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The 95 best phrases by Walter Riso

Walter Riso is a well-known writer famous for his numerous publications in the field of self-help and personal growth. Psychologist specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy and bioethics with training in theater and philosophy, this The author aims to promote physical and mental health through self-reflection and realistic coping with situations.

In this article you will find the best phrases and reflections by Walter Riso.

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Phrases, reflections and famous quotes by Walter Riso

In this selection of phrases by Walter Riso you will find reflections on themes such as love, emotional dependence, optimism and pessimism and the struggle to overcome situations and oneself..

1. If you don't burn for something or someone, if nothing shakes you to the core, if enthusiasm barely reaches you; you're going wrong, something stops you. You live halfway

This phrase reflects the need to be passionate, as something that leads us to live with intensity and set goals that really motivate us.

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2. Let it hurt, cry as much as you can, but don't let the sadness last longer than necessary.

It is normal to feel pain when bad things happen or when we cannot achieve our dreams. But we must not let the pain become chronic and limit us from continuing to live.

3. Illusory optimism can be as harmful as chronic pessimism

Pessimism can make us see things from a negative perspective that limits us, but being excessively optimistic can also blind us to reality and not allow us to act efficiently.

  • Related article: "11 characteristics of optimistic people"

4. You will know that they truly love you when you can show yourself as you are without fear of being hurt.

When you love and are loved, you are able to be who and how you are without any fear.

5. If you make mistakes you grow, if you don't make mistakes you stagnate

We should not fear error, as it helps us learn and develop. Making mistakes is good.

6. Giving power to someone or something to dominate you and take over your mind is a subtle form of psychological suicide.

This phrase warns us of the futility of giving someone complete power over your life. Don't think, don't do anything without the approval of the other. It is nothing more than a form of emotional dependence and to let go of your own responsibility to yourself.

7. The words never always, all or nothing are dangerous because they leave you no options.

Absolutes are not good, since they do not allow room for maneuver or the existence of other possible variables. These are limiting extremist positions.

8. Listen to people who think differently than you

Our position is not the only one that exists. We must accept and take into account opinions different from our own in order to learn and observe things from different perspectives.

9. Happiness does not arrive at the door, you have to look for it and fight for it

Maintaining a passive vital attitude gets us nowhere. If we want to be happy, we have to live in an active way.

10. The social stereotype that shows the ethical person as a boring being, a party pooper or a prude is absurd and has no basis.

That behaving ethically means being uptight is nothing more than a stereotype. Ethics does not mean not having fun or not acting, but rather taking into account the rights of others and one's own responsibility.

11. When love knocks at the door, it will come in like a storm: you will not be able to leave out the bad and receive only the good. If you think that love equals happiness, you took the wrong path.

Love is a wonderful thing, but it is not a walk in the park. Loving involves good things, but also responsibilities and even aspects that can cause us great pain.

12. The mind is a restless monkey, jumping from branch to branch in search of fruits throughout an endless jungle of conditioned events.

In this phrase the author reflects the need of our mind to observe and experience different things, moved by curiosity, motivation and energy.

13. The person I love is an important part of my life, but not the only one

This phrase reflects that The loved one should not be the only thing that gives meaning to one's life., since instead of love we would be talking about dependence. We are autonomous beings and we must self-realize ourselves whether or not we have someone to share our life with.

14. The false paradox: happy idiot or unhappy wise man is resolved. There is a third better option: happy wise man, even if it is redundant, because there is no wisdom without joy

It has always been assimilated that the ignorant are happy in their ignorance and the wise know enough not to be able to be. However, a truly wise person should be able to recognize what is important and know how to enjoy the good things in life.

15. Love has two main enemies: the indifference that kills it slowly or the disappointment that it eliminates once and for all.

Someone to whom we are indifferent gradually stops awakening the love that he generated in us at the beginning. And when someone fails us or betrays us, it breaks the trust that united us at once.

16. Sitting down and crying at the first setback and wanting life to be rewarding twenty-four hours a day is definitely childish.

