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The perspectivism of Ortega y Gasset

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Welcome to a Professor, in today's video we are going to talk about one of the fundamental concepts of thought of Ortega y Gasset: perspectivism.

To talk about perspectivism, we must first talk about what are the different conceptions about the possibility of knowledge.

The different conceptions about the possibility of knowledge are:

- Skepticism: we cannot know anything about the world around us.

- Dogmatism: affirms that the human mind does have the ability to know the truth.

- Criticism (of Kant): Middle term, knowledge is reliable, since we cannot say that we have full knowledge of reality, but we cannot say that we have absolute ignorance.

- Relativism: affirms the non-existence of an absolute truth, any conception of the human being about knowledge is his own, everything is relative.

- Perspectivism: affirms that every human being knows reality from his point of view.

If you have any questions or comments about the perspectivism of Ortega y Gasset, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video some

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