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The 110 best phrases about self-confidence

Self-confidence is the ability to have confidence in ourselves and all that it implies, such as expressing our opinions, feelings, knowing how to manage emotions and find our way, without letting other people interfere negatively in East.

Therefore, it is necessary to work on our self-esteem and confidence so that we can take charge of our lives. on their own, accepting advice, listening to others, but always putting our happiness first place. In this sense, this selection of the best phrases about self-confidence they may interest you.

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The most inspiring phrases about self-confidence

To know the importance of strengthening our self-esteem and the value of loving ourselves and not underestimate ourselves, we bring in this article a series of best phrases about self-confidence that do not you can get lost

1. Loving yourself right now, just as you are, is giving yourself heaven. Don't wait to die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. (Alan Cohen)

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Love yourself as you are, perfection does not exist.

2. Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. (Oscar Wilde)

It doesn't seek to love others, it starts with you, that's the secret.

3. When you recover or discover something that feeds your soul and brings you joy, take care of loving yourself enough and make a space for it in your life. (Jean Shinoda Bolen)

Find what makes you happy, nothing else matters.

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4. If only you realized how important you are to the lives of those you meet, how important you could be to people you haven't even dreamed of meeting. (fred rogers)

Always smile, you are someone else's light.

5. If people like you, they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they will do business with you. (Zig Ziglar)

Act in a way that allows other people to trust you.

6. The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool. (Stephen King)

Don't put your trust in someone who doesn't deserve it.

7. The first step toward being loved is learning to love what you see when you look in the mirror.

Before loving someone else, first learn to love yourself.

8. What defines you is not how many times you crash, but the number of times you fly.

Don't let failures define you, you are more than that.

9. You, like everyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

First love yourself and trust yourself, the rest will come later.

10. A diamond doesn't start out as a polished, sparkling gemstone. Once it was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, it turned into something spectacular. I am that diamond. (Solange Nicole)

You are a beautiful gemstone, you only believe that you are.


11. The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them. (Ernest Hemingway)

Confidence is shown.

12. Don't trust people who tell you other people's secrets. (Dan Howell)

True friendship does not betray.

13. Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers, but from being open to all questions. (Earl Gray Stevens)

Confidence is a priceless feeling.

14. Trust is the feeling of being able to believe a person even when we know we would lie instead. (Henry-Louis Mencken)

Trusting someone is not always easy.

15. Successful people are afraid, successful people are doubtful, successful people are worried. They just don't let those feelings stop them. (t. Harv Ecker)

Do not allow fears and failures to rule your life, get ahead.

16. I had to grow up to love my body. I didn't have a good image of myself at first. Finally I thought, I have to love myself or I have to hate myself. And I chose to love myself. (Queen Latifah)

Nobody is perfect, we are all unique.

17. The psychic task that a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity. (Erich Fromm)

Learn to love yourself with all the fears and insecurities you may have.

18. If you want you can, if you can continue, if you continue you arrive and if you arrive... you got it.

Don't stop for anything or anyone, just move forward.

19. Wanting to be someone else is wasting the person you are. (Marilyn Monroe)

Do not become a copy, you are original.

20. Your beauty doesn't end in your face or your body... you are much more than that.

Your inner beauty is bigger and more beautiful than your physique.

21. Self-confidence is the first secret of success. (Emerson)

If you trust your abilities, the world will open up to you.

22. Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live. (Goeth)

You are the owner of your life.

23. Falling in love with yourself is the first step towards happiness.

Before loving others, I loved first.

24. Never dishonor yourself to honor others.

Do not do anything for anyone that does not seem right to you.

25. Speeches inspire less confidence than actions. (Aristotle)

Act in such a way that it is she who speaks for you.

26. We earn the trust of those in whom we put ours. (Livy Titus)

To gain someone's trust, you just have to practice it.

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27. Believe in yourself. You know more than you think you know. (Benjamin Spock)

You have great capabilities, just be confident.

28. You've been criticizing yourself for years and years and it hasn't worked. Try to approve of yourself and see what happens. (Louis L. There are)

Do not recriminate yourself, just accept yourself and you will see the change.

29. Friendship with oneself is important, because without it one cannot be friends with any other person in the world.

Start by being your best friend, so you can later be of others.

30. The worst loneliness is not being comfortable with yourself. (Mark Twain)

If you can't be alone with yourself, then how do you want to be comfortable with others.

31. No one can hurt you unless you let them. (Unknown author)

Don't let anyone want to hurt you.

32. Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others. (Leib Lazarow)

Someone who does not have confidence in his abilities cannot expect others to trust him.

33. To lose confidence in one's strength is to lose confidence in oneself. (Simone deBeauvoir)

You are capable of anything, so go ahead.

34. The only real conflict you will ever have in your life is not going to be with others, it is going to be with yourself. (Shannon L. alder)

Within you there are conflicts that only you can deal with.

