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The 100 best short phrases for Instagram (2022)

Instagram is a huge platform that went from being a social network where we share photos of our day to day, to a tool functional and vital for any entrepreneur, artist, merchant or personality who wants to reach all audiences anywhere in the world.

  • We recommend you read: "100 phrases for Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr photos"

Great quotes to share on Instagram

As we know that what you show on instagram is important to make yourself known in front of an audience strong, we bring in this article some short phrases for instagram and that your feed is filled with inspiration.

1. I like the simple. A hug, an unexpected kiss, take care of yourself.

Simple gestures that are full of love.

2. If you can dream it you can do it. (Walt-Disney)

You just need to find the necessary tools.

3. A wise man said: Don't be afraid of losing someone who doesn't feel lucky to have you.

People who want to be with you will show it to you.

4. It deserves your dream. (Octavio Paz)

Do you think you are worthy of what you want to have?

instagram story viewer

5. I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

There are those who misunderstand what we say, because they hear only what they want to hear.

6. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. (Neale Donald Walsch)

To get where you want, you have to take risks.

7. Life is better for those who do their best to have the best.

If you don't like something, change it.

8. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. (Confucius)

When you carry your heart everywhere, things come out with love.

9. You have to look beyond what you see.

When you get carried away by the superficial, you are not able to see everything for what it is.

10. I have failed again and again in my life: that is why I have achieved success. (Michael Jordan)

Make your failures the stairs to success.

11. To live longer we have to grow old.

Old age is a stage that comes to us over time.

12. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. (Ralph Marston)

So have a routine that makes you feel better every day.

13. The only one that dominates me... is sleep.

Something that happens to all of us.

14. There is a point of light in every storm cloud. (Brice Beresford)

The light is everywhere, because we carry it within us.

15. If you're going to cry let it be from laughing too much.

Let off steam, but also look for what makes you happy.

16. It is better to travel well than to arrive. (Buddha)

It is through the journey that we discover the most valuable things.

17. I want to be with you until the last page of the book of my life.

When you find the ideal person, forever doesn't seem eternal.

18. Those who dream by day are aware of many things that escape those who dream only at night. (Edgar Allan Poe)

Dreams in the day tend to become life forms.

19. Don't call it a dream, call it a plan.

And if you want to see it come true, you must start with firm steps.

20. You only live once. But if you do it right, once is enough. (Mae West)

A life enjoyed is a life without regret.

21. Be nice, everyone is fighting a battle you don't know about.

You don't know what other people are going through.

22. It always seems impossible, until it is done. (Nelson Mandela)

Break your big goals down into small goals that you can conquer on a daily basis.

23. Happiness is within one, not next to anyone.

We can share our happiness with someone else, but if you can't make yourself happy, no one else will.

24. The best way to predict the future is to create it. (Peter Drucker)

Only you can design the future you want.

25. No matter how short the path. Who steps hard, leaves a mark!

Let your actions speak for you.

26. Being successful is not random, it is a variable dependent on effort. (Sophocles)

Success is a series of small, consistent steps that add up.

27. Everyone has their story. I am here to learn, not to judge.

The right way to treat people.

28. When you lose, don't forget the lesson. (Dalai Lama)

Don't let that fall be in vain.

29. The best is yet to come.

Every morning gives us a new opportunity.

30. We live in a rainbow of chaos. (Paul Cézanne)

Chaos has an order that we can give it.

31. Freedom is in being masters of our own destiny.

A freedom as well as a responsibility.

32. Happiness can exist only in acceptance. (George Orwell)

You cannot live in peace if you do not face your problems.

33. Change, albeit slowly, because direction is more important than speed.

You are not in a race, so take things slowly but safely.

34. I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward. (David Livingstone)

May any course you take take you towards the horizon.

35. Better to be unpleasantly sincere than to be sympathetically false.

Although lies allow you to live in a pink world, one day that color will end.

36. Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere. (Albert Einstein)

The imagination is infinite.

37. I don't ignore you, I just give you the importance you deserve.

Don't waste your time on people who don't deserve it.

38. You can't beat the person who never gives up. (Babe Ruth)

The person who always tries is indestructible.

39. Love doesn't need to be understood, it needs to be demonstrated.

Love is shown with actions.

40. If we're growing up, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone. (JohnC. Maxwell)

That's how we defeat conformity.

41. Keep smiling, because life is beautiful and there are many things to smile about.

Of course we live in bad times, but we can also enjoy every happiness that comes to us.

42. There is a form of beauty in imperfection. (Conrad Hall)

Perfection looks artificial and therefore ends up making us uncomfortable.

43. Live, shine, dream, travel. Repeat.

An effective formula that we must try.

44. Freedom is nothing more than the opportunity to improve. (Albert Camus)

The opportunity to reinvent ourselves every day.

45. There is no medicine that cures what does not cure happiness.

Happiness is the best medicine of all.

46. The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why. (Mark Twain)

When you find it, make it grow.

47. Escape from the ordinary.

Do new things and you will see how your soul awakens.

48. We must let go of the life we ​​have planned, in order to accept the ones that are waiting for us. (Joseph Campbell)

Things don't always go as planned and that's okay.

