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Alan Moore's 100 Best Quotes

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Alan Moore is a renowned and acclaimed British comics writer and creator, famous for novels graphics such as 'V for Vendetta', 'Watchmen', 'From Hell' and 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen', among others.

If you are interested in understanding the philosophy of life of this author and the ideas that predominate in his creations, keep reading; Here you will find several of Alan Moore's best quotes, commented.

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Alan Moore's most memorable quotes

Described as 'the best comic writer', this artist leaves us endless reflections on human actions and how they affect our society. To get to know him better, we bring a compilation with the best personal Alan Moore phrases and his comics.

1. There are people. There are stories.

Each person has a story to tell.

2. These gadgets, these new technologies, are useless unless you are smart enough to actually use them in practical and beneficial ways.

Technologies have consumed the time and minds of many people.

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3. There is an inverse relationship between money and imagination.

Creative people bet on their art and money comes last.

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4. Art makes us feel less alone. It makes us think: someone has thought this, someone else has had these feelings.

Art leads us to use our imagination.

5. People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.

The main objective of the government must always be to take care of its people.

6. If you want something to happen in the 21st century, do it yourself.

This is the century of proactivity.

7. Free riders, impostors, liars, lunatics... those have been the ones who have made the decisions. As simple as that. But who chose them? You! You searched for them! You named them! You gave them the power to decide for you!

A criticism of the little responsibility that people have for choosing their leaders.

8. People think they shape the stories, but the opposite is often closer to the truth.

With every story that is written, there is a glimpse of reality.

9. The Romans invented fascism. A bunch of tied branches was his symbol. A branch can break. A handful remains. fascism... It is the strength of unity.

Reflections on fascism.

10. Never abandon your principles, even in the presence of the apocalypse.

Our principles represent the largest part of our image.

Alan Moore Quotes

11. My mother said that she broke her heart… but the important thing was my integrity.

Sometimes we must separate ourselves from those we love, to continue our course.

12. Stories shape the world. They exist independently of people.

A great example of this are the existing cultures in the world.

13. I don't want to hear about freedom. I don't want to hear about individual freedom. They are luxuries. And I don't believe in luxury.

Individual freedom is being able to do what we love.

14. Life is not divided into genres. It is a horrible, romantic, tragic and comical science fiction detective novel. You know, with a bit of porn, if you're lucky.

We have thousands of experiences with everything we live in our lives.

15. Writing is a very concentrated form of meditation. As good as sitting in the lotus position.

For those who write, the lyrics are an escape from the chaos of reality.

16. Is that so selfish? It sells for very little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the last inch of us… but within that inch we are free.

To take care of ourselves, we sometimes have to be selfish.

17. In places where there are no men, there are also mythologies. Glaciers have their legends. The ocean sings its own romances.

Legends are an essential part of the construction of our cultures.

18. The truth is that the world is chaotic.

In a world where there are millions of people and different situations, it is almost impossible to maintain absolute calm.

19. With anarchy new life rises from the ruins and hope is restored. They say that anarchy is dead, but look: the rumors about my death... They were exaggerated.

The main plot of one of his best stories, V for Vendetta.

20. If we want to get something done in the 21st century, the message seems to be: Don't vote for someone who says they're going to do something, because they probably won't.

We must act regardless of our leaders and their empty promises.

21. Do not leave home without your sword, your intellect.

A powerful advice to get ahead.

22. The most important thing I've learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists believe in it because it's more comforting.

There will always be theories that try to explain things that we cannot.

23. I have confirmed that there is no difference between me and everyone else!

Although we have characteristics that make us unique, we are all human.

24. Sexually progressive cultures gave us math, philosophy, literature, civilization, and the rest.

Sexuality is also a natural part of society, even if they try to hide it.

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25. One bad day is enough for the sanest man in the world to go crazy. At that distance is the world from me. To a bad day.

Thousands of conflicts in the world originate from the bad character of their powerful characters.

26. I have to say that I find Ayn Rand's philosophy laughable.

His opinion on Ayn Ran's speech.

27. Rather than help us expand our horizons, our minds, technology makes it easier for us not to think or to delegate responsibilities and obligations.

The dark side of technology according to Moore.

28. I am not loved, nor do I hope to ever be. Nor am I foolish enough to think that what I feel for you is love. But in this world, alone, I don't hate you. And only in this world, you don't hate me.

When we are not used to love, it is normal to tend to run away from it.

29. I think storytelling and creation are very close to what is at the core of what magic is about.

For Moore, writing is like creating magic.

30. Of course, hate the sin, love the sinner as I always say.

Do you agree with this conclusion?

31. With science, ideas germinate in a bed of theory, form and practice that fuel their growth, but we gardeners must be careful…

Science helps us get ahead, but it can also hurt us in some ways.