The world is not fair nor an easy road in which there is only happiness, but we are going to encounter numerous moments of pain and numerous difficulties that we must be able to face without limiting ourselves to complaining about how hard it is.

17. You don't drive me crazy, you fascinate me. I don't need you, but I choose you

In this phrase the author reflects that love is not depending on someone or leaving everything aside for them, but rather a union of two independent beings who feel a strong connection between them.

18. Loving oneself, despising or ignoring others, is presumption and exclusion; loving others, despising oneself, is a lack of self-love

The author reflects that we must be able to love ourselves but without ceasing to value the rest of the world, at the same time we must love others without putting ourselves below them.

19. Do not idealize the loved one; See it as it is, crudely and without anesthesia

Idealizing someone prevents us from seeing reality objectively. It is normal to admire someone you love, but that does not mean we should stop seeing that they are people with their flaws. This usually leads to disappointments and disappointments over time. Furthermore, idealizing a person is unfair to them, since we do not accept the person as a whole but only the good parts of them.

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20. We praise someone's furniture and clothes more easily than their intelligence or kindness.

We are accustomed to observing and praising superficial aspects of our fellow men, but nevertheless there is a kind of modesty or shame in appreciating deeper and internal aspects such as kindness, affection, capacity or personality.

21. You shouldn't make the same mistake twice. The second time you do it it is no longer your mistake, it is your choice

We may err once for some reason. However, if we persist in doing the same thing we will obtain the same result because we have decided to carry out the same actions again.

22. Avoidance is not always cowardice, sometimes it is prudence and other times intelligence

Although avoiding something is generally harmful, sometimes it is necessary and adaptive.

23. Love when you're ready, not when you're alone

This phrase by Walter Riso reflects that Many people look for a partner just because they feel alone., not because I really love the other person. But that's not love, it's dependence.

24. May today be your day. Kidnap him for yourself. May everything you do be to feel good: it is forbidden to suffer from stupid things

This phrase pushes us to live and fight to be happy, ignoring those things that make us suffer for no reason.

25. There are times when fear opens your eyes, but almost always it closes them.

Always living in fear of something makes us focus on that something and ignore other elements and possibilities, limiting our lives.

26. Submitting yourself to what they will say is a socially accepted form of slavery.

We have to live our lives consistent with what we think and feel, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.

27. The truth is not proclaimed or decreed; rather it is discovered, it is sought

Saying something is true does not make it so. The truth is that which we pursue, and that we occasionally find. In fact, the truth can vary from person to person, over time and depending on the situation.

28. Always opt for freedom of conscience: think, feel and give your opinion on what means something to you

We must be authentic and true to ourselves: let's think and get involved in what really matters to us, in what is meaningful to us.

29. Love is not about losing your individuality or twisting your vision of the world, it is about reaffirming yourself together with the other, growing in pairs, being different and unique.

Love does not make us the same being, but rather that each one being an independent person can grow and develop alongside the other.

  • Related article: "The 4 types of love: what different kinds of love exist?"

30. The best things in life usually happen when we don't expect anything

Sometimes we look for something again and again desperately, without achieving it. Generally it is when we are not looking for something that we find it most easily.

31. Seeing the world in black and white distances us from moderation and inner peace because life, wherever you look, is made up of nuances.

Things are not one way or another. It will always depend on the point of view we take regarding things.

32. The brave person is not the one who does not feel fear, but the one who faces it with dignity, even if his knees and brain tremble.

It's not bad to be afraid, but it is bad to be paralyzed by it. Overcoming fear does not mean not having it, but rather that it does not limit you.

33. I want you to accept me and not “approve” of me. Love me without admission exams: loving is not judging

People who love each other, love both the good and the bad of the other without judging them. It's not about saying whether you have enough qualities to love him or not, you simply love him.

34. Novelty produces two mixed emotions: fear and curiosity. While the fear of the unknown acts as a brake, curiosity acts as an incentive (sometimes unstoppable) that leads us to explore the world and be amazed.

