The 70 best phrases of well-being
Enjoying good health is the key to being happy, and the human being, as one of the vital objectives, always wants to be happy. Our habits largely determine how we are going to feel both physically and emotionally, so it is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.
- Related article: "70 Buddhist phrases to achieve inner peace"
Phrases about well-being
In this article we have compiled a list of the best phrases and tips on well-being that will help you find emotional balance.
We show them below.
1. We must be aware that what causes us discomfort or anxiety is not the events, but how we link our emotions to them
As the psychologist Jonathan García-Allen says, what often makes us suffer is not what happens to us, but how we interpret the events that happen to us.
2. Healing comes from taking responsibility: from realizing that you are the one who creates your thoughts, feelings and actions.
We have a lot to say when it comes to healing our body and mind.
3. Half of modern drugs could be thrown out the window, although the birds could eat them
Martin H. Fischer invites the reader to reflect with this sentence.
4. If you want to master the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath
Living in the present is an effective way to reduce anxiety.
5. Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it
Another quote that talks about the importance of living in the here and now.
6. There is more to life than increasing your speed
Mohandas K. gandhi, about living life step by step without always being aware of the future.
7. The sign of a successful man is to spend a whole day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.
Sometimes it's hard to find yourself. But that is synonymous with health.
8. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor
The meditation and breath control They are widely used techniques to improve the well-being of people.
9. Tension is who you think you should be. relaxation is who you are
a chinese proverb that advises how to achieve happiness.
10. Right now, there is plenty of time. At this moment, you are precisely as you should be. Right now, there's infinite possibility
The present moment is the best opportunity we have to be happy.
11. Be happy in the moment, it's enough. The present moment is all we need, nothing more
The Mother Teresa of Calcutta He gave us this wise recommendation.
12. Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the overall and ultimate goal of human existence.
Aristotle He was already philosophizing about happiness in Ancient Greece.
13. If you want to be happy, set a goal that guides your thoughts, releases your energy and inspires your hopes.
Having life goals is key to maintaining emotional balance.
14. Walk like you're kissing the ground with your feet
Thich Nhat Hanh, regarding sometimes we don't see what's in front of us because we live in expectations.
15. Taking time each day to relax and renew is essential to living well.
Well-being is not something static, and good habits favor it.
16. The perfection of character is the following: live each day as if it were the last, without haste, without apathy, without pretense
Marco Aurelio, giving some useful advice to achieve mental and physical well-being.
17. In the end, there are three things that matter, how we have lived, how we have loved and how we have learned to let go.
Jack Kornfield understands that these three keys are vital to our happiness.
18. The mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see the world better
We can change our way of thinking for the better if we try.
19. Security is when everything is resolved, when nothing can happen to you, it is the denial of life
The fear of uncertainty is really disabling.
20. Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful harvest
Relaxing is good for regaining emotional stability.
21. If you think the problem is out there, stop. That thought is your problem
Happiness is born in oneself, not in expecting things from others.
22. We have two lives. The second begins when we realize that we only have one
Confucius. An ironic quote but full of meaning. .
23. Walking is the best possible exercise. Get used to walking very far
Walking and walking have many health benefits as you can see in our article: “The psychological benefits of walking".
24. The worst aggression against ourselves, the worst of all, is to remain ignorant for not having the courage and respect to treat ourselves with honesty and tenderness.
There is nothing worse than not loving yourself.
25. Well-being and intellect are the two blessings of life
A phrase that speaks of the relationship between intellect and happiness.
26. Mindfulness is not complicated, we just have to remember to do it
Scientific studies show that Mindfulness favors emotional balance and, therefore, happiness.
27. The secret to mental and physical health is not to cry about the past, worry about the future, or anticipate problems, but to live in the present moment wisely.
Buddha made it clear to us long ago that living in the present is key to our well-being.
28. Well-being and health are a must, otherwise we could not keep our minds strong and clear
Another Buddha quote. We are obliged to be happy and work for our health.
29. A brisk 5K walk will do more good for an unhappy, healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.
Again, a quote that talks about physical exercise and, above all, walking.
30. I know only one freedom and it is the freedom of the mind
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, philosophizing about living anchored in social impositions.
31. The perfect is an enemy of the good
Perfection does not exist and is therefore equal to unhappiness.
32. Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; the serenity that nothing is
In our article “55 things you can do when you're bored” you can find some tips to avoid boredom.
33. Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance
The Mindfulness technique helps us to be in the here and now with a non-judgmental mindset.
34. The field of consciousness is small. only accept one problem at a time
Solving problems and preventing them from becoming chronic is necessary to enjoy good mental health.
35. Let go of your mind and then be mindful. Close your ears and then listen
A phrase that invites you to practice Mindfulness to enjoy greater well-being.
36. The scientific truth can be summed up: eat moderately. have a varied diet and not worry
The importance of nutrition in our general health is more than scientifically proven.
37. The body and mind must be understood as something united
Mental health affects physical health and vice versa.
38. He who takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skill of his doctors.
A healthy diet is closely related to people's health.
39. Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that: thoughts
Not everything we think is true, although sometimes it may seem so.
40. Never rush and never worry
E.B. White, advising to live in the present and enjoy it.
41. Patience has all the time it needs
As the saying goes: “Patience is the mother of science”. Well, so is health.
42. A sad soul can kill you faster than a germ
Depression is one of the most common mental problems today.
43. Guilt is always hungry, don't let it consume you
Terri Guillemets. A clever phrase about guilt.
44. The greatest wealth is health
Money does not matter if we are not in good health.
45. It is curious that life, the emptier, the heavier
Leon Daudett. Great phrase from this author about how we can take the problem to the cost.
46. Meditation is the new mobile device; can be used anywhere, anytime, discreetly
Meditation offers great health benefits, as we tell you in our article: “Benefits of meditation backed by science”.
47. My experience tells me that most things are not as bad as I thought they would be.
We tend to think that things will go worse for us than they really will.
48. See everything as if you were seeing it for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory
When we adopt an observant mindset, our emotional balance improves.
49. Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, going alone, listening to everything you can't hear, and not getting upset.
Relaxing can be just as good as moving.
50. Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if vegetables smelled as good as bacon
A funny quote from Doug Larson about healthy eating.
51. Forgiveness does not change the past but improves the future
Paul Boese, on the healing power of forgiveness.
52. Happiness cannot be traveled, possessed, earned or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
Happiness is something that happens when someone connects with their interior.
53. Happiness is born within oneself, not externally
Like the previous sentence, happiness is within oneself.
54. Reply; don't react. Listen; do not speak. Think; don't assume
Raji Lukkoor. Feel and live the moment to be happy.
55. Physical activity is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of a dynamic and creative activity.
The health benefits of exercise are many, as John F. Kennedy.
56. Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension
This quote Joshua L. Liebman deals with the subject of acceptance and how it positively affects us.
57. In Mindfulness, compassion is key, as it helps us minimize the impact of negative things that happen to us. It is not about erasing the negative emotions that certain events can cause us, but about reducing their intensity
Jonathan García-Allen explains how trying to eliminate negative emotions only makes them worse.
58. The art of living lies less in eliminating our problems than in growing with them.
Bernard M. Baruch. Another one of those inspiring phrases that talk about depression.
59. Having goals and objectives and fighting for them is what keeps us alive
Studies show that having life goals reduces the chances of depression.
60. Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a way of traveling
Margaret Lee Runbeck. Happiness consists in enjoying the moment, not living in expectations.
61. Physical exercise is not only good for our body, but also for our mind
Although not everyone believes it, our mental well-being also benefits from physical exercise.
62. Be happy with what you have. get excited about what you want
Connecting with our desires will make us immensely happy.
63. The mind has a great influence on the body, and illnesses often originate there
Positive mindset can influence physical illness.
64. The state of your life is but a reflection of the state of your mind
A quote from Wayne Dyer. Our mind conditions our behavior and, therefore, our health.
65. Maxim for life: they will treat you in life in the way you teach people to treat you
Respect is something we must earn.
66. Those who think they don't have time for exercise will sooner or later have time for illness.
If you are too busy to exercise. Then you have a problem. Exercise is health.
67. Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and come out later in worse shapes
We may think that by avoiding seeing reality, problems will disappear, but this is not the case. It always comes back, and with more force.
68. From our vulnerabilities come our strengths
Learning from our mistakes is of vital importance to grow emotionally.
69. We can't be in survival mode. We gotta be in growth mode
To be happy, we must pursue our inner desires.
70. Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, others go to the corner bar and have a few beers, but I choose running as my therapy.
Having good physical health positively affects our mental health.