32. Certainly my many years of working in the comics industry, creating products I don't own, has made me pretty adamant on the issue of waiving rights.

One of the greatest teachings that his profession left him.

33. Language comes first. It's not that language grows out of awareness, if you don't have a language, you can't be aware.

On the importance of having a language.

34. If the public knew what he wants, then he wouldn't be the public, he would be the artist.

It is the artist who provides the public with what he wants them to see.

36. I really can't be bothered to go to a hairdresser.

Defending his personal style, somewhat careless.

37. Everything good in life is born from a leap into the void.

A reflection on the fact that sometimes we need to take risks to achieve what we want.

38. He who fights monsters must fear becoming one.

When you deny or hide a part of yourself, it is exposed at the worst times.

39. Noise is relative to the silence that precedes it. The more absolute the silence, the more frightening the thunder.

Bad things tend to explode when there's too much quiet.

40. War never accomplishes anything. It will never look good in the history books.

Wars only leave destruction and resentment in their wake.

41. To some extent Satanism is purely a kind of disease of Christianity.

A reflection of the deep beliefs in the Christian religion, with the good and the bad.

42. The fear that their opponents would end up beating them led them headlong into competing in this race to self-destruction.

Many times fear is our worst enemy and who leads us to defeat.

43. The origin of money has to do with representational thinking.

Money is a means to continue expressing our art.

44. I am brother of dragons and companion of owls. My skin is black on me and my bones are seared from the heat.

A sample of Moore's imagination.

45. I believe that magic is art, and that art, whether it be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form, is literally magic.

A beautiful way of relating art and magic as the same component.

46. We look at the Earth day after day until it ends up becoming a place we consider monotonous. But seen from another point of view, as if he were something new, he is still capable of surprising us.

It all depends on the way we decide to observe the world.

47. I don't think your life is meaningless.

We all have a purpose to fulfill in this world.

48. In the end? Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.

Do you think stories never have a true ending?

49. Authoritarian societies are like ice skating: intricate, mechanically precise and, above all, precarious. Within the fragile crust of civilization chaos stirs... And there are places where the ice is treacherously thin.

The more oppressive a society is, the more people will be motivated towards rebellion.

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50. Life and death are non-quantifiable summaries. Why should I worry?

His personal reflection on what he thinks about death.

51. If the light is forbidden, only the outlaws will be able to see where they are going.

There will always be a way out, even if it is the most appropriate.

52. Truth is a well-known pathological liar. It invariably turns out to be a fiction in an elegant dress.

A somewhat negative view of what the truth is about.

53. Anarchy means "without leaders", not "without order".

The true meaning of anarchy, which some do not often understand.

54. It is my belief that all gods are stories, or at least the ideas behind the stories, but they are stories or ideas that have somehow become almost alive and conscious.

Even for Moore, the gods are a strong representation that have given life to thousands of stories.

55. I love the smell of paper in the morning; smells like victory

Loving with emotion what he does.

56. I think we need mythology. We need a base of history and legend to live coherently.

It is the character that bestows life on our cultures.

57. Life is much more interesting if you take an interest in the people and places around you.

We can often be surprised if we decide to focus on the mystery that things and people hold.

58. The whole world is a stage.

As viewers, we decide what we want to see.

59. You don't have to depend on silent majorities, Evey, silence is fragile, a shout can break it.

A metaphor a=about that we cannot get carried away by what others say.

60. I live my life free of compromises and go out in the shade without complaint or regret.

The way of life with which Moore identifies.

61. I have never studied anything formally. I was kicked out of school at the age of 17, so I'm self-taught, which is a word I've taught myself.

Everything that Moore has achieved has been thanks to his perseverance and proactivity.

62. I am very distanced from the comic industry. I love the comics medium, but I don't have time for the industry.

Mainly focused on his creations, instead of the commercial part of them.

63. Sexually restrictive societies produced the Middle Ages and the Holocaust.

A consequence of the impositions of extreme conservationism.

64. I really don't think much is interesting about the superhero as an archetype.

Moore prefers to give us a human hero, who dances between what is right and what is not, according to society.

65. In an age of stress and anxiety, when the present seems unstable and the future unlikely, the natural response is to withdraw. and retreat from reality, resorting to fantasies of the future or modified visions of a middle past imagined.

It is always necessary to have a refuge where we can go when we feel overwhelmed by reality.

66. If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're crazy.

An interesting way to include madness in reality.

67. Light up your small lot, the people you meet, the things you want to commemorate. Illuminate them with your art, with your music, with your writing, with whatever you do.

An emotional message that motivates us to share the things we love to do with others.

68. Representing comics as childish and illiterate is lazy. A lot of comics are very literate, unlike a lot of movies.

The fact that they are animated or cartoons does not imply that they should be strictly for children.