49. Happiness is a choice, choose to be happy.

A choice you have to make every day.

50. Retry. Fail again. Fail better. (Samuel Beckett)

Failure teaches us the lessons we need to improve.

51. Do not dream your life, live your dream.

Live as you would like to live.

52. Fear is the greatest disability of all. (Nick Vujcic)

Fear consumes our confidence and prevents us from getting ahead.

53. Sometimes you have to keep going. As if nothing, as if nobody, as ever...

Although it may seem impossible, he can always get ahead.

54. Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. (Voltaire)

In which he takes charge of his life and stops pleasing others.

55. Living on appearances makes you a slave to others.

A prison that prevents you from being yourself.

56. The weak can never forgive. (Gandhi)

Forgiveness makes us wiser.

57. When life gives you incredible people and moments, don't be surprised, that's what you deserve.

You deserve everything according to what you give.

58. Happiness is a way of traveling, not a destination. (roy. m. Goodman)

Happiness is achieved at every moment of the day.

59. Live life with whoever gives you life.

Surround yourself with people who bring joy to your life.

60. If you have everything under control, you are not moving fast enough. (Mario Andretti)

Control prevents us from enjoying the moment.

61. The most beautiful view is one that I share with you.

Sharing is the greatest gesture of love that exists.

62. Whether you think you can do it or not, in both cases you are right. (Henry Ford)

The way your future is defined is by some of these beliefs.

63. If you remember me, I won't mind if the rest of the world forgets me.

There will always be special people for us.

64. If you don't have confidence, you will always find a way not to win. (Carl Lewis)

Building our confidence is the first step to success.

65. There is someone so intelligent that they learn from the experience of others.

The best way to be experts is by learning from those who know more.

66. Each flower is a soul sprouting in nature. (Gerard de Nerval)

Flowers are the expression of the joy of nature.

67. Don't read the next sentence... What a rebel you are, I like you, you should talk to me.

A fun welcome for your audience.

68. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Yes, we can have great suffering, but eventually that gives us strength.

69. The one you need to challenge, impress and outdo is yourself.

Improve for yourself, not for others.

70. I am not the same having seen the moon or the other side of the world. (Mary Anne Radmacher)

Traveling makes us have a different vision of the world.

71. Obstacles in life make us mature, successes make us reflect, and failures make us grow.

Every thing that happens to us has an important lesson to teach us.

72. No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. (Abraham Lincoln)

Lies sooner or later are discovered.

73. The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist hopes it will change, the leader fixes the sails.

It depends on which side you choose to be on.

74. You will fail 100% of the things you don't try. (Wayne Douglas Gretsky)

If you don't try, you won't know if you can do it.

75. The true entrepreneur acts instead of dreaming.

It is who manages to demonstrate their dreams with actions.

76. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. (CharlesR. Swindoll)

Our experiences are what define our character.

77. The best memories are those that when you think about them, they make you smile.

Keep alive those memories that make you happy.

78. Courage is knowing what not to fear. (Plato)

Fear will always exist, our battle is to be stronger than it.

79. I do not need material gifts or great luxuries, nor the moon. Only affection and sincere love.

In love, the material is the least important.

80. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (Leonardo da Vinci)

The things we enjoy the most are the simple things that give us happiness.

81. I didn't come into the world just to lose.

When you find your motivation, work every day to keep it alive.

82. A trip is better measured in friends than in miles. (Tim Cahill)

A trip with friends becomes one of the most valuable memories.

83. When you leave your fears behind, you feel free.

Fear is what freezes us and does not allow us to experience.

84. Patience and time do more than strength and passion. (Jean de la Fontaine)

Things are achieved with perseverance and time.

85. I'm here to live, not to impress.

You owe nothing to anyone but yourself.

86. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is mortal. (Pablo Coelho)

Routine condemns us to stay in one place.

87. The best sign of affection is respect.

Respect is what makes us have good relationships with others.

88. Nothing happens unless we first dream. (Carl Sandberg)

Great achievements start as dreams.

89. What is my favorite photo? Which I will take.

Each photo tells a different story.

90. Life is not about finding yourself. Life tries to create itself. (George Bernard Shaw)

Every day we transform.

91. Life is short. Do things that matter.

Remember that you only have one life to do what you want.

92. The harder I work, the luckier I get. (Thomas Jefferson)

Luck is also built.

93. Investing in knowledge always produces the best benefits.

You can never have too much knowledge in life.

94. The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't. (Walter Bagehot)

Break the barriers that others impose, do not let anyone measure your capabilities.

95. Your body listens to everything your mind says. Be positive.

This is the importance of having a healthy mind.

96. Success is falling seven times and getting up eight. (Japanese proverb)

With every fall, get up stronger.

97. And you will discover that waiting is not the best way to be free.

Waiting can take its toll on us.

98. You can't choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you are going to live now. (Joan Baez)

So from now on, decide to live your life to the fullest.

99. Happiness is not doing what one wants but wanting what one does.

That is why you must choose wisely what you want to do in your life.

100. Only you can control your future. (Dr Seuss)

The future is in your hands, not in those of others.

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