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The 100 best phrases to learn to let go

Letting go is never easy, whether it is moving away from someone or leaving a place, but there are situations in which it is necessary to let go in order to progress. Turning the page often implies accepting a resignation and looking towards what the future has to offer us.

For this reason, although it hurts us to leave something behind, we must always keep in mind that it is to achieve a positive change that we need in our lives if we want to go where we want. In this sense, phrases to learn to let go that you will find here can help you.

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The most inspiring phrases to learn to let go

With this selection of the best phrases to learn to let go you will understand the implications of passing page, and that saying goodbye is not synonymous with weakness, but in many cases it is an expression of fortress.

1. Last night I let go of the world and gained the universe. (c. Joybell C.)

To win something sometimes we must give up something else.

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2. The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move on. (Steve Maraboli)

Letting someone go is not just walking away but forgiving to forget.

3. If you continually look back and don't let go, you won't be able to enjoy the present, much less focus on your future.

You can never get to the future you want if you keep dragging the past.

4. Whatever comes, let it come, whatever stays, let it stay, whatever goes, let it go. (AmitRay)

Things happen for a reason and for the same reason, they also go away.

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5. If you really want to be respected by the people you love, you have to show them that you can survive without them. (Michael Bassey-Johnson)

Love is never a prison and less depending on someone.

6. When I let go of what I am, I become what I could be. (Lao Tzu)

We have to embrace change in order to be our best version.

7. The art of living involves knowing when to hold on and when to let go. (Havelock Ellis)

When you let go of something that is dragging you down, you are able to appreciate your freedom.

8. Our distrust of the future is what makes it difficult for us to let go of the past. (Chuck Palahniuk)

Everything unknown scares us and that sometimes prevents us from moving forward.

9. Letting go is releasing the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the attachments and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit. (Jack Kornfield)

Release all those emotions that consume us inside.

10. The pain will leave you, when you let it go. (Jeremy Aldan)

There are those who cling to pain because they don't want to leave behind what is behind it.

Thoughts on letting go

11. Holding is believing that there is only the past, letting go is knowing that there is a future. (Daphne Rose Kingman)

When we free ourselves, we are able to walk towards a righteous future.

12. The problem with looking too far into the past is that when we turn to look at the future, it will be gone. (Michael Cybeko)

When we do not let go of the past, it becomes a weight that does not allow us to enjoy life.

13. Some people believe in holding on to things and that holding on to them is a sign of great strength. However, there are times when it takes a lot more strength to know when to let go and actually do it. (Ann Landers)

Nothing that makes you feel bad and prevent you from growing, is good.

14. You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are too attached to the things you have to give up.

Remember that to achieve something, you must detach yourself from what does not let you grow.

15. Sometimes there are things in our lives that are not meant to stay.

It is better to say goodbye to something that no longer makes us happy than to cling to a false illusion.

16. If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. (Paulo Coelho)

Goodbye is not necessarily the end, but a fresh start.

17. Begin to leave what you want to leave. The future is waiting. (Danielle LaPorte)

The future is walked forward, not backwards.

18. I demolished all the bridges behind me to have no choice but to keep going. (Fridtjof Nansen)

You can only walk towards the horizon, if you have nothing to tie you down.

19. Letting go of the past is an act of detachment.

To know that, although we cannot change anything, we can take its lessons to shape a better future.

20. Although no one can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start from now and make a new ending. (Mary Robinson)

We can all start over, it's never too late.

21. Learn to distinguish who deserves an explanation, who deserves only an answer, and who deserves absolutely nothing. (Alexandra Remon)

There are people who just don't deserve to be around us.

22. You have to learn to leave the table when love is no longer served. (Nina Simone)

The first sign that you should end a relationship is when love is no longer enough.

23. When they leave you without a reason, they don't come back with an excuse.

No one can pretend to recover something that was destroyed with their own mothers.

24. Every once in a while it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. (Guillaume Apollinaire)

Not only do you have to learn to let go of the bad things, but also the expectations.

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25. Action cannot always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. (Benjamin Disraeli)

If we don't take the first step, we can never know if we can achieve anything.

26. Explore the past, explore the present, predict the future. (Hippocrates of Kos)

All the lessons we learn are to build a better future.

27. Life is like a bicycle: You have to move forward to keep your balance. (Albert Einstein)

When you fall, it only remains to get up to continue, otherwise, we will not continue walking.

28. A man will remain confined in a room with a door that is open but swings inward; as long as you don't have the idea of ​​pulling instead of pushing. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

The danger of staying in the comfort zone is that it does not let us see what we can become.

29. Right now I'm not really here. I should have left yesterday and here I am nothing but my own retardation. (Milan Kudera)

Staying in memory for a long time keeps us from wanting that life we ​​dream of.

30. And if you don't give more, just find what's in your hands, think that giving love is never in vain. Go ahead without looking back. (Pablo Neruda)

You can do more with your tools than you think.

