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The 100 best collaboration phrases

There is a saying that says "there is strength in unity", which makes us reflect on the ability we have to achieve great things when we are able to collaborate with other people. Teamwork is extremely valuable because everyone pursues the same goal, helped by the individual capabilities of each member.

To go deeper into this idea, here we will a review of the best phrases about collaboration.

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The most inspiring phrases about collaboration

To reflect a little on teamwork and the importance of surrounding yourself with good people, we bring you a compilation of the best phrases about collaboration.

1. What is the essence of life? Serve others and do good. (Aristotle)

When we help others, we grow as people.

2. Solidarity is not an act of charity, but mutual aid between forces fighting for the same objective. (Samora Machel)

Work as a team to find a better solution to a problem.

3. Solidarity is based on the principle that we are willing to take risks to protect each other. (Starhawk)

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Knowing that you can count on someone, even in your darkest moments.

4. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. (Michael Jordan)

Good teamwork consists of uniting all the qualities of its members.

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5. Working as a team divides the work and multiplies the results. (Anonymous)

Delegating responsibilities helps us handle situations optimally.

6. There is no problem that we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve on our own. (Lyndon Johnson)

It never hurts to ask for help when you need it.

7. We humans help because we are capable of feeling and putting ourselves in the shoes of others. And helping generates personal and collective happiness. (Elsa Punset)

It is in our nature to be supportive of each other.

8. The important thing is not to stay alive, but to stay human. (George Orwell)

We maintain our humanity when we can help others.

9. All for one, one for all. (Alexander Dumas)

The perfect example of collaboration.

10. You can create, dream, design the most beautiful place in the world, but you need people to make your dream come true. (Walt Disney)

Big dreams are not built alone.

11. The best teamwork comes from men working independently toward a goal in unison. (James Cash Penney)

About the value of combining our skills to achieve a goal.

Quotes about collaboration

12. Hope and solidarity burn from the fires of despair. (Sharan Burrow)

It is in the most difficult moments that we find supportive people.

13. Solidarity is not a matter of feeling, but a cold and impassive fact, like the granite foundations of a skyscraper. (Eugene V. Debs)

It is a natural human response.

14. Racism is not fought with racism, the best way to combat racism is with solidarity. (Bobby Seale)

The best way to get along is to learn to understand each other.

15. You may not be lost without working as a team, but if you do it will be impossible to get lost. (Anonymous)

You can achieve great things by yourself, but as a team everything is easier.

16. The most beautiful thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. (Margaret Carty)

They become your family.

17. I invite everyone to choose forgiveness instead of division, teamwork instead of personal ambition. (Jean-Francois Cope)

United we are stronger and therefore, also happy.

18. Many ideas grow better when they are transplanted into another mind than the one they emerged from. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

As the saying goes: 'two heads are better than one'.

19. Nobody can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. (H.E. Luccock)

A perfect example of how teamwork works.

20. In the long history of humanity (and the animal world as well), those who learned to collaborate and improvise in the most effective way have prevailed. (Charles Darwin)

We survive and advance when we work together.

21. Charity is humiliating because it is exercised vertically and from above; Solidarity is horizontal and implies mutual respect. (Eduardo Galeano)

Solidarity is doing something on our own together with other people who are looking for the same thing.

22. If you give the light to ignite your brother's life, it will shine more splendor in you. (Albert Schweitzer)

By helping someone else, we also help ourselves.

23. Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. (Booker T. Washington)

Happiness is in sharing.

24. Solidarity is not an act of charity, but rather mutual aid between forces fighting for the same goal. (Samora Machel)

A very clear difference.

25. This is the duty of our generation as we enter the 21st century: solidarity with the weak, the persecuted, the abandoned, the sick and the desperate. (Elie Wiesel)

A promise to achieve a better world.

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26. Only through the fight for freedom, equality and solidarity will you understand anarchism. (Nestor Makhno)

Everyone has the right to receive help.

27. Let's be the leaders we would have liked to have. (Simon Sinek)

Let's be better than our ancestors.

28. Good teams don't hold anything back. They are not afraid to put their clothes out in the sun. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses and their concerns without fear of retaliation. (Patrick Lencioni)

By being honest about the vulnerabilities, we can work to improve.

29. Our love is so great that there is room for everyone. (Cari Tuna)

Love can always get bigger.

