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The 100 best phrases about consumerism

Consumerism is a social and economic trend that has been exploiting over the years, where people give more value to products and services that are beyond basic needs but are considered indispensable for status within the society.

The problem is that this trend has grown exponentially and out of control, which is now considered as the greatest threat to the environment, because it promotes unecological practices and sustainable. In this sense, here you will find a compilation of the best phrases about consumerism that help reflect on this phenomenon.

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The most memorable phrases about consumerism

To learn more about the harmful impact of this economic trend on society and the environment, we bring a compilation with the best phrases about consumerism.

1. When you are about to buy something, remember that you are not buying it with coins or bills, but with all the effort and sacrifice that it cost you to earn that money.

You have to be aware when spending the money that you earned with so much effort.

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2. It doesn't matter if a person has €1 or 10,000, in the end he will end up spending whatever amount is in his hand.

We usually spend more than we have.

3. We have jobs we hate to buy things we don't need. (Brad Pitt)

Sometimes the job we have is not to our liking, but it helps us generate money that we spend on things we don't need.

4. In addition to being an economy of excess and waste, consumerism is also, and precisely for that reason, an economy of deception. (Zygmunt Baumann)

Consumerism is part of people's daily life.

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5. Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production and the interest of the producer should be served only to the extent necessary to promote that of the consumer. (Adam Smith)

Global production is intended to promote consumerism.

6. You are a slave to what you baptize with your name. (Alexander Jodorowsky)

Wanting more than we have is a vice that consumes us all.

7. Consumerism has strong roots in massive advertising and in the overwhelming offer that creates false needs in us. (Henry Rojas)

Not everything that advertising provides we need.

8. Consumerism consumes all questioning. (John Berger)

Consumerism is something that is present in societies.

9. Nature is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, as vital as water or good bread. (Edward Abbey)

It is good to retire from time to time to enjoy the benefits of nature.

10. The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Many times we want to have more than we really need.

quotes about consumerism

11. We live in a consumer society, in a society of desires, not of existential projects. Nobody plans to have friends, nobody plans to be tolerant, overcome phobias, have a great love. (Augusto Curi)

Society is full of advertising that drives consumption, there are no ads that help man to be a better person.

12. You can't control your own people by force, but you can distract them with consumerism. (Noam Chomski)

Consumerism is designed as a means of distraction.

13. He who buys what he does not need steals from himself. (Swedish proverb)

We must not acquire things that we are not going to need, that is spending money irrationally.

14. Modern technology owes an apology to ecology. (Alan M. Edison)

Modernism does not always help the world.

15. I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds around my neck. (Emma Goldmann)

You have to have things that you really need.

16. Understanding the laws of nature does not mean that we are immune to its operations. (David Gerold)

No one escapes consumerism.

17. Too many people spend money they haven't earned, on things they don't want, to impress people they don't like. (Will Smith)

Many times we mortgage our salary to pay for things that are not really worth it.

18. We always want more. Whether it's better clothes, a bigger house, a faster car or the latest gadgets. (Tulsi Tanti)

We always want to have more things than we need.

19. We find ourselves in a situation where we are constantly encouraged and predisposed to act in a self-centered and materialistic way. (Zygmunt Baumann)

People are immersed in an increasingly materialistic and consumerist world.

20. The attitude inherent in consumerism is to devour the whole world. (Erich Fromm)

Humanity is submerged in consumerism.

21. Every year the US population spends more money on diets than the amount it would take to feed all the hungry people in the rest of the world. (Yuval Harari)

We spend money on things that we think are good and in the end we are not satisfied.

22. Think globally, act locally. (Jacques Ellül)

Do not let globalization overwhelm you, just focus on your consumption power.

23. We will not have a society to be proud of if we destroy the environment.

Consumerism also greatly affects the environment.

24. The world is not going to survive much longer as a captive of humanity. (DanielQuinn)

We are in a world where consumerism is essential to survive.

