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The 80 best phrases of Mortadelo and Filemón e Ibáñez

Mortadelo y Filemón is synonymous with classic comic book humor, whose way of expressing himself has been etched in the minds of all those faithful readers. And it is that, how not to catch the particular one speaks of these two agents when the correct situation appears? If you are a fan of this series of adventures and mysteries, surely it has ever happened to you that you have released one of these famous phrases.

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Best quotes from Mortadelo and Filemón

Without a doubt, it is fun to recall the plots of the old comics of the pair of detectives and see how they become entangled in very peculiar situations. For this reason, we have brought in this article the most famous quotes from Mortadelo and Filemón and some phrases from their creator, Francisco Ibáñez. Can you recognize some and tell us which one you have used the most?

1. Your servant and stonemason.

One of the most memorable phrases in this series.

2. Well, it has some scratches but here it is alive and kicking with its guardian angel.

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Minimizing damage is a classic.

3. You were the inventor of a foolproof lotion against baldness, right?

Two bald men against baldness.

4. In the village I always led the sheep to the stable... so go up, go up. I will be happy to take you!

Experience always counts.

5. Super: The... the killer! He has stabbed Me and fled! Luckily I was wearing the armored vest that you gave me. She must have put steel plates on it, huh? - Mortadelo: What's up, what's up! Just a few photos of him ...

Mortadelo and his usual responses.

6. You saw it! No sir super? Not that I say so! You saw it!

So many incredible things in this series that had to be seen to be believed.

7. Because you are the Super and we are secret agents, because otherwise it would seem that you are charging us with a move of m, m, m... shit.

Professionals above all this pair.

8. Apart from the good weather, that "Athletic" has lost again and that ...

Taking current events for history.

9. Filler with crap than a chubby from Turkey.

A very particular phrase.

10. First he grabbed me and after bouncing me all over the place until I made crumbs he got involved with hitting you with the computer and…!

Extraordinary feats.

11. At that time they called me "Mortadelo el hairy"!

Can you imagine that moment?

12. I built the Madeira Islands, plank by plank!

The Madeiras islands, but made with wooden boards.

13. You have less guidance than a priest in a nightclub ...

Obvious phrase to refer to someone who is disoriented.

14. Clarinet, it's not the Super! It's the Frog!

A dangerous confusion.

15. Yes, at that time I used to carry pigs with their legs tied everywhere.

An excellent work experience.

16. Wow! He's very happy, huh? Who has he lynched today?

A somewhat perverse pleasure.

17. The past, past and little hairs to the sea, eh?

The past has no relevance if you want to go into the future.

18. Strip! And the ones I crawled! Y!!!

You have to do what is necessary.

19. Jefeee! If you look for me, I'm with the console! I'm going to put the car at three hundred!

Mortadelo is a real heartthrob.

20. Come on, come on, easy! That the “hairy” thing was said by him without the intention of offending!

But this pair had a talent for it ...

21. Buana, buana... I was giving you a good beating, you scandalous!

A very popular phrase when they traveled to Africa.

22. Well, son, let's see if he wanted me to give him the space shuttle ride! Jog, Cónsolaaaa!

Mortadelo solving his problems.

23. It's about the donkey!!! Whoa, whoa, whoa! His name is Mortadelo! LOL! Doctor Bacterio has named him Mortadelo!

Poor Mortadelo, being a joke.

24. I donate coupons!

When they ignore you and you must resort to temptations.

25. Dita be it! Sunken!

Philemon entertained playing boats.

26. What has he invented now, an insecticide against elephants?

A joke that can be taken seriously.

27. Damn, it's okay for me to go down for a pipe drive.

A very appropriate phrase for a gaffe.

28. Go ahead and grab the deck and play "Donkey", which is his thing!

Despite everything, Mortadelo could do his job very well.

29. Let's not start with the hair! Hey? Do not start!

A sensitive topic for this pair.

30. Heh This reminds me of when I was in my town.

Memories of the past, just like this comic.