31. The first step doesn't get you where you want to go, but it gets you out of where you are. (Anonymous)

The first step is always the most difficult but it is the most necessary.

32. You are never too old to set a new goal, or dream a new dream. (CS Lewis)

We all deserve to do what we love most in our life.

33. Time does not heal emotional pain, you must learn to let it go. (roy t. Bennett)

Emotional pain only heals when we work on it.

34. Letting go doesn't mean getting rid of it. Letting go means letting be. When we let be, things come and go on their own. (Jack Kornfield)

Detaching ourselves from something does not imply that we forget about it.

35. Sometimes the hardest part is not letting go, but learning to start over. (Nicole Sobon)

You have to learn to have courage to start from scratch.

36. When you give freedom to others, when you let them go, you regain your freedom. (Aleksandra Ninkovich)

It's a double act, no one deserves to feel trapped.

37. Love and let go, love and let go, love and let go… is the most important thing we can learn in this life. (Rachel Braten)

True love is wishing the happiness of another person, even if it is not by our side.

38. I realize there's something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they're experts at letting things go. (Jeffrey MacDaniel)

Not only has it let go of what they don't need, but it blooms when a new season begins.

39. The hardest part of growing up is letting go of what you're used to and moving on with something you're not.

It is easy to stay in what we consider comfortable, even if it does not allow us to grow.

40. If you can't do anything about it, let it go. Don't be a prisoner of things you can't change. (Tony Gaskin)

Keep in mind that there are things that we cannot control, so it is better not to hold on to them.

41. Life happens in the blink of an eye. Therefore, living longing for the past implies letting the future slip away.

One of the most remarkable consequences of fervently clinging to the past.

42. Unless you consciously decide to let go, unpleasant things will continue to haunt you. (Prem Jagyasi)

You may not have bad luck, but you still do not let go of what is bad for you.

43. Remember that without full stops you could not continue writing your story.

If something doesn't finish, it won't let you start.

44. A man who has not passed through the hell of his passions has never overcome them. (Carl Gustaf Jung)

To get over something, you have to experience all the emotions that come with it.

45. Love is a wonderful flower, but it is necessary to have the courage to go looking for it on the edge of a horrible precipice. (Stendhal)

Love also requires courage and changes, if we want to build a life based on it.

46. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it. (George Santayan)

It is useless to ignore the past if you are going to repeat the same mistakes.

47. The cave we fear to enter has the treasure we seek. (Joseph Campbell)

Sometimes that change you resist making is the one you need to get where you want to go.

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48. You don't need strength to let go of something, what you really need is understanding. (Guy Finley)

Why should we get rid of something? In order to flourish.

49. There is a victory in letting go of your expectations. (Mike White)

When we are able to face what we fear the most, we become winners.

50. The main thing about making art is often letting go of your expectations and your ideas. (Agnes Martin)

All your emotions can be used as motivation to create something.

51. Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. (Shannon L. alder)

By letting go of the pain, that experience becomes just a bad memory that no longer affects.

52. Don't be afraid of change. Change happens for a reason. Roll with her It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

Change is always necessary, because it is part of the universal nature.

53. Life goes on And we should go with it. (Spencer-Johnson)

Stay in tune with the movement of life, don't be left behind.

54. There is an important difference between giving up and letting go. (Herman Hesse)

We give up when we stop trying, we let go when we want to evolve.

55. Never give anyone the opportunity to waste your time twice.

Only when someone is truly sorry and wants to change is that he deserves to have a second chance.

56. We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of inconstant forms, that pile of broken mirrors. (Jose Luis Borges)

Both good and bad memories, everything leads us to build what we are today.

57. The old dreams were good dreams. They didn't come through, but I'm glad I had them. (Clint Eastwood)

We don't always achieve what we dream of, but the end can be much better.

58. Failure is the opportunity to start over with more intelligence. (Henry Ford)

Failure helps us see the things we need to change to be unstoppable.

59. There's no way you can hold on to something that wants to go, you know? You can only love what you have while you have it. (Kate Dicamillo)

Whoever wants to leave your life will never be faithful.

60. Change can be scary, but do you know what's scarier? Allow fear to prevent you from growing, evolving and progressing. (Mandy Halle)

Many people don't get what they want because of the fear of not knowing what will happen.

61. We should use the past as a springboard and not as a sofa. (Harold McMillan)

The only way we can use the past.

62. In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. (Deepak Chopra)

When you work on yourself, you recognize who you really want to have around you.

63. Trust in time, which usually gives sweet solutions to many bitter difficulties. (Miguel de Cervantes)

We need time to improve and heal.

64. When one door closes, another door opens; but often we look so much and with such pain at the closed door, that we do not see those that open for us.

Opportunities come, but we can let them pass if we don't keep moving.

