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The 85 best famous phrases of Pablo Picasso

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, did you know that that was the full name of Pablo Picasso?

Perhaps not, but that was not the only curiosity of the artist, but he is also known to be the forerunner of cubism, an unknown and questioned technique of art, but which later became its trademark personal.

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However, it was his creative ability and his willingness to experiment with various artistic movements that led him to climb the peak in the world of the arts.

So, in commemoration of the audacity and talent of this great artist, we bring below the best phrases of Pablo Picasso that you definitely can't miss.

The 85 famous phrases and reflections of Pablo Picasso

Can you identify with some of these phrases that Picasso left in history? These are the famous quotes from one of the most acclaimed painters in history: Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

1. It takes a long, long time to be young.

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It is possible to stay young, being happy with our life.

2. Everything that can be imagined is real.

If we have the ability to think about it, it is possible to do it.

3. A painter is a man who paints what he sells. An artist, on the other hand, is a man who sells what he paints.

A great reflection between the love of what is done and the commercial side of it.

4. Action is the fundamental key to any success.

If you are not proactive, it is impossible for you to succeed.

5. When they say I'm too old to do something, I try to do it right away.

It is never too late to start doing something you love.

6. I do the impossible, because the possible is done by anyone.

A great attitude to conquer everything that we believe is impossible.

7. Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

Love abounds in every corner of our life.

8. It took me a few years to learn to paint like the Renaissance painters; painting like children took me my whole life.

The important thing, rather than becoming equal to the great personalities, is to find our own voice.

9. I'm always doing things that I can't do, so I have to learn how to do it.

Get out of your comfort zone so you can do great things.

10. I do not evolve, I am. In art, there is no past, no future. Art that is not in the present will never be.

Art has a permanently ethereal character.

Bullfight. One of Picasso's most admired paintings.

11. The paint is stronger than me, it always gets me to do what it wants.

This is a particular vision of the artists, where they ensure that the works have a life of their own.

12. All children are born artists. The problem is how to remain an artist as you grow up.

Art has been a part of people since childhood.

13. I had the opportunity to face my idols for the first time. They were waiting for me at the Prado Museum. Since then, the painting of Velázquez Las Meninas has remained fixed on my retinas, in an obsessive way. I think I already made, even if it was in the subconscious, the decision to make my version of Las Meninas. Which are the ones that are now, as a donation, in Barcelona.

This teaches us that we can take admiration as an impulse to find our own space in the world.

14. The main enemy of creativity is good taste,

When we place limits on creativity, it loses its essence.

15. Art is dangerous, art is not chaste; ignorant innocents are not made for art. Art that is chaste is not art.

Art has a raw side that expresses what the human mind hides.

16. Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

Inspiration is not a mystical element, it is the result of work.

17. Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror or the painter?

What is the medium that portrays us as we really are?

18. When I was a child my mother told me “if you are going to be a soldier, you will be a general. If you are going to be a monk, you will end up being the Pope. Instead, I became a painter and ended up being Picasso.

Surrounding yourself with people who encourage you is the best way to conquer the top.

19. Every act of creation is above all an act of destruction.

To create, you have to destroy, and then give shape.

20. When we love a woman we do not begin to measure her limbs.

Physique is not a requirement to truly love someone.

21. I would like to live as a poor man with a lot of money.

This is a clear difference to prevail humble in the face of success.

22. The meaning of life is finding your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Giving is receiving, but it also fills us up is sharing what we have.

23. We must not discriminate between things. As far as things are concerned, there are no class distinctions. We must choose what is good for us where we can find it.

Discrimination only limits people to find their happiness.

24. I paint objects as I think of them, not as I see them.

Painting is shaping our imagination

25. Why are you trying to understand art? Are you trying to understand the song of a bird?

Art should not be something to be understood, but to be lived.

26. Today's world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?

An interesting way to place art as a representation of reality.

27. I was not born learned, but I have learned since I was born.

It doesn't matter if you don't know a topic, what matters is that you have the willingness to learn.

28. Paradise is loving many things with passion.

Doing things with passion brings life to life.

29. Computers are useless, they can only give you answers.

For Picasso, computers only represent the logical and rigid part of the world.

30. When German soldiers used to come to my studio and look at my photos of Guernica, they would ask 'Did you do this?' And I'd say, 'No, you did it.'

A phrase to reflect on our actions and take responsibility for them.

31. Art is a lie that makes us understand the truth.

Art is a different way of expressing reality without words.

32. There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes.

Do not close yourself to your beliefs, appreciate the opinions of others and adapt them to your world.

33. Your work in life turns out to be your most absolute seduction.

Appreciate what you do, because for that you will be remembered and that you will live on.

34. The quality of a painter depends on the amount of past that he carries with him.

Our story, be it sad or happy, is a great source of inspiration.

35. Painting is another way to keep a journal.

Painting is a great way to bring out our emotions.

36. The one who believes that he can, and the one who believes that he cannot cannot. This is an inexorable law.

Believing is a powerful weapon

37. Critics, mathematicians, scientists and meddles want to classify everything, marking borders and limits... In art, there is room for all possibilities.

Art does not limit you, on the contrary, it invites you to explore everything you can.

38. Just leave for tomorrow what you are willing to leave undone when you die.

The things that are left for tomorrow should be the things that we don't want to do.

39. Others have seen what it is and asked why. I have seen what it could be and asked why not.

Always seek to be yourself and avoid imitating others.

40. Art is eliminating the unnecessary.

Everything that is around us can be taken as inspiration.

The Guernica. A work that represents the horror and pain that war causes.