The unknown can scare us, but if we explore it we can discover new things that excite us and fill our lives with experiences and new perspectives.

35. You can't go through life asking for permission to live or feel

What we feel or think is something that belongs to us and that no one but us should decide. No one should judge it, nor should it depend on what others think about it.

36. The stone mind does not allow itself to doubt and hates self-criticism. Its foundations are unchangeable and indisputable

Inflexibility leads us to a mentality confined to a limited perspective that does not allow us to appreciate other points of view or learn.

37. It's no use sweetening your ears if they make your life bitter.

Although praise and words can be nice, it is the actions and how people make us feel that should determine our attitude towards them.

38. You are what you do and what you think. Both. And if they are not compatible, you are not credible

A person who does not act as he thinks is not credible, since either he does not dare to carry out his thoughts or pretend to think about something for some purpose (whether interested or simply to give an image concrete).

39. Fidelity to your partner is not an absence of desire for others. When seeing someone you like, it is a matter of self-control and avoidance in time. I recommend not playing with fire or acting stupid, because you can get burned.

Being faithful does not mean not wanting or feeling attracted to other people****s, but to control said attraction in order not to lose the loved one and what we have with them.

40. Infidelity is not a decision that is made, but if you want to be unfaithful you decide to face the costs of the consequences.

Whoever is unfaithful must be willing to accept the consequences of his action.

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41. When the heart and mind work together, you will have the strength of an oak and the delicacy of a gazelle.

The fact that emotions and thoughts are in agreement causes great strength to be born regarding the topic on which they agree. It is what makes us passionate about something, motivated and fully developed.

42. Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a way to travel through life

Happiness is not something that should be sought for its own sake. It is not a goal in itself, but the product of traveling the path we want to travel in our lives.

43. One nail does not always remove another nail, sometimes they both stay inside

Jumping from one relationship to another will not automatically make us forget the previous one, despite popular belief.

44. You have the right to change your mind

We must be flexible and keep in mind that it is not bad that our opinion about something can change.

45. To grow you have to unlearn; remove those things that are either useless, or dangerous, or inconsistent with our ultimate goal of fulfillment

Learning helps us acquire knowledge, but also We must know how to forget those things that are not useful to us to make room and focus on what we do.

46. Do not seek to solve what can no longer be done: if heartbreak knocked on your door and you opened it, there is nothing you can do. Go in peace

This phrase reflects that if love is lost definitively, it has been lost. If there is no longer love, the relationship has come to an end.

47. Wisdom is not in the titles you have

Having a degree does not imply being wise or having ability or knowledge.

48. Starting from the current knowledge we have about the mind, it is possible to affirm that there are two paths to open the doors of the good life: philosophy and psychology.

This phrase reflects that for the author, self-knowledge and reflection on the world and on ourselves allows us to lead ourselves successfully and enjoy life.

49. Well-directed anger, without hurting anyone, helps you assert yourself, defend your living space, set limits: use it peacefully

Feeling anger or anger is healthy and can be useful to us as long as we do not turn it into harm.

50. Would you pay for what you are doing for a living? Would you pay to go to work? Ask yourselves what you would pay to do, that is your calling!

Our vocation is something for which we would be able to sacrifice our time, money and effort, since it is something we are passionate about doing.

51. You can admire without loving, but not the opposite

We always admire who we love, although the opposite is not necessarily true. Although be careful, admiring does not imply idealizing but rather appreciating the good things that the other person has and even the bad ones.

52. Refuse to suffer for love, find your place in solitude

and do not allow the desire to love to be above everything

Love is important, but not the only thing that is part of our lives. We are complete beings with different vital areas and projects.

53. It doesn't matter how much they love you, but how they do it

What is important is how we are loved, not the intensity with which we are loved.

54. You are imperfect, so what? Let those who believe themselves perfect go to the Olympus of arrogance. Don't bother us and let us live in peace

Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws and virtues alike, and that is precisely what makes us unique. Those who believe themselves to be perfect are usually arrogant people incapable of seeing or accepting their own.

