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What is the NOMINAL predicate

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What is the nominal predicate and examples

the predicate is the part of the sentence that tells us what action does the subject perform. This function is always exercised by a verb phrase, of which the nucleus is the verb. But, there are two types of predicates: the verbal predicate and the verbal predicate. nominal predicate and today we will focus on the second.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to explain what is the nominal predicate, how you can recognize it within a sentence and some examples so you can see it more clearly.

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  1. What is a nominal predicate?
  2. When is the predicate nominal?
  3. Why is it called a nominal predicate?
  4. Nominal Predicate Examples
  5. Nominal predicate exercise
  6. Solutions of the nominal predicate exercise

What is a nominal predicate?

The nominal predicate is one that has as the nucleus of the verb phrase, a linking verb. The linking verbs are: be be Y look.

The linking verb has no meaning and it only serves to join the subject with the attribute. The meaning of the sentence is not determined by the verb in this case, but by the attribute that accompanies it. This attribute is usually an adjective or a nominal group and indicates the quality of the subject.

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For example: Christina is nice.

When is the predicate nominal?

Sentences that have a nominal predicate are known as copulative sentences and you will recognize them by their two main characteristics:

  • They have a linking verb (be be either look)
  • have an attribute after the verb

To easily recognize if what is behind the verb is an attribute, you can replace the phrase with the particle "it".

For example: Marta is silent = Marta is.

Noun predicate example in a sentence

We are going to analyze a sentence step by step so you can see the best way to recognize a nominal predicate and find the function of each of its parts:

We will choose the sentence: Elena is tall.

  • Elena: it is a noun phrase (NP) because the nucleus is a noun and works as a subject.
  • is high: it is a verb phrase (SV) because the nucleus is a verb. As is a linking verb, it is a nominal predicate (PN)
  • is: is a linking verb. It is the core of the predicate.
  • high: is the attribute.

exist different types of phrases that perform the function of attribute and that, therefore, will help us to identify a nominal predicate when we are faced with it:

  • Adjectival phrase: Lorenzo is kind
  • Noun phrase: Lorenzo is the doctor
  • prepositional phrase: Lorenzo is from Barcelona
  • adverbial phraselorenzo is like that
What is the nominal predicate and examples - When is the predicate nominal?

Why is it called a nominal predicate?

The nominal predicate is so called because the attribute function is always performed by a nominal category (adjective, noun, pronoun, etc.), which semantically is the most relevant element of the predicate.

What is nominal predicate and examples - Why is it called nominal predicate?

Examples of nominal predicate.

we leave you with some Examples of sentences that contain a nominal predicate. Remember that this predicate is made up of a linking verb plus an attribute and may contain extra complements:

  • My girlfriend she is the most beautiful woman i have ever met.
  • His guitar playing skills they are incredible.
  • My friends they seemed very confused by the family dynamics at home.
  • The food that she prepares looks more delicious than she actually tastes.
  • The prices they handle in this store They seemed reasonable.
  • They are very interested in purchasing the property.
  • The food they sell in this place It is too expensive and also has no taste.
  • The words she used to address her teacher They were pretty rude.
  • Not lately You seem very focused on what you're doing.
  • This hot sauce It is the best I have tasted in my life.

Nominal predicate exercise.

We leave you with a list of prayers. you shall identify those that have nominal predicate and point out which is the linking verb and which is the phrase that performs the function of attribute:

  • I like adventure
  • Martha wrote a story
  • The gentleman seems nice
  • The dog has accompanied man since ancient times
  • The streets of the city are narrow and winding.
  • Jaime passed the exam but Roberto did not.
  • The waves are very high.
  • Maybe Laura will start to recover
What is the nominal predicate and examples - Nominal predicate exercise

Image: Scholarium

Solutions of the nominal predicate exercise.

These are the solutions from the previous exercise nominal predicate:

  • I like adventure = It is not a nominal predicate.
  • Marta wrote a story = It is not a nominal predicate.
  • The gentleman seems nice = Seems is the linking verb and sympathetic the attribute.
  • The dog has accompanied man since ancient times = It is not a nominal predicate
  • The streets of the city are narrow and winding = Are is the linking verb and narrow and winding is the attribute.
  • Jaime passed the exam, but Roberto did not = It is not a nominal predicate.
  • The waves are very high = Is it so is the linking verb and very high is the attribute.
  • Maybe Laura will start to recover = Not a nominal predicate

Now you know what is the nominal predicate and you have seen some examples that will help you recognize it whenever you have to analyze a sentence. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is the nominal predicate and examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Sanchez Martinez, J. (2001). Adjective function (attribute, nominal predicate and predicate) and its coordination. Myrtia: journal of classical philology.
  • Villas, B. s. (2009). From meaning to expression: actants in a class of nominal predicates. In Unknown host publication (pp. 246-259).
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