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25. Whenever you want to buy something, think for a second: do I really need it? Is this thing I want to buy going to improve my life? If any of the answers is no, then you know what to do.

Before buying something, you have to be aware of its true need.

26. We have become accustomed to a society in which we think that if we do not spend enough on certain dates, we have failed and we cannot give the best to ourselves or to our own families.

There are important dates on which we spend a lot as society determines.

27. Human beings, the more we have, the more we want. (Unknown)

We always look for more.

28. We are in the middle of a container culture. The marriage contract matters more than love, the funeral more than the dead, the clothes more than the body and the mass more than God. (Eduardo Galeana)

We currently live in a culture where the celebration is more important than the event.

29. You only have what you can get rid of; otherwise one is not possessor, but possessed.

Buy only what benefits you.

30. Consumerism and communism occur at the same time and it is not very clear who has more power. (Qiu Xiaolong)

It refers to the comparison between consumerism and communism.

31. We are heading towards a world with less consumerism in which credit will decrease and life will slow down. Perhaps people have no choice but to face the big questions. (Salvador Paniker)

A reality that we all hope for, to have a future where there is less consumerism.

32. The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest, it is the thing we all share. It is not just a reflection of ourselves, but a lens of what we can become. (Lady Bird Johnson)

Nature is beautiful and that is why we must take care of it.

33. Nature offers a free lunch but only if we control our appetites. (William Ruckelshaus)

We must not harm the planet, it is the only home we have.

34. Am I resigned to consumerism or am I consumed by conformism? (Maycon Batestin)

We are part of consumerism even when we don't want it.

35. And the great drama is that the consumer is never happy, because he devalues ​​what he has to suffer with what he does not yet have. (Içami Tiba)

We always seek to acquire what we do not need and mortgage all our money.

36. There is something fundamentally wrong with treating land as if it were a business in liquidation. (Herman Dally)

Unfortunately, it is also traded on the environment.

37. We have been here for many years trying to draw humanity's attention to the fact that humanity is not possible if we do not have a new relationship with Mother Nature. (Rigoberta Menchú Tum)

The excess of consumerism causes the resources that nature gives us, little by little to run out.

38. Cities all over the planet are full of people who go from one place to another on cheap flights to buy the same clothes that you can see on display every day in the shops on the street where it lives. (Arturo Perez-Reverte)

Traveling to buy things that can be found on the streets where you live makes no sense.

39. We live in a society that, for the most part, is morally and spiritually bankrupt. Our culture is a culture of consumerism. How sustainable is that? (Benjamin Bratt)

Society is invaded by consumerism.

40. Instead of using technology to make processes more automatic, he thinks of using technology to improve human interaction. (Tony Zambito)

Technology is gradually taking control of the world.

41. In the insatiable voracity of power, consumerism and false eternal youth, the weak extremes are discarded as material disposable of a society that becomes hypocritical, entertained in satisfying its living as it wants as if that were possible, with the. (Pope Francisco)

Consumerism is taking over the world every day.

42. What we do makes a difference, and we have to decide what kind of difference we want to make. (Jane Goodall)

With every change we make, however small, we create a new difference.

43. She poisons the river, and he will poison you.

Everything you do to nature, she gives back to you in a big way.

44. Everything that happens to the earth will happen to the children of the earth.

The planet is sick and so is humanity.

45. Stop working to accumulate objects and start performing to treasure experiences.

Not only do we have to work to have everything we don't need, but to gain experience.

46. If we can achieve something with madness, it is to start the revolution; the change that this current society needs that is being destroyed by consumerism and the narcissistic need for collective approval. (Brayan Chaparro)

We must put our grain of sand to curb consumerism a little.

47. The more man possesses, the less he possesses himself. (Arthur Graffe)

We are letting consumerism take over our lives.

48. If the future was going to be built from something, it was going to be from a series of elements provided by consumerism. (J. g. Ballard)

Every day consumerism takes over the world a little more.

