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The 60 best phrases (and reflections) about Summer

Summer is one of the most anticipated seasons of the year, as it is synonymous with vacations and time to go to the beach, spend time with friends or celebrate with family. Although the heat can intensify in certain periods of this season, the truth is that thousands of people prefer it over the rest of the year.

  • We recommend you read: "The 15 best cities to travel in summer"

Best phrases about enjoying summer

Long vacations usually come hand in hand with this particularly hot but fun season and to enjoy it, we bring you a compilation with the best phrases about summer.

1. Celebrate summer, sunny days and starry nights. (GooseberryPatch)

Summer also has its charms.

2. Through sleepy sidewalks and deaf rooms, your surrendered summers lie in wait for me with their songs. (Julio Cortazar)

Summer has been the inspiration for many songs and poems.

3. Summer is always better than it could be. (Charles Bowden)

You always have to look for the bright side of things.

4. Your eyes remind me of summer nights, black moonless nights, the shore of the salty sea, and the sparkle of stars in the low, black sky. (Antonio Machado)
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During the summer you can enjoy a sunny day as well as a night under the light of the stars.

5. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. (JennyHan)

The middle of the year is ideal for going on vacation.

6. Summer is an annual permit to be lazy. Do nothing and let it count for something. Lie down on the grass and count the stars. Sit on a branch and study the clouds. (Regina Brett)

A time of rest to renew our energies.

7. Summer's afternoon; for me these have always been the two most beautiful words in my language. (HenryJames)

Spending summer evenings in good company is a pleasant plan.

8. Every summer has a story.

The best things happen in the summer.

9. The sun is shining, the weather is sweet. They make you want to move your feet dancing. (BobMarley)

At this time of year, warmth and joy are present.

10. I almost wish we were butterflies and only lived for three days of summer. (John Keats)

In summer all dreams come true.

11. There is only one season: summer. So beautiful that the others revolve around it. Autumn remembers him, winter invokes him, spring envies him and childishly tries to ruin him. (Ennio Flaiano)

Summer is ideal to go out and enjoy the sun and the sea.

12. In summer the hands of the wind move invisible threads in the air, which join the waves, the hair and the thoughts. (Fabrizio Caramagna)

There are countless artists who see summer as an inspiring muse.

13. Everything is better with a swim in the sea in summer.

Enjoying the sea is something we should all do in summer.

14. Summer is a state of mind.

Everything good can be enjoyed whenever you want.

15. When the swallow comes... summer is upon

There are things that indicate that the best is yet to come.

16. It's easy to forget how effervescent and free we were that summer. (Anna Godbersen)

When we are enjoying something, time passes quickly.

17. Summer is for surrendering; and winter is for wondering. (Debasish Mridha)

Summer is made for enjoyment and relaxation.

18. Summer has always been my favorite season. It makes me feel happier. (Zooey Deschanel)

We must look for what always makes us happy.

19. A rainy winter, abundant summer.

After a difficult situation, comes tranquility.

20. Let the summer come! Let fall and winter come again! Every season will be enchanting to me, oh you, who decorates this fantasy and this reason! (Paul Verlain)

Each season of the year has its magic.

21. Summer is like an eternal Sunday; You think about doing a thousand things, but then September arrives, which is a disproportionate Monday, and you haven't done anything at all. (Orporick)

Summer is not eternal.

22. The only thing that gets me through winter is the certainty that summer will come. (Jack MacBrayer)

After darkness comes light.

23. Your voice is the soundtrack of my summer.

In summer unique experiences are lived.

24. Love is a spring flower between two people that develops in summer and does not wither in winter.

True love never ends.

25. The mountains and the garden go into my room in summer. (Matsuo Bassho)

The beauty of nature is lived in the summer.

26. Summer has filled its veins with light. (C.S. Lewis)

Sun and light are part of summer.

27. I know that for your heart I am nothing more than summer, and not the four seasons of the year. (Vincent Millay)

A true love endures any difficulty.

28. When the sun shines I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no problem is too difficult to overcome. (Wilma Rudolf)

The sun is a source of energy and inspiration.

29. Friends, sun, sand and sea, that sounds like summer to me. (Anonymous)

Sharing a day at the beach with friends is a great alternative.

30. The summer night is like a perfection of thought. (Wallace Stevens)

Hot summer nights are something indescribable.

31. If one night in June he could talk, it would probably be to brag that he invented romance. (Bern Williams)

Summer nights induce love.

32. You are the noise of the sea in summer. Vicente Huidobro)

The sea highlights its beauty during the summer.

33. One of the benefits of summer is that every day we have more light to read. (Jeannette Walls)

The days at this time are brighter.

34. In the depths of winter I finally learned that there was an invincible summer inside me. (Albert Camus)

Within us there is a force that encourages us to continue.

35. Rejoice like summer… chase away sorrows by living. (Melissa Marr)

You have to put your sorrows aside.

36. A life without love is like a year without a summer. (Unknown)

Love is a fundamental part of life.

37. I love how summer wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket. (Kellie Elmore)

The summer heat drives you crazy.

38. A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower breaks. (James Dent)

Nothing is perfect in life.

39. Flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind is not occupied with unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. (Wu Men Kuan)

Each person knows how to find in which season he should live.

40. Summer love never ends, it just changes places.

There are loves that only last a very short time.

41. I want a summer love that lasts all seasons of the year.

Authentic love lasts forever.

42. Smell of sun, daisies and a pinch of river water. That's summer. (Kate Daisy)

There are things that are only done in summer.

43. Summer embraces you like a warm blanket on a winter day. (Kellie Elmore)

The summer heat is unique.

44. Don't cry anymore, Summer! In that furrow a rose dies that is reborn a lot. (Cesar Vallejo)

When you least expect it, reborn hope.

45. What do we Finns do in our spare time? In summer go fishing and make love. In winter the fishing is very bad. (Kimi raikkonen)

Being with the loved one is pleasant at any time.

46. My grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt like summer snow, but winter friends are friends forever. (George R.R. Martin)

True friends are at all times.

47. When people go on vacation, they shed their skin of home, thinking they could be a new person. (AimeeFriedman)

On vacation things are done that are not usually done.

48. The most important thing of the year is the little bit of summer we get.

It's always good to have a quiet moment.

49. Happiness consists in living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. (Leo Tolstoy)

Happiness has different concepts.

50. Take me back to that summer, with the palm trees, the ocean breeze, walking by the blue sea, the hot air, and sun-based hair.

It's good to remember good things.

51. The best time of the year is the one spent in front of the beach.

There is nothing more pleasant than being in front of the sea.

52. I'm made of summer days.

Summer is a fun time.

53. A life without love is like a year without a summer. (Swedish proverb)

Love is very important.

54. Summer: the hair is lighter. The skin is darker. The water is warmer. The drinks are colder. The music is louder. The nights lengthen. Life gets better. (Anonymous)

Summer gives energy to life.

55. What good would the heat of summer be without the cold of winter to give it sweetness? (John Steinberg)

Everything in life complements each other.

56. Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair. (Susan Polis Schutz)

Enjoying moments outdoors is something that is priceless.

57. Feeling the wind on your face sitting on the shore of the beach is to feel that we are alive.

It is very pleasant to sit by the sea and feel the breeze hitting your face.

58. No one needs a vacation more than the person who just had it. (Elbert Hubbard)

We always want to be on vacation.

59. Because a little bit of summer makes the whole year worthwhile. (John Mayer)

We all need that well-deserved rest to enjoy what we have.

60. Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. (Van Morrison)

While you can, enjoy the sea.

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