30. You will not know all that I am worth until I can be with you all that I am. (Gregorio Marañón)

There must also be collaboration in relationships.

31. The strongest bond of human sympathy should be to unite the people of all nations and all languages. (Abraham Lincoln)

Respecting our differences, without these being an excuse to separate us.

32. There is no good that delights us if we do not share it. (Seneca)

When something good happens to us, we want to share it.

33. Unity gives us strength, solidarity gives us cohesion. (Juan Domingo Perón)

It is not only teamwork, but helping when you can.

34. Maybe we all came in different boats, but now we are all in the same boat. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

It is not our past that matters, but what together we can do with our future.

35. Mountaineering encourages solidarity and team spirit, allowing one to find oneself. (Lord Robert Baden-Powell)

Sports teach us how to work as a team.

36. Good teams incorporate group work into the culture, thus creating the pillars of success. (Ted Sundquist)

Every team should build activities to foster support.

37. Things are achieved by working hard. It is the work that generates changes. (Shonda Rhimes)

The best changes are those made in a group.

38. If I help just one person to have hope, I will not have lived in vain. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Help whoever needs it, with what you have available.

39. The wise man does not hoard. The more you help others, the more you benefit. The more he gives to others, the more he gets for himself. (Lao Tse)

By helping others, we learn to discover ourselves.

40. What you give, you give it. What you do not give, you take it away. (Alejandro Jodorowski)

The things you earn are the result of your good actions.

41. Big opportunities to help others rarely come, but small ones surround us every day. (Sally Koch)

You don't need to collaborate on a big project, just give a helping hand from time to time.

42. Helping others is like helping yourself.

It shows us the value we possess as humans.

43. Now I understand that my well-being is only possible if I recognize my unity with all the people of the world without exception. (Leo Tolstoy)

We are at peace when we manage to live in harmony with others.

44. Teamwork is the secret that makes ordinary people achieve uncommon results. (Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha)

With support we can reach higher than we imagine.

45. The work is bearable when many share the fatigue. (Homer)

Sharing our misfortunes helps us free ourselves from them faster.

46. It's great to do what you love, but it's even cooler if you do it with a good team. (Lailah Gifty Akita)

As a team, we can more easily scale toward dreams.

47. Well, we were born to collaborate... Acting, then, as adversaries of one another is contrary to nature. (Marcus Aurelius)

Destroying is a baseness that makes us lose our humanity.

48. If dog and cat can be together, why can't we love each other? (Bob Marley)

What prevents us from getting along with others?

49. When spiders weave together, they can bind a lion. (Ethiopian Proverb)

Don't underestimate what you can achieve with your team.

50. Brands must empower their communities to be agents of change in their own right. (Simon Mainwaring)

Companies must promote teamwork in their communities.

51. The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team. (Phil Jackson)

Every person matters, but the team must also be there for that person.

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52. Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. (Mattie Stepanek)

The strength is in the joining.

53. It is not terror and violence, but trust and solidarity that will guide the new world. (Dieter Duhm)

Working for a better world requires collaboration, respect and unity.

54. It is literally true that you can succeed faster and better by helping others succeed. (Napoleon Hill)

It is not an idea, it is a reality.

55. Solidarity is worth more than competitiveness. (Esteban Garaiz)

We don't need to go over anyone to improve.

56. We have come into this world as brothers; Let us walk, then, holding hands and one in front of the other. (William Shakespeare)

If we have the ability to be good to each other, why not do it?

57. All of our humanity depends on recognizing our humanity in others. (Desmond Tutu)

Humanity are the values ​​that lead us to appreciate everything that surrounds us.

58. One by one, we are all mortal. Together we are eternal. (Apulius)

Together, it is how culture is built.

59. Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. (Andrew Carnegie)

The important thing is to continue towards that goal.

60. The destiny of all depends on the behavior of each one. (Alexander the Great)

No team can function if its individuals are not committed.

61. Concord, solidarity and mutual help are the most important means that allow animal species to survive. (Christian Lous Lange)

Selfishness allows us to achieve great things, but they never last.

62. I know of no great men, except those who have done great service to the human race. (Voltaire)

The best people are those who contribute to a more beautiful world.

63. We make a living with what we receive, but we make a life with what we give. (John Maxwell)

We are remembered according to how our actions were.

64. Almost all good things are born from an attitude of appreciation for others. (Dalai Lama)

Good things cannot happen from bad intentions.