Best Francisco Ibáñez quotes

Francisco Ibánez is the creator of the comic strip by Mortadelo y Filemón. The same dates from 1958, although today it still hangs around in movies and old strips. His main idea was to put a funny twist on detective stories, with a very unique pair: Mortadelo, that he is a man who has the least possible common sense and Philemon, whose anger always dominates him for being the boss.

Now we bring the best phrases of the creator of this epic story, Francisco Ibánez that talk about the creation of him and other aspects of his life.

1. A former friend asked me if when creating Mortadelo he was looking at me in the mirror.

Offense or flattery?

2. Hey, look, no scoliosis or milk, this is death.

A very particular way of calling his ailments.

3. The fact that he resembles me is a coincidence, he is short-sighted, like the author, but I could have a lynx-like sight and I would have done Roof Breaker anyway.

Talking about his 'resemblance' to Mortadelo.

4. My wife knows that I am alive because she hears the pencils move from time to time.

A passion that never ends.

5.... For example, as a cartoonist, Alfonso Figueras, who for me has been one of the best among us, among comedians, and yet he has not been able to connect with the public either.

There are talented people who fail to connect with their audience.

6. For a long time I have been telling the publisher: "hey I'm tired now, I want to retire" and they won't let me.

A joke about its validity within the world of comics.

7. Vázquez would have managed to be the most sought-after cartoonist in the country. It would have been above me, but miles, light years away. But he didn't feel like it.

There are people who are satisfied with where they are.

8. Well, I just don't like being a complainer. Who at 80 says that he is like a rose... When I get up I look at myself in the mirror and I pass it all on to the characters.

You may not have all the evils in the world at that age, but you are not a rose either.

9. Bruguera owned the idea of ​​the drawings, the scripts, your father, your mother: everything.

Talking about his bad weather in this editorial.

10. They are 60 years old sitting in front of a table, crooked and drawing. And this brings these things, but, well, they will pass.

Even doing what you love has its long-term consequences.

11. When I go out there to sign copies there are queues that… that scares me. I would run. But they come with a smile from ear to ear and… you have to return it.

The fame is overwhelming for Ibánez.

12. Super Humor is precisely one of my most successful collections.

One of his greatest prides.

13. I am not a cartoonist, but a cartoonist, which is the union of cartoonist and scriptwriter.

It is more than just drawing.

14. These comics are not just another comic, they are almost a literary gem.

Talking about the value of comics.

15. She knew how to work any type of character, she knew how to do everything with tremendous grace… but he had the problem that he did some great things and then he didn't want to work.

Talking about Vázquez.

16. This collection has its value for the works themselves, but also for what it counts ...

The stories within a comic strip are very important.

17. Vázquez was not as good a cartoonist as Figueras, but for me he has been the best comic strip that there has been in this country, the one with the most grace.

It's not always about talent, but also about attitude.

18. Well now seriously, when the job is done at ease, it is not the same as any other profession.

Ibañez leaves us an important reflection here.

19. They could publish Mortadelo or anything without counting on me. I went to court and the litigation lasted three years.

When they try to take over your job.

20. In other words, I, in my own life, without Super Humor, Olé and the Wizards of Humor do not conceive of life at all.

What we do is part of how we live.

21. Sometimes they ask me about my memories. Please! My memories fit into two lines: 'Ibáñez was an asshole who worked, worked and worked.'

A very particular way of describing yourself.

22. This is twofold. A few days you finish a page and say: "Damn, how good it turned out!" And others you finish up to their hat. You say: "I am going to put one page under the other and I am going to hit him with the match."

The two faces of creation.

23. There are people who have tremendous grace who are not dedicated to humor, and then there are some who are dedicated to humor but who have very little grace.

Inconsistencies that work very well together.

24. There are many nonsense, of course, but there are also many historical figures and things that happened are told.

It's not just about putting on exaggerated and funny things, but about telling a story.

25. Here is the audience, the reader, the one who retires you, and they haven't done it with me yet, so let's continue ...

His reason as to why he has not yet retired from this world.