49. Man remains the greatest miracle and the greatest problem on this earth. (David Sarnoff)

Man is responsible for many of the problems that plague the world.

50. For a sustainable planet, it is enough that you do not sustain your consumerism. (Roniam Tercosmos)

To help the planet recover its health, we must avoid using its natural resources.

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51. If the world does not learn now to respect nature, what future will the new generations have? (Rigoberta Menchú Tum)

If we don't help the planet, there will be no future.

52. What consumerism really is, at its worst, is getting people to buy things that don't actually improve their lives. (Jeff Bezos)

Buying products that we later forget about is part of unnecessary consumerism.

53. The enemies of nature are the true barbarians and there is no place for savages in our civilization. (Mehmet Murat Ildan)

Humanity is destroying nature.

54. Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between you and bankruptcy. (Victoria Moran)

Avoid unnecessary expenses, they help unbalance the family budget.

55. We should never confuse our quality of life with our level of consumption.

Having a better quality of life has nothing to do with consumerism.

56. He who is not content with what he has will not be content with what he longs for. (Berthold Auerbach)

Make do with what you have, don't waste your money.

57. Buy less, choose well, make it last. (Vivienne Westwood)

Choose to buy things that are durable to avoid product generation.

58. The richness of the soil between us not only does not increase, but tends to disappear. (Arturo Uslar Pietri)

By increasing consumerism, the environment is in danger.

59. Do you think you do not need a specific object? Wait till you see it advertised at a deep discount.

Discounts are a double-edged sword.

60. Two things that catch my attention: the intelligence of beasts and the bestiality of men. (Flora Tristan)

Man is actually the worst of beasts.

61. Plant a tree and you will be sowing awareness.

We all must contribute something to nature and the best way is to plant a tree.

62. Focus on the core problem your business solves and generate lots of content, ideas, and excitement about how to solve that problem. (Laura Fitton)

Entrepreneurs can also contribute a grain of sand to have a better world.

63. The folly of endless consumerism leads us into a mad pursuit of happiness through materialism. (BryantH. McGill)

Due to consumerism we are becoming more materialistic.

64. As universities come up with robots that look more and more like human beings, not only because of their proven intelligence but now also because of their abilities to express and receive emotions, consumer habits are making us more and more similar to robots. (Jorge Majfud)

With the advancement of technology, we are becoming machines that buy for the sake of it.

65. The land belongs to its owners, but the landscape belongs to those who know how to appreciate it. (Upton Sinclair)

We must not mistreat the environment, it belongs to everyone.

66. Water and land, the two essential fluids on which life depends, have become global garbage cans. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

The prevailing pollution is part of the great consumerism that exists.

67. Know how to differentiate: do you want or need? Small changes make a difference in the daily life of our planet! (Edinaiane Shinigami)

Before buying something think: Do I need it or not?

68. We need to sow more and harvest less! (Simone Bezerra daSilva)

We have to go back to the field.

69. Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better. (Albert Einstein)

Take a breath and observe how wonderful nature is and the damage we are doing to it.

70. Faith in the living planet is the most important issue facing humanity. (Gaylord Nelson)

The planet deserves that we give it the help it so desperately needs.

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71. We live in a society of excess and accumulation, the satisfaction or quality of reading or its readers no longer matters, but rather the number of books read. (Petros Markaris)

At home we have things that, if we think about it, are not worth having.

72. I believe that rampant consumerism is the result of the failure of the communist regime. (Qiu Xiaolong)

Consumerism is part of society.

73. I can think of no circumstance in which publicity is not an evil. (ArnoldJ. Toynbee)

Advertising blinds us and drives us to buy for the fact of having.

74. Most people seek what they don't have and are enslaved by the very things they want to acquire. (Anwar el-Sadat)

Don't focus on what you don't have and appreciate what you do have.

75. Our society has reached a point where it no longer worships the golden calf, but the gold of the calf. (Anthony Gala)

Collecting the fortnight is a wait that mortifies many.

