Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in San Pedro

Degree in psychology

Hello! My name is Verónica Zamora Ramírez, I have a degree in Psychology and I am currently training for a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. My path through the diversity of psychology has helped me build a form of treatment based on empathy, solidarity, understanding of the world and the discomfort of the person, providing listening spaces and tools that allow them to live and coexist with themselves and their context. I am constantly learning thanks to the people who place their trust and health in my work and I keep my constantly updated knowledge to provide quality support and adherence to the principles of ethics professional.

Master's degree in clinical and health psychology

verified professional

I am the master Esteban Carvajal Angulo psychotherapist and university professor, with a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Costa Rica from which I graduated from honor. I have several years of experience in the psychotherapeutic care of children, adolescents and adults. My areas of specialization are anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, grief, among others. I specialize in Clinical and Health Psychology which focuses on chronic diseases, such as hypertension, chronic pain, arthritis, asthma, diabetes mellitus, cancer, cardiovascular disorders, among others. Within my clinical practice I use evidence-based approaches and I am in constant training processes both nationally and internationally. I have received training at the Alberth Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy in New York (USA), Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (USA), at Virginia State Play Therapy Association, Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana (Cuba) and Complutense University of Madrid.

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Master in Emotional Wellbeing

verified professional

My name is Irene Zamora and for more than 20 years I began my path in self-knowledge, I studied psychology, bioenergetics, flower therapy and I have a Master's degree in Emotional Well-being. From my professional approach I seek to provide a close and open space to accompany people in their feelings. I firmly believe that the foundation of our emotional well-being lies in the relationship we have with our emotions: from how we feel, identify and express them to how we handle them in situations of day to day. I work with different techniques, including mindfulness or full awareness exercises, a practice that helps you live in the present, that space where your true capacity for action is.

Master in Psychology

verified professional

I represent RED COMMUNITAS, a network of PROFESSIONALS IN PSYCHOLOGY with more than 10 years of experience in clinical practice. To obtain a quality psychology service, experience is essential and at Communitas we have professionals with extensive experience. Communitas It has professionals with extensive experience in caring for boys and girls, therapy with adolescents, Couples Therapy and Marital Psychology, Care for the Elderly, Depression Care, Panic Attacks, Grief and Loss, Life Crises and Change of Job or Country, Eating Disorder, Depression Postpartum. Our commitment is to offer the Community in General A Guide to Find and Contact Committed Psychologists with the Clinical Practice, with the Study through Seminars and Courses for the growth and strengthening of the Experience Clinic

Psychologists in San Pedro

Degree in psychology Hello! My name is Verónica Zamora Ramírez, I have a degree in Psychology and...

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Psychologist Irene Zamora Sauma (Curridabat)

My name is Irene Zamora and for more than 20 years I began my path in self-knowledge, I studied p...

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Psychologists in San Diego

Master in Emotional Wellbeingverified professional My name is Irene Zamora and for more than 20 y...

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