26. I have a list of diseases that I looked up in the dictionary because I don't have them all! And if they fall off the Empire State Building, in the next cartoon they are like a rose saying "what a stupid blow."

His characters as superheroes.

27. In general terms I am satisfied, things have gone well, and the public has always responded.

You can see that the cartoonist is comfortable with his life.

28. I know a lot of people who have a hideous grace, who could be called a humorist. People who laugh with them in meetings. Especially in our country, that people have a tremendous grace. However, that same person, if he were to try to make a comic strip, to transfer his humor to paper, because that humor would get stuck.

Humor can have many aspects.

29. The newspapers have an advantage there. What happens today becomes the political joke that is published the next day.

Newspapers cannot be compared to comics.

30. It is what when the 24th hour arrives I set the Canary time to have one more hour to work.

Talking about enjoying his work.

31. I refuse to put out in an album aspects of politics, like those of these days, or football, like the Barça-Madrid rivalry, that break the relationship between people.

If there is something that characterizes Ibáñez, it is his dedication to show relevant issues and not show business.

32. Vázquez did not have much inclination to work, but for me he has been the one who has had the most joke, the one who has been more sparkling, more agile, with more movement.

It is the work that makes us fall in love with the artist.

33. The golden age of Bruguera began to be glimpsed when Mortadelo began to be published, he went up with Mortadelo and reached the peak with Mortadelo.

Without a doubt, his work has catapulted more than one.

34. A comic book album is a slow process, so that when it reaches the reader, it no longer has the same relevance.

Explaining why you cannot place celebrity things in comics.

35. Mortadelo and Filemón do not contribute messages, the intention is for the reader to have a good time and forget about his problems.

The intention behind the characters.

36. This cartoon has two phases. One is the simply graphic part, which is what you are used to doing all your life, almost with the screw. But then, there is the other one, the difficult one, in which you have to think “what should I wear? What new gags am I doing this week?

The process of making the comic.

37. Many years ago women did not appear in comics. When the censors saw one, they began to trim the curves until it was like a stubborn asparagus.

Even in comics women have been repressed.

38. The reader, although he does not know exactly what happens, knows that this was not that, and it repels him a bit.

A reference to when cartoonists have to do another artist's unfinished work.

39. Rompetechos is my favorite character.

A sample of his personal tastes.

40. When it reaches the reader, six months have passed and in that time, any detail that I can get out may have changed or people or even remember. The reader might think that I am mummified!

Another reason why he doesn't trend themes in his comics.

41. Look, one who does not want to retire and others who do not want to work. All extremes are bad.

Always remember that extremes are not beneficial.

42. If I take out two people who always get along, they won't be in the least bit interested. The characters must always be at odds.

That is why there is always a conflict to be resolved in his stories.

43. As I always do a little drawing and such... At the Madrid Book Fair, if you want to find Ibáñez, you just have to look for the longest queue.

Ibáñez knows its relevance and its value in the market.

44. Sometimes my wife tells me: "Those who think you are a genius are going to be right, because here at home you have a genius that no one can put up with you"

A funny way of showing us that he doesn't have the best humor of all.

45. For this reason, one day I decided that I would no longer bring out more politicians in my albums, but even if the specific politician is not there, the situation is there, I do reflect that.

For Ibáñez it has more value to show a situation than the characters involved in it.

46. I think everyone has grown up with my stories.


47. Unwrapping that is what makes the reader funny, without getting to the political thing. I do not need it. Needless.

There is no need for Ibañez to put politics in his stories.

48. There are those who do not understand it. My friends used to tell me: "Hey, Paco, what do you really work on?" I answered them: "I do comics." And they: "No, now, we already know that, but what do you work on?"

There will always be people who dismiss your work.

49. Humor is just humor, and it's over. Humor can cover topics such as everyday life, politics, sports... even war.

Everything can contain humor if that's the way we see it.

50. My idea is not to take a theme and develop it. Nerd. What I have done in each of these comics is chain hundreds of gags, of comic situations.

About the work he has been doing for over 60 years.

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