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Brandon Sanderson's 80 Best Quotes

Brandon Sanderson is an American fantasy and science fiction writer, known for popularizing the use of hard and soft magic, for being the creator of Sanderson's laws of magic and the Cosmere universe, whose rights are currently owned by the DMG company Entertainment.

In addition to being a professional and passionate about fantasy stories and the creation of universes for his stories, he has a podcast called 'Writing Excuses', in which he talks about the different literary genres and the webcomics.

If you are interested in knowing the way of thinking of this writer, keep reading; here you will find Brandon Sanderson's best quotes.

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Brandon Sanderson's most memorable phrases

To learn more about this artist, we bring a compilation with the best 80 phrases and reflections of Brandon Sanderson that can serve as a source of inspiration.

1. I am what the universe made me be.

Could it be that fate directs our lives?

2. We are not creatures of destiny. It is the journey that shapes us.

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As the saying goes, 'the journey is more important than the goal'.

3. The hallmark of insecurity is bravado.

Many abusive people use their aggression to hide their vulnerability.

4. That's what trust is, right? A desire to deceive oneself?

There are people who have a very high ego even though they are insecure about themselves.

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5. I don't know what I am either. Bridge man? Surgeon? Soldier? Slave? They are just labels.

Only you know who you really are.

6. There are so many things we don't know! Lately, I feel like my life is a book written in a language I can't read.

There is always something new that we can discover.

7. My dear, have you tried to prove the existence of God without your cleavage?

Not all moralists are role models.

8. I don't "tell stories." I spread knowledge of cultures, peoples, thoughts and dreams.

Stories are ways in which the culture of a people merges.

9. And, therefore, does destiny matter? Or is it the path we take?

Is there only one set course for us?

10. If you give up what you want more for what you think you should want more of, you will end up feeling useless.

A warning of what awaits us if we give up on our dreams.

Brandon Sanderson Quotes

11. If I die, I will do so having lived my life well.

The only death that is truly worth it.

12. Anyone can believe in someone, or something that is always successful... But I fail... Ah now, that's hard to believe, sure and true.

Nobody wants to accept his failures or see the value in his lessons.

13. What is belief, what is faith, if you don't continue in it after failure?

Your faith should not be present only when something is going well in your life.

14. You're getting weak, man. I will not exploit that weakness. But others will.

We must be careful to whom we show our vulnerability.

15. Pain loses its power when other things become more important.

We leave suffering behind when we understand that it is useless to cling to it.

16. One way or another, we find the balance between who we want to be and who we need to be. For now, we can be satisfied with what we are.

The balance that we must pursue to have peace.

17. Life before death. Strength before weakness. The journey before the destination.

Focus on the things that are really worth it.

18. Rarely was there a crossroads in a person's life. People changed slowly, over time.

We tend to make our problems bigger than they really are.

19. Given two works of artistic majesty, weighted equally, we will give more value to whoever did it first. It doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what you believe before anyone else.

The former tend to be the most important.

20. The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think about.

Talking about the role of a narrator in a story.

21. I consider myself a man of principles. But what man does not consider himself? Even the murderer finds his actions moral in a certain way.

All people believe they are right in their principles and values, even if they are not the same as others.

22. If you're always on time, that means you never have anything better to do.

Punctuality speaks highly of us and our sense of responsibility.

23. Men's motivations never make sense. And yet they always have it.

Everyone has their own reasons for moving forward.

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24. A man works much more productively when he works for himself.

Eventually, people stop wanting to work for someone else.

25. Our calloused feet, our backs strengthened by carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of lived experiences.

Everything we experience has a reason and a lesson, even if we don't see it at the time.

26. It is a thing of nature. Each push corresponds to a pull. A consequence.

Everything we do has a consequence, positive or negative.

27. The change did not frighten him. Change was an opportunity to become something you weren't.

Every change is an opportunity to be better.

28. Too many scholars think that research is just a brain quest.

All research is a personal process to understand what we do not know.

29. Books can store information better than we can... what we do, and books can't, is interpret. So if no conclusions are going to be drawn, you may as well leave the information in the texts.

The books contain thousands of stories and knowledge.

30. Sometimes it is not worth paying the cost that the prize is worth. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself.

Not always the goal we seek justifies the means we use.

31. A man can only lead when others accept him as leader, and he has only the authority given to him by his subjects.

Every leader must earn the respect and support of his group.

32. The fact that most people are decent does not make their decency worth less to society.

The fact that something is accepted by the majority does not imply that it is right.

33. Their prayers, their beliefs, their mythology. Many are very similar: derivations or sects of each other.

Almost all beliefs or religions have a similar origin.

34. Entropy shakes your fist in anger at you for being smart enough to organize the world.

The world does not stay in one way, because we are constantly changing.

35. Bitterness is paid more often than kindness.

We tend to give more importance to negative feelings than to positive things.

36. Why did they believe? Because they saw miracles. Things that a man took as an opportunity, a man of faith took as a sign.

We can create our own miracles with the opportunities we take.

37. The truth can never be defeated, Sarene. Although people temporarily forget it.

The truth may take time, but it always comes.

38. You don't stop loving someone just because that person hurt you. It would certainly make things easier if that happened.

When we love we always give many more opportunities than necessary.

39. I am also sincere. So sincere, in fact, that sometimes I expel the lies through my mouth. There is no place for them inside me.

Lies never get anywhere.