35. An important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. (Arthur Ashe)

Prepare yourself, study and acquire knowledge, only then will you be successful.

36. The supreme happiness of life is to know that you are loved for yourself or, more accurately, in spite of yourself. (Victor Hugo)

Only with your acceptance can you move forward.

37. Don't say "I can't" even jokingly. Because the unconscious has no sense of humor, he will take it seriously and remind you every time you try. (Facundo Cabral)

Never say I cant. Because you limit yourself in what you can do.

38. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it (M. Scott Peck)

Do not waste time as it does not come back.

39. If you don't have confidence in yourself, don't worry. It is easy to grow it. All you have to do is behave as if you already have the confidence you want to have.

Learn to trust your qualities, in order to trust others.

40. Never lower your head. Always keep it high. Look the world straight in the face. (Helen Keller)

Do not believe yourself less than the rest, you are important.

41. Don't let mental blocks control you. Break free. Face your fear and transform your mental blocks into building blocks. (Roogleen)

Never let your fears control your life, so face them.

42. The inability to open up to hope is what blocks trust, and blocked trust is the reason for ruined dreams (Elizabeth Gilbert)

Open your mind to the opportunity to believe in you.

43. Our spirit is inclined to trust those whom we do not know for this reason: because they have not yet betrayed us. (Samuel Johnson)

Betrayal prevents you from seeing how wonderful life is.

44. Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, wakes up. (Carl Gustaf Jung)

Get to know yourself so you can know which path you want to take.

45. Security is not having things, it is knowing how to handle them. (Susan Jeffers)

Self-confidence is when we know how to handle difficulties.

46. You don't have to be perfect to inspire others. Let others be inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.

You, just as you are, are an example to follow.

47. No one who trusts in himself envies the virtue of the other. (Cicero)

Don't envy anyone, everyone has their potential.

48. The first person you have to believe in in life is yourself.

No one can be more important to you than yourself.

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49. Never distrust, unless you have reasons to do so. (Sonia Rumzy)

Stay away from mistrust as much as possible.

50. I do not approve of some things that I have done or am or have been. But Iam. (Elizabeth Taylor)

Do not regret what you have done, that is part of your life.

51. When we love ourselves, everything in life works.

If you accept yourself, everything else is easier.

52. I always looked outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. All the time it has been there. (Anna Freud)

Everything wonderful is within you.

53. The man who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone. (Ayn Rand)

If you don't start valuing yourself, you can't do it with others.

54. You have to feel gifted to do something and that thing has to be achieved, whatever it takes. (Marie Curie)

Dream big, you can.

55. Love yourself first and everything else falls into place. You have to love yourself to do anything in this world. (Lucille Ball)

If you want to be successful, start by loving yourself.

56. If you are able to look fear in the face, you will gain strength, courage, and confidence.

Facing fear every time it appears, leads us to overcome ourselves.

57. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your broken hand. (Maxwell Maltz)

Do not let low self-esteem take over you, it is a bad counselor.

58. You can search through the entire universe for someone worthy of your love and affection, but that person is not found anywhere. That person is yourself.

No one will love you like yourself.

59. Having faith is trusting yourself when you are in the water. When you swim you don't grab the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax and float. (Alan W. Watts)

In the most difficult circumstances, just trust your abilities.

60. Confidence does not come from always being right, but from not being afraid of being wrong. (PeterT. McIntyre)

Don't be afraid to be wrong.

61. If you are going to trust someone, let that person be you.

Never lose confidence in yourself.

62. Complexity hides in learning to think differently from yourself. (Maya Angelou)

When you see yourself differently, life takes on another meaning.

63. Trust is created when someone is vulnerable and is not taken advantage of. (Bob Vanourek)

At all times seek to be trustworthy.

64. Love yourself more than anyone, take care of your thoughts and you will have achieved a healthy and lasting self-esteem.

If you take care of your way of thinking, your self-esteem will rise and therefore your self-esteem will be very high.

65. The only thing that matters in life is your opinion of yourself. (osho)

Don't let other people's opinions affect your life.

66. Who does not trust enough, will not be trustworthy. (Lao Tse)

If you don't trust yourself, nobody can.

67. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

No person has the right or the power to make you feel less, because they are not superior to you.

68. The best way to be happy is to love yourself for what you do, whatever you do. The best way to be at peace is to love yourself for what you feel, feel what you feel. (Thaddeus Golas)

Love yourself as you are, with your flaws and virtues.

69. The best thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself. (Michel deMontaigne)

Take care of your interior, do not let anyone contaminate you.

70. You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company. (Diane Von Furstenberg)

The only person who accompanies you everywhere is yourself, so treat yourself well.

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71. Learn to accept and value your differences, because they will make you stand out from the crowd. (Ellen Degeneres)

You are different and unique, do not forget it.

72. Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in the reflection. (Lady Gaga)

When trust is broken, it's never the same.

73. Do exactly what you would do if you felt safer. (Meister Eckhart)

Think about how wonderful it is to have confidence in yourself.

74. The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be master of oneself. (Michel deMontaigne)

Be your own owner, do not allow others to be.

75. You can't think the worst of me other than myself. (Robert Burton)

Negative thoughts also have consequences.

76. Your chances of success in any project can always be measured by your self-confidence. (Robert Collier)

A successful person is noted for the security that he reflects.

77. There are too many people who overestimate what they are not and underestimate what they are. (Malcolm S. Forbes)

Don't belittle your strengths, but don't magnify your weaknesses either.

78. To love others, love yourself first and above all things.

First of all and everyone never stop loving and valuing yourself.

79. Being beautiful means being yourself. You do not need to be accepted by others. You need to be accepted for yourself. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

If you accept yourself as you are, others will see how beautiful a human being you are.

80. Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do. (John Wooden)

There are things you can't do, it's logical, but don't let it influence your self-esteem.

81. Beauty begins when you decide to be yourself. (Coco Chanel)

Beauty is unique and begins by showing us as we are, don't forget it.

82. It is more embarrassing not to trust our friends than to be let down by them. (Confucius)

There are people who are not trustworthy.

83. Those who trust us educate us. (George Elliott)

Every person has something to teach.

84. Talk to yourself as you would to the person you love the most.

If we try to lift the spirits of those we love, why can't we do the same with ourselves?

85. Surround yourself with people who raise your self-esteem.

Try to surround yourself with people who do not criticize you and who accept you as you are.

86. The force is confident by nature. There is no more obvious sign of weakness than instinctively distrusting everything and everyone. (Arthur Graffe)

You are stronger than you think.

87. They can attack your dignity, they can make fun of you, but they can never take away your essence, unless you surrender. (MichaelJ. Fox)

Never give up, do not give that pleasure to others.

88. Eat as if you love yourself, move as if you love yourself, speak as if you love yourself and act as if you love yourself.

Live in such a way that others observe how much you love yourself.

89. There are always flowers for those who want to see them. (Henri Matisse)

Life is beautiful even with its difficulties.

90. The best security is found in fear. (William Shakespeare)

When you are afraid, she breathes and moves on.

91. Don't be afraid to give up the good to pursue the great.

Don't be afraid to move on, cheer up.

92. Things that I thought were unattractive I made sexy. Confidence makes you sexy. (Queen Latifah)

A sexy woman is one who denotes confidence and self-confidence.

93. You can have whatever you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you cannot have it. (Dr Robert Anthony)

Put aside that cruel thought that I can't do it.

94. If you're not happy with your appearance, you have to ask yourself how much self-esteem you have. (Tyrese Gibson)

The love you have for yourself is reflected on your exterior.

95. Confidence has to give us peace. Good faith is not enough, it is necessary to show it, because men always see and seldom think. (Simon Bolivar)

Show that you are trustworthy.

96. The way to develop self-confidence is to do what you fear and keep track of your successful experiences. (William Jennings Bryan)

Focus on the good and put aside the bad experiences.

97. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. (Henry David Thoreau)

Go in search of what you want, do not stop.

98. I worry about myself. Whether I am the loneliest, or the one with the most friends, I will always respect myself. (Gautama Buddha)

You are valuable for you, not for the people around you.

99. Anger, resentment and jealousy don't change the heart of others, it only changes one's own. (Shannon L. alder)

Harmful feelings do not harm the recipient, but the one who feels them.

100. Adversity and perseverance can shape you. They can give you value and self-esteem that are priceless. (ScottHamilton)

In adversity you know the strength you have.

101. Self-confidence is the first secret of success. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Successful people are those who trust their abilities.

102. Both confidence and lack of confidence are contagious.

If you lack self-confidence or have too much, it is something that you transmit to others.

103. It doesn't bother me that you lied to me, it bothers me that from now on I can't believe you. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Losing trust cannot be regained.

104. There is something of you that you leave in each person you meet. (fred rogers)

In all those you meet, a little bit of you goes with them.

105. Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, but you have an obligation to be. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

You are unique and that is the important thing.

106. You yourself, as well as everyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. (Buddha)

Just as you love others, you have to love yourself.

107. Self-care is not a selfish act, it is simply the proper management of the only gift I have, the gift that I am in the world to offer others. (Parker-Palmer)

Accepting oneself is not selfish, it is self-love.

108. It's never too late to be what you could have been. (George Elliott)

It is never too late to learn to trust yourself.

109. I prefer to be true to myself, even knowing that others may make fun of me, instead of being false, and incurring my own abhorrence. (Frederick Douglass)

By trusting ourselves, there is nothing that others do or say that can affect us.

110. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. (Oprah Winfrey)

Think of yourself as the best thing you have in your life.

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