65. A bone for the dog is not charity. Charity is sharing the bone with the dog when you are as hungry as the dog. (Jack London)

True charity is sharing and empathizing with others.

66. True heroes are made of integrity. (Hope Alone)

Heroes are those who fight to improve their space.

67. What people can choose, they can also change. (Madeleine Albright)

All change must be to benefit the world.

68. We have all seen the power that music has to spread messages of solidarity and hope. (Conor Oberst)

Music is an element that unites us.

69. The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings. (Albert Schweitzer)

Ethics is respecting ourselves and recognizing our value.

70. Alone we can do little. Together we can do a lot. (Hellen Keller)

We can do a lot on our own, but as a group, we are more capable.

71. When men see themselves brought together for some purpose, they discover that they can also achieve other goals whose achievement depends on their mutual union. (Thomas Carlyle)

When a goal is achieved, we gain the strength to continue growing.

72. You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in others than you would in two years trying to get people interested in you. (Dale Carnegie)

We must demonstrate our value but also show interest in others.

73. Strong people don't knock other people down, they help them up. (Michael P. Watson)

Confident people surround themselves with those who have more experience to become stronger.

74. A man can be essential to a team, but no team is made up of just one man. (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)

We are all valuable to a team, you just have to look for the right one.

75. The beauty of teamwork is that you always have someone by your side. (Margaret Carty)

Who can be your co-worker, but also your friend.

76. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world; in fact, it is the only thing that has achieved it. (Margaret Mead)

Those who really want a change find a way to make it happen.

77. Concord, solidarity and mutual help are the most important means that allow animal species to survive. (Christian Lous Lange)

To survive with prosperity it is necessary to collaborate with others.

78. The most important word in the language of the working class is solidarity. (Harry Bridges)

Share responsibilities and joys to celebrate efforts.

79. For those who feel solidarity with the destiny of this world, the clash of civilizations is distressing. (Albert Camus)

To collaborate with others we must keep an open mind.

80. Do good to as many as you can, and you will often meet faces that make you happy. (Alessandro Manzoni)

When we help others, life smiles upon us in the future.

81. Cooperation is the deep conviction that no one can get there unless everyone does. (Virginia Burden)

What seems impossible becomes reality when we work as a team.

82. You have to unite, not to be together, but to do something together. (Juan Donoso Cortés)

When we are together, everything improves.

83. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life. (Amy Poehler)

A message about the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive people.

84. The whole is different from the sum of the parts. (Kurt Koffka)

Together we may achieve something better or make everything worse.

85. Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean. (Ryunosuke Satoro)

Our true strength is shown when we come together with others.

86. A boat does not go forward if everyone rows in their own way. (Swahili proverb)

If we all go in the same direction, the goal becomes an accessible place.

87. In the business world, important things are not done by one person. They are made by a group of people. (Steve Jobs)

It is impossible for a company to move forward without the collaboration of its teams.

88. None of us are as good as all of us together. (Ray Kroc)

We are better when we work as a team.

89. There is no stability without solidarity, nor solidarity without stability. (Jose Manuel Barroso)

No one can live peacefully while in conflict.

90. Solidarity is the tenderness of the people. (Gioconda Belli)

It is a way to show love to others.

91. Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words. (Ibrahim Hooper)

Remember that your actions speak louder than your words.

92. The biggest and most important things do not exist without the smallest and most insignificant things. (Giordano Bruno)

All parts of a whole matter.

93. The more hands, the less work.

Sharing also means reducing personal burdens.

94. Arriving together is the beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. (Henry Ford)

The goal that every team should aspire to.

95. With time and maturity you discover that you have two hands, one to help you, and one to help others. (Audrey Hepburn)

We discover our value and responsibility to help.

96. Love is the most humble, but the most powerful force available to human beings. (Gandhi)

Love is the main engine that leads us to share.

97. The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual. (Vince Lombardi)

No team can move forward without the value that each member contributes.

98. Unity is variety, and variety in unity is the supreme law of the universe. (Isaac Newton)

Nobody is equal within a group.

99. I do what you can't, and you do what I can't. Together we can do great things. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Teamwork is bringing together different unique skills to achieve a goal.

100. There is no true peace without equity, truth, justice and solidarity. (Pope Juan Pablo II)

To achieve peace, we must see ourselves as a great team.

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