Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in Fuentes del Valle

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Degree in psychology

Professional with a degree in neuroscience, developmental psychometry, clinical psychology, 5 years of experience giving workshops and providing therapeutic support.

Degree in psychology

Online psychological care in a safe, confidential and quality way; reach your emotional and mental tranquility. Children, adults, the elderly, parents and couples are served.


Master in psychology with 14 years of experience in the clinical, school and work areas. My professional objective is the full development of knowledge and strengths to provide added value to my patients and achieve short-term goals in their treatments. Our therapy model is comprehensively innovative, it treats mind and body, with alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, acupuncture and music therapy, among others.

degree in psychology

I am a specialist in Systemic Family Therapy and Eriksonian Hypnosis, the therapy is given in a cordial, close, and professional environment, the therapy is pleasant, and without judgments or labels, human and respectful

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I am a family psychotherapist and the approach I handle is brief focused on solutions, my job is to help people build desired futures, the The objective is that from the first session you take away something useful, that you feel confident and that you participate in your solutions considering your own means. People attend therapy when they go through complicated situations that prevent them from following the course of life they want, in therapy Briefly, specific objectives are worked on, setting goals and enabling tools to obtain better results, therapies they are entertaining and always respecting the position of the human being who visits us, so there are no labels or judgments that discredit them.


I consider myself qualified to be in the path of healing, mind, body and spirit because I know the importance of the soul, of mental health.

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