55. Rest under a tree and let the breeze blow in. This is not second-rate sentimentality, but rather the desire to intensely experience the sounds of silence.

This phrase pushes us to enjoy the little things, which we sometimes ignore and despise.

56. Love without giving up your identity. I do not exist for you, but with you. Unlike a love that merges, I propose a healthy love with personal identity

We are independent beings. Merging our identity with that of the other person is unhealthy and it makes us stop being who we really are. It would be a dependency relationship. We are together but we are not the same.

57. No one is worth enough to have two “loves”, no one is worth so little as to be the second option.

We are all worth the same. No one should be the second dish or the consolation prize, but rather they should look for someone who truly values ​​them for who they are. And no one should believe themselves enough to expect to have someone as a plan B.

58. When it comes down to it, you are nothing more than a human being who sometimes likes to be alone.

Every person has moments when they need to be alone with themselves. We are not more (nor less) than people with its moments of peace, joy, sadness or weakness, just like the rest.

59. Forgiveness takes time, easy forgiveness is suspicious

When someone hurts us, forgiving them is not something that happens instantly. It requires processing the event and intentions of others both in the past and currently. It is a wound that must heal. If someone forgives easily and at the same time, they probably have not yet forgiven the fact.

60. The important thing is to understand that life does not wait for us, it is not going to stop and therefore, neither will we.

Time continues to pass no matter how we are. We must take this into account and take advantage of what we have.

61. Desiring, longing, being interested in something or someone is normal, as long as you do not fall into obsession and are ready for loss.

Our interest in others and in things is something healthy and good, as long as it does not become something unhealthy.

62. If you love yourself healthily, you will be able to give love wherever you go.

To love someone in a healthy way you must first be able to love yourself.

63. The worst garbage the mind stores are self-destructive thoughts. If you think you are unlovable, no one will love you.

If someone thinks that they cannot be loved, they will end up carrying out behaviors that enhance the interpersonal difficulties that they may have.

64. You have the right to fall out of love, don't feel guilty when you stop loving. Sometimes Eros slips out the back door silently.

Sometimes love fades. It is not something voluntary nor something we should feel bad about.

65. If your partner's love is not seen or felt, if it does not reach you, then it does not exist or it does not suit you. So, find someone who loves you to pieces.

If your partner is not able to make you feel loved, it is better to end the relationship and look for someone who really knows how to make you feel it.

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66. To overcome anxiety, the fear of the future, of the uncertain, as a wise man said, you must surrender unconditionally to the inevitable.

Not censoring ourselves, doing what we want and accepting the possibility that it may not turn out well without obsessing over that idea is essential to get out of fear.

67. The problem is in the attitude, not in who you are

Whatever you are, that should not limit you. The attitude you take towards life is what will really determine whether you succeed or fail.

68. It is in silence when we make contact with who we truly are.

Connect with yourself It is something that may be more complex than it seems. Stopping thinking, judging, and even acting or interacting with the environment allows us to focus on who we are and what we want.

69. Love is for the brave, it is overcoming the fear of loss and abandonment, ending them like someone who kills a poisonous animal, without compassion.

Daring to love means overcoming the possibility that it will not work out, that they will leave us or that they will hurt us. Loving is an act of courage.

70. When we are in situations that push us to the limit, we are neither from Mars nor Venus; We are earthlings. Women and men suffer equally. Especially when it comes to love

Sex and gender have nothing to do with the level of suffering we can have for what we care about. The cultural expression of said suffering, imposed by gender roles, may vary, but the level of pain will be the same regardless of whether we are a man or a woman.

71. Be proud and happy about your physical attributes. It doesn't matter if there are many or few, you are lucky because you have them

Many people do not feel good about themselves because their physique does not match what they would like. However, regardless of what we are like, we should be proud of ourselves.

72. For a rational self, which is not unhealthy, a balanced mixture of ambition and realism is needed.

We must try to be realistic. Being ambitious is good, but we must take into account our possibilities real goals and the path we can take to achieve our goals.

