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The 70 best phrases to shut up mouths

There are times when we need a clever and spicy phrase to defend ourselves from a negative attack. of another person, either in a personal situation or on social networks, to stop talking about things they do not know and free us from their nosy presence.

  • We recommend you read: "45 phrases to flirt (and how to use them correctly)"

Best phrases to shut someone's mouth

Next we will show a series with the best phrases to shut up mouths that will help you find inspiration and courage to face that arrogant person who does not stop bothering you.

1. We all descend from monkeys, but yours is an abuse. (Mr Puterful)

A way to let a person know how little reason they have.

2. Your mother punishes you by looking at you in a mirror.

A phrase to defend yourself when someone makes fun of your appearance.

3. Chickens give eggs, cows give milk and you... You suck (Mr Puterful)

There are people who do not measure their actions.

4. Your words say who you want to be, your actions manifest who you really are.

Remember that your actions speak louder than your words.

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5. Envy is a disease; hope you feel better.

All envious people want to be like those they annoy.

6. If you don't like me, take your turn, find a seat and wait for me to care.

No mean comment should affect you.

7. You are shorter than the sleeves of a vest.

There are people who fall very low because of the way they act.

8. I hope the rest of your day is as enjoyable as you are.

It can be a bright day or a terrible day.

9. Talking about me makes your life have some meaning for you.

What's the point of talking bad about someone?

10. It shows that your mom didn't feel like doing anything she did to you.

When bad vibes come from birth.

11. You are the pillow of the whole neighborhood.

A somewhat strong insult even if it seems simple.

12. What is allowed to be expressed must be said clearly; about what cannot be talked about, it is better to remain silent. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

It is better to remain silent in the face of what we do not know what to say more than necessary and look bad.

13. Better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open it and dispel doubt. (Mark Twain)

We must always measure the consequences of what we say.

14. Did you use a mud puddle as a mirror this morning?

No matter how beautiful a person is, they can be hideous on the inside.

15. You should eat some makeup to be more beautiful inside.

It would be ideal if we were all as nice on the inside as we are beautiful on the outside.

16. Sometimes I don't even care about my opinion, imagine yours.

Everyone has an opinion, you can't shut them up but you can choose which one to pay attention to.

17. Today, whoever is not an asshole is modern.

With the rise of viral videos, everyone wants to have their 15 minutes of fame, even if it's just doing stupid things.

18. You are such a bad person that they don't even want you in hell.

When we are bad people, we have a great chance of being left alone.

19. It takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to be silent. (Ernest Hemingway)

Talking is easy, keeping silent when necessary, not so much.

20. I do not need you anymore. I have your memory, which is worth more than you.

Even if you no longer talk to a person, you can always treasure the good times.

21. Thanks for showing me just how evil people can be.

They all teach us valuable lessons, even in bad times.

22. Talk about my life when yours is an example.

You can never judge someone if you haven't been through a similar situation or have a better example.

23. Everyone can be stupid once, but you abuse the privilege.

People who do not learn from their actions and prefer to repeat everything over and over again.

24. I invite you to judge me when you are perfect; then I will listen to you.

Many of those who point fingers are unable to reflect on their actions.

25. The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog. (Diogenes of Sinope)

That is why animals are currently more cared for and respected than many people who do not deserve it.

26. May God keep you and may he forget where. (Miss Borderline)

It is better to get away from a person who does not bring you anything good.

27. I didn't know you were an expert on my life and how to live it!

There are those who believe that they know all the secrets of a perfect life, but do not accept other ways of living.

28. I would insult you, but then I would have to explain the insult to you, so let's leave it at that.

Don't waste time lowering yourself to the level of someone who enjoys criticizing.

29. Don't talk about what you don't know, don't get involved in what doesn't matter to you and don't judge what you didn't live.

The formula to have a quiet life.

30. Do you realize that people only tolerate you?

Not everyone who treats you well is really nice to you, you can always fake it.

31. I'll put what you said in a bank and see if I ever get interested.

A great way to let a person know that their malicious opinion of him doesn't affect anything.

32. Half the world has something to say, but can't; the other half has nothing to say, but is not silent. (Robert Frost)

There are all kinds of opinions and, although it is a right to give it, we must always take care of our words.

33. Try not to look at yourself in the mirror, so as not to break it.

It is not going to be that the malice comes out of his pores.