40. But he had discovered that imaginary things were often the only thing in life that had any real substance.

Sometimes it is necessary to have a little imagination to move forward in reality.

41. But each of us is many different people, and you can tell a lot about a person by what he carries with him.

Each person has their own particular way of being.

42. Making fun of a woman is like drinking too much wine. It might be fun at first, but the hangover is hell.

No one has the right to make fun of another person.

43. Believing is not simply a thing for good times and bright days.

Believing also implies a commitment for good and bad times.

44. If anyone is reading these words, know that power is a heavy load. He try not to get caught in his chains.

Power can consume us to the point where we lose who we are.

45. Philosophy? What does that work for? Isn't it the art of saying anything with as many words as possible?

Philosophy is the beginning of all sciences.

46. A loved one recovering from illness, a lucky deal, a chance meeting with a friend long lost, the great doctrine or general ideals which seemed to make men believers. It was simple magic in the world around them.

Everyone appreciates their good fortune differently.

47. Expectations are like a piece of fine pottery. If you hold it too hard it is more likely to crack.

The biggest disappointments come from high expectations that we are unable to meet.

48. Everyone knows that ice cream is worth it when it's cold. Like all virtuous things, you have to suffer to earn the reward.

Suffering also leads us to better appreciate the good things that come to us.

49. Trying to guess what people want from you will only lead to chaos,” Sazed said. You can't please them all.

It is impossible to satisfy all the people that exist, but we can please ourselves.

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50. That's the question, isn't it? We have to keep living, no matter how hard it is. We will win in the end.

Everything worthwhile is difficult at first.

51. The brightest ideas in the world can't save your kingdom if no one listens to them.

It takes more than goodwill to bring about big change.

52. I try to avoid having thoughts. They lead to other thoughts, and if you're not careful, those other thoughts lead to actions. Actions tire.

Our thoughts can be harmful if we don't control them.

53. War is even worse than politics. At least where politics takes place there are usually pleasant interludes.

War never leaves more in its wake than destruction and rancor.

54. Being offered allegiance is like being infused as a gem, gaining the fearsome license to destroy not only your own entity, but all that is in your charge.

Not all rulers are there for the good of their people, but to satisfy their need for power.

55. If we do nothing with the knowledge we gain, then we have wasted our studies.

If we don't put what we know into practice, then it's just lost accumulated knowledge.

56. It's easy to believe in something if you always win... Losses are what define a man's faith.

The most difficult moments are those that demonstrate someone's value.

57. Suddenly they became dangerous. Like a calm day that turns into a storm.

There are evils that we do not see coming until it is too late.

58. As soon as one revolution achieves its goal, another begins to be planned.

This is because no one will ever be fully satisfied.

59. Don't run if you only have the strength to walk.

It's better to do something slowly but surely than to rush in and screw it up.

60. Unconscious ignorance is preferable to informed stupidity.

Ignorance is part of human nature because we don't know everything, but nothing justifies acting in a way if you know it's wrong.

61. This world is sometimes a storm. But remember, the sun always rises again.

Things can always get better tomorrow.

62. I worry about what they will say about me.

It is very common to pay more attention to the opinions of others.

63. Historians can do what they want with the past. A thousand years from now, will I be remembered as the man who protected humanity from a powerful evil? Or will I be remembered as the tyrant who arrogantly tried to become legend?

No one can know how he will be remembered after he dies.

64. Our faith is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.

Hope is the last thing you lose.

65. One did not take a step and suddenly one was in a completely new situation.

Things change little by little, never in one fell swoop.

66. But you cannot kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you have never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am the hope.

Hope only dies if we want it that way.

67. I write these words in steel because nothing else can be trusted that is not defined in metal.

Have conviction in what you say.

68. Every man is a hero of his own story.

We all have the potential to be protagonists.

69. I died in that abyss. Now you have to deal with my vengeful spirit.

You can't expect someone you hurt to come back to you with open arms.

70. Never give the first blow. If you have to give the second, he tries to make sure there is no third.

It is preferable to wait for the perfect moment to act.

71. It is a time of change. Perhaps it is also a time to learn other truths, other customs.

New beginnings can bring new rewards.

72. He didn't see madness as an excuse for irrational behavior.

Nothing justifies an act based on bad intentions.

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73. Perhaps another person, reading my life, considers me a religious tyrant. You can call me arrogant. What makes that man's opinion less valid than my own?

You cannot fight against the opinions of others, but you can strengthen your own.

74. It is not the destination that matters, but how you get there.

It is on the way where we learn everything we need for our lives.

75. I declare that no achievement has as great substance as the path used to achieve it.

It doesn't matter that you have the success you've always wanted if you've gone above and beyond to achieve it.

76. I bring peace through understanding.

Seeking a world without war.

77. Don't look for luxury without compromise. See the strengths in all the weaknesses.

If you are not responsible for your actions and what you acquire, everything will take its toll on you.

78. When one dedicates himself to doing nothing, he is lazy; but if there are two who do nothing, it is already considered a lunch break.

Sometimes things need another perspective.

79. My dear friend, Brisa replied, the meaning of life is to get others to do the work for you. Do you know anything about basic economics?

Looking for the easy way.

80. Inside, it's me. A very different me than I was a year ago, but I can't worry about that, so I keep going and hope my feet take me where I need to go.

We are not the same people as yesterday, and we will not be the same tomorrow either.

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