41. What is the art? If I knew, would take good care not to reveal.

That artistic mystery is what makes permanent paintings.

42. Art does not consist in the application of a canon of beauty but in what the instinct and the brain are capable of conceiving beyond that canon.

For art, beauty is in the eyes of its creator.

43. What is really a face? Your own photo? her makeup? Or is it a face painted by a painter or by another painter?… Doesn't everyone look at themselves in their own particular way? Warps just don't exist.

Why should faces have beauty canons?

44. Art is a finger on the ass of the bourgeoisie.

Through art you can send direct messages that some want to hide.

45. Learn the rules like a pro, then you can break them like an artist.

To create our voice, we must listen to that of others.

46. Ah, good taste! What a terrible thing! Taste is the enemy of creativity.

What do you think about good taste and creativity?

47. Every second of life is a new and unique moment in the universe, a moment that will never be repeated. What we teach our children? We teach them that two plus two equals four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When are we also going to teach them what they are?

Education should also promote the importance of knowing ourselves.

48. Everything exists in limited quantity, especially happiness.

When we insist on looking at life in a negative way, we are wasting happiness.

49. Never let a dichotomy rule your life, a dichotomy where you hate what you do so you can enjoy your free time. Find a situation in which your work brings you as much happiness as your free time.

Things are never black and white, but there are different shades between them.

50. Often, when reading a book, one feels that the author would have preferred to paint rather than write; one can feel the pleasure that comes from describing a landscape or a person, as if one were painting what he is saying, because deep in his heart he would have preferred to use brushes and colors.

In the end, do we all have the need to paint?

51. To flourish, a work of art must ignore or rather forget all the rules.

A work of art should not be rigid or follow a specificity.

52. Do the things you can't do. This is how you get to do them.

The more we challenge ourselves, the more incredible results we will get.

53. There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.

There are those who with few elements can create wonders.

54. You have the capacity to do anything. Yes, you are wonderful.

So just take a chance and do it.

55. Photography came in time to free painting from all literature, anecdote, and even subject.

An interesting point of view of photography.

56. Our goals can only be achieved through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and on which we must act energetically. There is no other route to success.

Having a plan, believing in that plan, and acting on that plan is the way to succeed.

57. Finishing a job?... how absurd, finishing means killing him, freeing him from his soul... giving him the coup de grace for the painter and for the painting.

The best things never end, they evolve.

58. Love is the greatest appetizer of life.

Love always nourishes us, both physically and mentally.

59. Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.

A particular vision about the artists.

60. The object of art is to dust the daily life of our souls.

Art is the place where we can find something different to animate our world.

61. Music and art are the lights that guide the world.

After all, they are elements that unite us in a way that nothing else does.

62. When you start to paint a portrait and look for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you inevitably arrive at the egg. Similarly, starting with the egg and following the same process in reverse, one finishes the portrait.

Everything is a cycle, every end is a beginning.

63. Having fun with all these games, all this nonsense, all these picture puzzles, I became famous

Having fun while doing our work is the best way to enjoy it.

64. I am just a public artist who has understood his time.

When we know what we want to do, we can master our talent.

65. My hand tells me what I'm thinking.

For Picasso, thinking about his works was based on the movement of his hands.

66. What do you think he is an artist? … He is a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate or delightful things that happen in the world, being completely molded in his image.

And what do you think an artist is?

67. Paint is not made for decorating apartments. It is an instrument of war.

Because in each image of the paintings the struggle of the people is written.

68. Every time I have had something to say, I have said it the way I felt it should be said. Different motives invariably call for different means of expression.

In art, it is not worth keeping quiet, since everything ends up on display.

69. There is nothing more difficult than a line.

Getting started is the hardest part of all.

70. I, who have been involved with all styles of painting, can assure you that the only things that fluctuate are the waves of fashion that carry snobs and profiteers; the number of true connoisseurs remains more or less the same.

Sometimes the world just goes on according to the taste of the powerful.

71. I don't believe in accidents. There are no encounters in history, there are no accidents.

Things do not happen by chance.

72. Copying others is necessary, but copying yourself is pathetic.

To stay alive, you have to reinvent yourself and evolve.

73. If I paint a wild horse, you may not see the horse... but you will surely see the madness!

The most shocking thing about paintings is seeing the emotional charge that painters place on it.

74. I don't say everything, but I paint everything.

Express in your voice what you do best.

75. Why suppose that looking is seeing?

Looking is what we appreciate with the naked eye, but seeing implies knowing.

76. What could be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of childhood. When the child grows up, he disappears without a trace. Perhaps that child will one day become a true painter, or even a great painter. But then you will have to start all over again, from scratch.

All children are creative geniuses because they see the world differently.

77. I do not look for; I find.

If you want to get something, you must go for it.

78. What is more abstract may be the height of reality.

Reality can also be abstract.

79. The first half of life is learning to be an adult, the second half is learning to be a child.

We must never forget being children, because this is how we can enjoy life without regret.

80. We constantly move dust from one place to another, only to have it replaced by more dust - entropy always wins.

To advance we must face our demons.

81. Don't waste your youth growing up.

Youth is a state of mind that we must always have.

82. We artists are indestructible; even in a prison or concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my tongue wet on the dusty floor of my cell.

Art is always present and therefore artists are eternal.

83. In matters of painting an expert can only give bad advice to a painter, that is why I have given up trying to judge myself.

Critics only look for what suits them.

84. If I spit, they'll take my spit and frame it like a great work of art.

A harsh criticism of his own fame.

85. The more technique you have, the less you have to worry about. The more technique there is, the less technique there is.

The more we know about a subject, the less we are afraid of doing it wrong.

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