34. The navel of the world is believed, and it does not even fluff.

Do you know someone who thinks they are superior to others?

35. Too bad you can't Photoshop on your personality.

It is only with therapy and acceptance that someone who is envious or evil can change.

36. Many goals to meet and thousands of mouths to shut up.

Focus on your goals and not on what others want you to be.

37. To those who talk behind my back, thank you. It's a sign that I'm ahead of you.

Remember that criticism and envy are signs that you are doing well.

38. The one who criticizes you a lot, something about you itches.

No one singles out someone if it's not because he has something he wants and can't have.

39. Before you were worth it, now you give it.

There is nothing worse than ending up feeling sorry for yourself.

40. Happy people have no need to make others bitter.

Self-confident people have no need to step over others.

41. You talk bad about me because if you talk about yourself, nobody cares. (Mr Puterful)

People who hide behind their criticism to divert attention from their own failures.

42. I don't like you, but that's okay, there are plenty of other people who don't like you either.

It may seem cruel, but there are times when a cruel comment is necessary for someone to open their eyes to your attitude.

43. How pretty people look, when they don't get into what they don't care about.

They are the most honest and pleasant.

44. That is not an appropriate response for your age.

No matter your age, no one has the right to have a negative opinion of you.

45. Better things have been said to me by better people than you.

Words hurt depending on who says them.

46. If what I say bothers you, imagine if you knew what I think.

There will be those who will take any excuse to criticize, whether you do something right or not.

47. Don't speak if you can't improve silence.

If your opinion will only cause harm or will not bring anything good, better keep quiet.

48. I am not selfish, I just seek not to get into other people's lives.

There are those who believe that taking care of ourselves is the same as being selfish.

49. The man who does not know how to shut up does not know how to speak either. (Publius Syrus)

If a person does not know how to listen, he will never be able to understand.

50. Since you know everything, you'll know when to shut up.

If someone knows everything, it's because they're completely perfect, right?

51. I don't have the time or the crayons to explain it to you.

It is always better to stay away from those who insult you, because what bothers them the most is being ignored.

52. Sorry if I don't meet your expectations, my priority is to meet mine.

You should always focus on what you want to do and not on pleasing others.

53. I will ignore you so much that you will doubt your existence.

The best revenge is to be happy, because that way you show that you don't care about that person.

54. I would take you to your mother but she told me that she already has a lot of trash in her house.

Not everyone is capable of putting up with the same heavy games they play with others.

55. Are you like that or do you get brain blackouts? (Mr Puterful)

Some seem to have a hollow brain, because they are unable to understand or empathize.

56. Now I understand why you wear so much makeup.

Makeup can be a hiding place for someone's true personality.

57. I was hoping for a rational conversation, but there seems to be no one around to have it.

Not everyone has the ability to have a mature conversation.

58. Some people are like a bottle of wine, they look better with a stopper in their mouth.

Opinions should always be heard, but when they are intended to harm, it is better to ignore them.

59. I give you back your nose, he had meddled in my business.

A great way to confront someone.

60. I want you as a friend of other people that I don't know. (Mr Cat)

It is difficult to be around someone unpleasant, even if they are friends with your loved ones.

61. Loose lips sink ships. (Saying)

A very wise saying to understand the value of silence.

62. I love how you say such obvious things with the feeling that you discovered something.

No one can know the stories that all people keep inside.

63. You're halfway between a cockroach and that whitish stuff that collects on your lips when you're thirsty.

Someone who focuses on attacking others cannot be a person.

64. Don't talk so fast, I don't have time to ignore everything you say to me.

No matter who he is, no one has the right to tell you how you should live.

65. I don't know which will go down first: your arguments or your panties.

Obsessive critics have a personal problem that they refuse to solve.

66. A fool is one who turns what he does not understand into a joke.

Those who make fun of others show their ignorance.

67. I'm not insulting you, I'm just defining you briefly. (Mr Puterful)

Nobody wants to accept that he is a bad person.

68. He who seems wise among fools, he seems foolish among wise men. (Quintilian)

Everything changes depending on who you surround yourself with.

69. Do you know what I'm going to give you for Christmas? A large wooden cross. So that whenever you feel unappreciated by your sacrifices, you can climb up and nail yourself to it.

People who have a problem with you actually have a problem with something about themselves.

70. When a finger points to the sky, the fool looks at the finger. (Amélie Poulain)

The followers of a bully are just as dumb as this one.

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