73. We believe too much in beliefs, because it is more comfortable not to question ourselves

Self-questioning is something that can be hard for many people, who instead decide to take refuge in their beliefs regarding their options, their experiences or the world.

74. If you only focus on your mistakes you will not see your achievements. If you only see what you lack, you will not enjoy the moment, the here and now

This phrase tells us that we must be able to see the positive side of every moment and not live thinking only about what we are missing and the mistakes we make. The latter will only prevent us from perceiving the positive and the objectives that we do achieve.

75. Fall in love with yourself, with life, with what surrounds you, with what you do, with who you are.

Walter Riso tells us the need to love ourselves just as we are, what we live and the little things. This is what will push us to be happy and enjoy life.

76. Nothing is yours, life rents it to you, lends it to you so you can enjoy it while you have it

A very necessary phrase to remind us that we must take advantage of what we have.

77. Detachment is not lack of love, but a healthy way of relating, whose premises are: independence, not possessiveness and not addiction.

One of the main recipes that we can use to have healthy relationships.

78. Emotional ignorance is known as “alexithymia”, and means inability to read emotions.

Some people are unable to identify their own or other people's emotions at a given moment.

79. Is there greater folly than loving what I am not and missing what I have never been?

We must accept ourselves as we are, otherwise we will hardly be happy.

80. A 3,000 euro watch tells the same time as a 30 euro watch. A wallet of 300 euros carries the same money as one of 3. Loneliness in a house of 30 square meters or 300 is the same. I hope that one day you realize that your inner happiness does not come from material things in the world.

One of Walter Riso's most famous phrases that reminds us of the value we have within us.

81. I am made to do good things, interesting, happy and nice, even if they are not extraordinary and out of the ordinary. You will take a huge weight off your shoulders

A song to self-esteem that can help us on emotionally low days.

82. The joy is not in reaching the ideal Self, but in the very process of traveling towards it without self-loathing and without anxiety.

A good way with which we can find our inner joy.

83. If you decide to be flexible, you will take a huge weight off your shoulders by seeing that nothing is predetermined and that you can be the final judge of your own behavior.

Throughout his work, Walter Riso has left us great recipes to find happiness.

84. He who hurts you does not deserve you as a partner, he who does not love you does not deserve you.

One of the main bases of any healthy relationship.

85. There is nothing more dangerous than an idea, when it is the only one you have.

Fanatics are usually people who lack many important ideas.

86. It doesn't matter if you travel in first class or economy, you still get off if the plane goes down. I hope you realize that, when you have people around to talk, laugh, and sing with, that is true happiness.

A phrase that will undoubtedly make us reflect deeply.

87. Respect for ourselves and our values ​​must come before any fear or desire to please.

More important than pleasing everyone is to always be faithful to our principles.

88. If loving you means putting aside my self-love, my bond with you is toxic: I'm not interested.

A piece of advice that we must take into account in our future relationships.

89. We all die, grow old and get sick. Existence or life, as we will see later, is impermanent, and therefore our sources of attachment will be exhausted, whether we like it or not. If you accepted this premise with your whole being you would have no attachments.

A truly philosophical phrase about our journey through life.

90. If love hinders the development of my free personality, it is preferable to be alone and free

Something that all those people who have an ongoing love relationship should take into account.

91. You are going to break up your relationship because it doesn't suit you, not because you stopped loving him. It hurts, but it doesn't kill

Some of his quotes are truly very useful advice for life and love.

92. Forgiveness is a gift given to others and to oneself in order to relieve the burden of resentment or guilt: it is a well-deserved rest for the heart.

Forgiveness is one of the tools that people have to relate in an adaptive way.

93. What is better? Without a doubt, the luminosity of humor, the laughter, even if it is inappropriate at times (never offensive)

A very necessary phrase about the importance of humor.

94. The future is stored in the past

Many of Walter Riso's phrases are very poetic and philosophical reflections on life and the human being.

95. The person who has the bad habit of focusing more on the negative than the positive ends up ignoring the good

That is why we must be positive in life and see things with optimism.

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