69. I think that, in an increasingly virtual world, artifacts produced with love are a luxury.

A wake-up call to appreciate handcrafted things.

70. It is not the Jewish banking conspiracy, or gray aliens, or 12-foot-tall reptiloids controlling from another dimension. The truth is scarier, no one is in control. The world is rudderless.

Ensuring that some conspiracy theories are created for fear of hearing the truth of what is happening in the world.

71. Self-proclaimed fiction, on the other hand, is completely honest. You can tell this, because it comes out and says, "I'm a liar," right there on the dust jacket.

Talking about the charm of fiction, about non-fiction.

72. Do you know what I wish? I wish all the scum of the Earth had a throat and I had my hands on it.

A wish that many of us can share, to eliminate all the misfortunes that pollute the world.

73. In the clamor of insurrection it is easy to forget why we are fighting.

Not all rebellions have a noble purpose, some just get out of hand.

74. Culture is just a wobbly zombie repeating what he did in life, pieces falling off him and he doesn't seem to notice.

An interesting reflection on the character of society.

75. I admit that anyone can make a mistake once, but making the same fatal mistakes century after century seems to me to be a bit deliberate.

When mistakes become a kind of propaganda.

76. Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words, or images to bring about changes in consciousness.

Another quite successful relationship between art and magic.

77. They are all special. All. They are all heroes, lovers, fools, villains. All. Everyone has their story to tell.

That is why every person should have the right to express themselves.

78. I do not distinguish between magic and art.

For Moore, it is the same branch that interconnects at some point.

79. You have to be a real Christian to believe in Satan.

Inevitably those who believe in God also believe in Satan.

80. People will never look back and think, 'He started a lot of wars, what a great leader he was!' That's not the way it works.

No person remembers wars with longing and pride.

81. Existence is something fortuitous, it has no meaning except the one we choose to impose.

Each person is responsible for the direction he decides to take in life.

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82. Technology is always a double-edged sword. It will bring many benefits, but also many disasters.

This, because it is the people who take the power of technology.

83. Shaving every morning, that's a nightmare. I spent my teenage years covered in little bits of toilet paper.

That is why he prefers to keep his current appearance.

84. There are two worlds we live in: a material world, limited by the laws of physics, and the world inside our minds, which is equally important.

Although more priority is given to applied skills, it is also important to cultivate good use of our creativity.

85. Casting a spell is simply spelling, manipulating words, changing people's consciousness, that's why I think an artist or writer is the closest thing to a shaman in the contemporary world.

Explaining in depth why he considers that magic and writing go hand in hand.

86. Because I am me, it is very difficult for me to judge how fascinating listening to my accented, nasal tone for two hours would be to someone other than me.

Talking about his particular way of speaking.

87. The great magical act is deciding if you are going to live in your own fiction.

If you are a creative person, are you going to stick with what others say or are you going to use your imagination?

88. Some seeds are those of ruin... And the most beautiful flowers are sometimes the most dangerous.

Talking about not all scientific discoveries bring positive things.

89. Yes, of course, the whole idea is absolutely ill-timed, but letting his predictable antics play you. To blind yourself to its truly fabulous and impressive aspects is to do yourself and the world a disservice. gender.

Talking about not letting ourselves be carried away by a single thought or idea, but rather exploring all your options.

90. The past can't hurt you, not unless you let it.

Only you can decide if you want to drag the past with you or leave everything behind.

91. Happiness is a prison.

Do you think that happiness can restrict you?

92. There will be no reward for the wicked... But the righteous can get it whenever they feel like it.

Justice always comes, even if it is late.

93. We come from nothing, we have children who are tied to this hell just like us, and we return to nothing.

A vicious circle about a life that does not always change.

94. I think that not only for me, but for most cultures that have had a concept of magic, then the manipulation of language and words, and therefore of stories and fictions, has been very close to the center of everything.

The stories as a result of what cultures considered to be magic.

95. When you wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were under it.

That is why it is so important to never forget who we are.

96. I have never seen the adaptations of my books. I have never wanted to do it, and there is no chance that I will in the future.

Being satisfied with your work to the extent that you have done it on your own.

97. Happiness is the most insidious prison of all.

A rather curious thought about the limitations of happiness.

98. I only agree that a symbolic clock is as beneficial to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man.

About taking advantage of our time but without feeling pressure for it.

99. Now we film and photograph every minute of our lives, we want to be entertained. We can't stand even thirty seconds of introspection. That is why we devote ourselves to these gadgets and try to convince ourselves that this way of living is the only one worth living.

Talking about our need to have any electronic device at hand.

100. Did you want to kill me? Beneath this layer there is no flesh or bone to kill. There is only one idea. Ideas are bulletproof.

Strong ideas never die, because they resonate in the mind of each person who identifies with them.

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