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The 5 main CHARACTERISTICS of the IONICA school

The Ionian school: characteristics

In this lesson from a TEACHER you will learn what the main characteristics of the Ionian school, which arose in Asia Minor in the 7th century BC, as a consequence of certain geographical, cultural, economic and political factors that favored the emergence of the philosophy right in this region. It was a time of great changes, and the cultural exchanges caused an open mind, the promotion of free and rational thought, in front of mythological thought.

The observation of natural phenomena, the astonishment before them, they promoted the need to find a rational explanation for them. The step from myth to logos, that is, they start looking for the first principle (or arche) computer of all that there is, that of account of the necessity of the facts.

If you want to know more about the characteristics of the Ionian school, keep reading this article that offers you a TEACHER.

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  1. What is the Ionian school?
  2. Characteristics of the Ionian school
  3. Thales of Miletus, the main representative of the Ionian school
  4. instagram story viewer
  5. Anaximander, the second representative of the Ionian school
  6. Anaximenes, another important representative of the Ionian school

What is the Ionian school?

During this period new colonies were created, since the invasions caused the flight to the islands.Samos, Ephesus and Miletus, They were the first cities to be attacked and precisely in them, the birth of philosophy takes place. The trade exchange It caused these cities to become aware of different cultures, thus favoring free thought.

The School ionic born in Miletus, Asia Minor, being its main representatives Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes. These philosophers, called "pre-SocraticsBecause they predate Socrates, they begin to realize that the world, the destiny of humanity, cannot be in the hands of the Gods, who presented a human form and equally human vices.

The step from myth to logos, that is, they start looking for the first principle (or arche) computer of all that there is, that of account of the necessity of the facts.

Characteristics of the Ionian school.

Next, we will show you the main characteristics of the Ionian school or school of Miletus. Let's go there!

  1. The metaphysics of axioms as a starting point and they applied these both to nature, to society, and to morality.
  2. They think that all things have a original principle (arche)and this principle can only be one (monism), an idea inherited from the ancient Greeks.
  3. The step from myth to logos, by losing credibility in the Gods as creators and controllers of the world and its creatures.
  4. Search for first principle from which all other things derive.
  5. Strict rationalism in front of the previous mythological thought that left the world in the hands of chance.

To learn more about the main characteristics of the Ionian school, it is essential to understand the philosophy of its main representatives, Tales, Anaximander Y Anaximenes. In the following sections, we will explain it to you.

Thales of Miletus, the main representative of the Ionian school.

Is considerate the first philosopher of history and he was the first to show interest in the study of the universe. Little is known about him and his work, of which only a few fragments collected by later philosophers or by the book of Diogenes Laertius, “Life, sentences and opinions of the most illustrious philosophers”.

Thales of Miletus was one of the seven wise men of antiquity and was the teacher of Pythagoras. Legend has it that some fishermen from the island of Cos found the Helena's tripod of Troy, refusing for it, to dispose of the merchandise that they had sold in advance. Thus, the war between Cos and Miletus began, a contest that seemed to have no end due to the excessive desire to possess the coveted object.

As they did not know what to do to end the fight for the tripod once and for all, they decided to put the matter in the hands of the Horracle of Delphi, and they brought him before himself. He told them that they should give it to the wisest person in Greece and they gave it to Such, who humbly refused to accept it. Finally, after being rejected by two others, it was decided to offer it to Apollo.

He thought that the first principle of everything there is, the arche, was water, and that is why he said that “everything is full of gods”.

Anaximander, the second representative of the Ionian school.

To the disciple of Thales, Anaximander, is attributed the authorship of a Map, but also, it is said that he measured solstices and equinoxes and even he invented artifacts to measure both the size and the distance of stars.

This thinker claimed that the earth es round, unlike Anaximenes, who thought that the earth was flat like a leaf, and that this is in the Center of the universe.

The philosopher of Miletus affirmed that the origin of all things is the Ápeiron, it indeterminate, the indefinite, since the determined has a beginning and an end, and the arche is eternal and incorruptible.

The indefinite is unbegotten and incorruptible, since what begins necessarily has an end; and all corruption has a term”.

As with his teacher, only small fragments of this thinker have survived to this day.

The Ionian school: characteristics - Anaximander, the second representative of the Ionian school

Image: SocialHizo

Anaximenes, another important representative of the Ionian school.

Affirmed Anaximenes that all there is is infinite, but as we said, for him, the arche or first original principle on which everything that there depends depends, it is not indeterminate, but something determined: the air. From this element and through two inverse processes, condensation and rarefaction, which caused the cold and heat, the whole universe would be formed.

Due to the condensation The air becomes clouds, these become water, then land and finally, stones and minerals would be formed. By the reverse process, by rarefaction, the stones would be transformed into earth, these in water, that would form the clouds, these would give rise to the air and this to the fire.

Although no remains of his work are preserved, what seems to be clear is that he, as well as the rest of the members of the Ionian school, they wrote about the nature, albeit from different approaches.

The Ionian school: characteristics - Anaximenes, another important representative of the Ionian school

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From Tales to Democritus. Pre-Socratic Fragments. Ed. Alliance. 2016

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