65. When you forgive, you don't change the past, but you change the future. (Bernard Meltzer)

Forgiveness is letting go of all those negative emotions that consume our time.

66. Today's beautiful journey can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday. (Steve Maraboli)

Even if you want to keep walking, if you carry the past on your feet, you won't advance much.

67. The truth was that he now belonged to my past, and it was time for me to start accepting him, as much as it hurt. (Tamara Webber)

When love ends, it is better to get out of a relationship that will only cultivate unhappiness.

68. Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what could be.

The process we need to focus on.

69. Abundance is a process of letting go; what is empty can receive. (BryantH. McGill)

Don't be afraid to start over, because you have plenty of room to fill with good things.

70. The secret is not to forget but to let go. And when it's all gone, you'll be rich in loss. (Rebecca Solnit)

Losses do not always mean something bad, sometimes they represent baggage that you no longer need.

71. If you want to fly in the sky, you must leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you must let go of the past that is dragging you down. (AmitRay)

It is impossible for it to be otherwise.

72. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need. (Tao Te Ching)

If you don't appreciate what you have now, you won't know how to be grateful for the things that come.

73. Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties. (Gail Sheey)

If you are a creative person in your work, you can apply creativity to live your life.

74. Every moment is a new beginning. (T.S. Eliot)

Every day can be a good day to start.

75. Every moment the counter is reset to zero and the human being has a wonderful gift: the opportunity to start, and try again. (Arturo Perez Reverte)

No matter what day it is, you just need to make the decision to start.

76. Letting go is releasing the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the attachments and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit. (Jack Kornfield)

It is not enough to get away from people, but from the emotions that affect you.

77. It is useless to return to what has been and is no longer. (Frederic Chopin)

This is the true impossible goal.

78. Every exit is the entrance to somewhere. (Tom Stopperd)

If something ends it is because something new is going to start.

79. Success seems to be related to action. Victorious men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't give up. (Conrad Hilton)

Things happen when we keep moving.

80. To change your life: start immediately. Be extravagant. (WilliamJames)

Do not reserve in looking for what you need to fulfill your dreams.

81. Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness. (Buddha)

Happiness is not compatible with clinging to something or someone.

82. There is only one way to happiness and that is to stop worrying about things that are beyond the power of our will. (Epictetus)

It is no use worrying and spending our time on what we cannot control.

83. Those who are quick to leave are the ones who never intended to stay.

If someone wants to leave your life, let him. It will always be better to keep away those who do not want to be around you.

84. Kisses that come laughing, then go away crying, and in them life goes, which will never return. (Miguel Unamuno)

Not all loves are eternal, but that does not mean that they are not important.

85. Do you know the best of broken hearts? That can only really be broken once. The rest are scratches. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

All broken hearts have the ability to heal.

86. Remember that those who leave rarely decide to do so with the intention of returning.

And it is better that you do not pressure him for it, because it will be like a heavy obligation.

87. A mistake is only a mistake if you focus on it. Let go and forgive. (CurtisTyrone Jones)

Only you decide if it is a mistake or a new lesson.

88. Once you realize that you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best decision you can make. (roy t. Bennett)

If we are not able to see what we are worth, we cannot leave behind what harms us.

89. Life can only be understood looking back, but it can only be lived looking forward. (Soren Kierkegaard)

It is impossible to pursue success if we stay with yesterday's mistakes.

90. Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Freedom is necessary to live the life we ​​want.

91. When you choose not to take action on something because you realize you have no control, that is letting go. (Darren L. Johnson)

Doing nothing is also a wise decision.

92. Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve. (Anonymous)

You are not weak for letting go of something that harms you in life.

93. As we get older and wiser, we begin to realize what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes walking away is a step forward.

Time helps us realize what things we really need.

94. Letting go helps us live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps us restore our balance. It frees us from unnecessary stress. (Melody Beattie)

When we stop worrying about past things, we free ourselves from stress.

95. You have to learn when to worry. And when to let it go. You will grow greatly. (Brandon Sanderson)

Letting go is synonymous with having more time to evolve.

96. The sooner we heal our traumas, the sooner we will free ourselves from the people who hurt us. By hating them, we cling to them and cannot heal. (Vironika Tugaleva)

That is why it is important to attend psychological therapy when we need to overcome a trauma.

97. When you resent another person, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional bond that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that bond and break free. (Catherine Ponder)

Holding a grudge affects us more to ourselves than to those who are directed.

98. The pain will leave you, when you leave it. (Jeremy Aldan)

To let the pain go, you must remove yourself from everything that surrounds it.

99. Holding is believing that there is only the past, letting go is knowing that there is a future. (Daphne Rose Kingman)

/ Why focus on the past when we have the future in front of us?

100. The best way to let go is to focus on what to do next. Spend your energy moving toward that answer together. (Denis Waitley)

Giving priority to the things that we like the most, help us to let go of what bothers us.

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