself within us, long before it happens.
The future is there and it is inevitable to reach it.
51. What we call destiny does not come to us from outside, but rather emerges from us.
The destination is what we want to achieve and we are willing to work to achieve it.
52. These are the words we vaguely hear: you, sent beyond your memory, go to the limits of your desire.
We need more words of motivation.
53. Perhaps the most terrible thing deep down is nothing more than the impotence asking for our help.
The desperation of feeling that we cannot do anything.
54. The only journey is within.
The trip that counts the most.
55. Our deepest fears are like dragons, guarding our deepest treasure.
A very beautiful and positive way of looking at fear.
56. Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are waiting to see us beautiful and brave for once.
A way to encourage us to pursue our dreams.
57. Life is very treacherous, and everyone manages as best they can to keep horror, sadness and loneliness at bay. I do it with my books.
Everyone has their way of escaping from the pressures of routine.
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58. Look for the depth of things; irony never manages to descend until there.
The only way to overcome ignorance is to understand things.
59. No thing is itself.
Nothing and no one is one thing.
60. We lead our lives so badly because we always arrive in the present unprepared, unable and too distracted for everything.
A wake-up call to where we direct our attention.
61. Can you say that great and good desires did not mature in your heart then, and purposes that even today you continue to live?
In the midst of all things, always make room to see the positive.
62. All emotions are pure that they pick up and lift you up, that emotion is impure, that it encompasses only a part of your being and distorts it.
It is people and their way of seeing things that really distorts reality.
63. Believe that there is love kept for you as if it were an inheritance, and have faith that in that love there is so much strength and blessings that you can travel as far as you want without the need to leave your House.
The greatest love we should seek is self-love.
64. However, everything that touches us, you and me, unites us like the bow of a violin, which draws a voice from two separate strings.
The fate of a couple who love each other.
65. For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the last, the last test and trial, the work for which all other work is but preparation.
Finding a good partner is an achievement that deserves to be recognized and celebrated.
66. We alone pass over all things like a change of winds. And everything comes together to silence us, half out of shame perhaps, and half out of unspeakable hope.
A lament towards the things that we do not know how to appreciate.
67. The more quiet, the more patient and sincere we know how to be in our sorrows, the deeper and more resolutely the new penetrates into us.
We always need time to heal.
68. I want to be, either with those who know secret things or with no one.
Surround yourself with those who bring positive things to your life.
69. Let life happen to you.
Do not resist the opportunities that come to you.
70. I have prayed for my childhood, and it has come back to me, and I feel that it is still as heavy as before, and that growing older has not served me at all.
The wounds of our childhood stay with us for a long time.
71. In life there are no classes for beginners; right away they demand of one the most difficult.
I wish there was a kind of education for the difficulties that one has to go through in life.
72. How to hold my soul so it doesn't touch yours?
That feeling of need when we love a person.
73. I learn to see. I don't know why, everything penetrates me more deeply, and doesn't remain where, until now, everything always ended.
Learning always leads us to seek the best path.
74. Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign.
A way of reminding us that things have their time and place.
75. If you feel that your loneliness is great, rejoice. (...) There is only one loneliness. It is big and difficult to bear.
Solitude does not need to be a gloomy space, but one of personal encounter.
76. Life is right in all cases.
Betting on continuing to live.
77. Ah, how good it is to be among the people who read.
Reading makes us more open and curious beings.
78. If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of pain.
Wise advice on how to deal with anger.
79. The true homeland of man is childhood.
The only homeland to which we owe respect and loyalty.
80. Being in circumstances that affect us, that from time to time put us in front of great natural things, that's all we need.
Hard times help us appreciate the good things we have.