76. The man makes himself known in an erroneous way. He insists on identifying himself through his way of consuming, speaking and appearing, just as a large coin is distinguished from a small one by its sound. (Claudia Burk)

The man is characterized by pretending to have more things than others.

77. The culture of liquid modernity no longer has a populace to enlighten and ennoble, but customers to seduce. (Zygmunt Baumann)

Consuming as much as we can, even though we don't need to, is in fashion.

78. Continuous or massive advertising never stops bombarding us with new needs that we forget after five minutes.

At all times we are surrounded by advertising that drives us to buy excessively.

79. We find ourselves in a situation where we are constantly encouraged and predisposed to act in a self-centered and materialistic way. (Zygmunt Baumann)

The consumer world encourages us to be more materialistic.

80. What we are doing to the world's forests is a reflection of what we are doing to ourselves.

What we do is a projection of our feelings.

81. If I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today. (M. L. King)

Plant a tree, when you least notice it it will be big.

82. I think people see climate change as a fictitious problem, something that, if they ignore it, will go away on its own. (Leonardo Dicaprio)

The planet is crying out for a change.

83. The creation of a thousand forests is in an acorn. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

There are many ways to help the planet.

84. If people are prepared to eat locally and seasonally, then they will do quite well in terms of environmental impact. (Albert Peter Singer)

There are many things we can do to help the planet.

85. Obesity is a double victory for consumerism. Instead of eating too little, which leads to economic contraction, people eat too much and then buy diet products, thereby contributing doubly to economic growth. (Yuval Harari)

The consumption of food makes people buy any type of product, regardless of whether they are harmful or not.

86. The consumer is an eternal baby who cries claiming his bottle. This is obvious in pathological phenomena such as alcoholism and drug addiction. (Erich Fromm)

Compulsive buying is an addiction that many have.

87. Why do contemporary human beings love to buy and consume, yet have little attachment to what they buy? (Erich Fromm)

The watchword is to buy and discard, as simple as that.

88. Satisfaction in these times of consumerism is hard to find. (Tulsi Tanti)

The more you buy, the more you want and have no satisfaction.

89. Until now man has been against nature; from now on he will be against his own nature. (Dennis Gabor)

Man is the number one enemy of the environment.

90. Green is the main color of the world, and from which its beauty arises. (Pedro Calderon de la Barca)

Recycling must be started to reduce consumerism.

91. We live in a disposable society. It's a thousand times easier to throw things away than to fix them. (Neil LaBute)

When something breaks, we throw it away and replace it, without looking to see if it can be fixed.

92. We live on this planet as if we had another to go to. (Terri Swearingen)

We are polluting the planet regardless of the fact that it is the only place we have to live.

93. Consumerism and competitiveness lead to the moral and intellectual thinning of the person, to the reduction of personality and of the vision of the world, also inviting us to forget the fundamental opposition between the figure of the consumer and the figure of the citizen. (Milton Santos)

There is a lot of competition in the market.

94. There is within us a sacred flame covered by the ashes of consumerism, of the search for material goods, of a life distracted from essential things. (Leonardo Buff)

We are always on the lookout for unnecessary products to buy.

95. The only way forward if we want to improve the quality of the environment is to involve everyone. (Richard Rogers)

Societies must get involved to contribute to the well-being of the planet.

96. I feel more confident than ever that the power to save the planet rests with the individual consumer. (Denis Hayes)

If we all bought what we really need, the world would be a better place.

97. Consumerism is the worship of the god of quantity; advertising is its liturgy. (John O'Donohue)

For many people, shopping is a religion.

98. The past becomes obsolete. Consequently, people lose their individuality, their sense of identity, and then they take hold and look for an enemy in order to define themselves. (John Berger)

Accept things as they are.

99. We must not cling to the perishable goods of this world and we must abandon what abandons us. (Anatole France)

We must let go of everything that makes us happy.

100. Luxury is vulgarity. (Adolfo Bioy Casares)

For many people, luxury is something trivial.

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