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The 10 best Psychologists experts in Addictions in Cuenca (Ecuador)

The mental health professional Angel Bolivar Andrade Moscoso He is qualified in the practice of Psychological Accompaniment by the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce and also has a Diploma issued by this same institution, which formally accredits him as an expert in the praxis of effective Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

This specialist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, anxiety disorders or poor management of the emotion of the gonna.

Xavier Albuja he is a really very experienced psychotherapist based in the well-known Ecuadorian metropolis of Quito, which should be noted that with the passage of time has managed to develop a more than remarkable ability in the correct treatment of both adults and adolescents.

Personal difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, very high levels of stress, or repeated use of substances.

The therapist Daniel Morales doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Technological University of Bolívar (UTB) and later, had the opportunity to be able to complement their studies by specializing via Diploma in the concise subject of Programming Neurolinguistics.

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Where this specialist manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as example low self-esteem, conflicts between family members, depression or addiction to cocaine.

Camilo Torres Crespo He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and has a specialized Master's degree in the field of Clinical Psychology, which was awarded by the Higher Institute of Psychological Studies (ISEP) located in the European nation from Spain.

Over time, this specialist has been able to treat some difficulties on more than one occasion, such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol.

Carla Sotomayor She is a psychology professional with a long professional career behind her, which is worth mentioning that she has a great experience in the correct use of some very effective methodologies such as Gestalt Psychotherapy or Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a conflict between family members, depression or a possible addiction to video games.

Sebastian Robalino He graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of the Americas and after spending some time, he did a Diploma focused on the use of the Mindfulness technique through the Argentine University of Belgrano (UB).

Together with this specialist we can very efficiently treat some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem or addiction to the use of new technologies.

the psychotherapist Diego Tzomaher He graduated in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and later, he studied a Master focused on the concise field of Scientific Journalism through the specialized training center Fundación Instituto Leloir.

Currently, this specialist can be of great help to us if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from an addiction to internet, an anxiety disorder or some kind of problem that may be related to the management of our impulses.

Diego Alvarez Bravo He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Cuenca and also has a Master's degree focused on practice Concrete Life Coaching issued by the Higher Institute of Psychological Studies (ISEP) located in the Spanish city of Barcelona.

Throughout his professional career, this specialist has managed to accumulate considerable experience in the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, low self-esteem, crises arising within the couple or continued use of narcotics.

Maria Albarracin Leon She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Azuay and has a Master's degree specialized in the treatment of eating behaviors, issued by the Cardenal CEU Herrera University located in the Spanish city of Elche.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, anxiety disorders or low self-esteem are some of the personal difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

The psychology professional Juliana Malo Quintanilla She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Azuay and on the other hand, she is also interesting mention that this therapist has a very remarkable professional experience of more than 3 years in a row.

This specialist will not hesitate to support us if, for example, we eventually find ourselves going through a anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, depression or a possible addiction to a substance.

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