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The 85 best phrases of disgust and disgust

Disgust is an emotion that people can feel for a large number of different reasons.Feeling it is something completely natural and we don't have to be ashamed of it.

Disgust represents a state of discomfort that can be both physical and emotional, we can be disgusted by a meal, a person or simply the situation in which we find ourselves. During our personal lives, we show the disgust we feel towards something in particular, almost unconsciously. Many writers and thinkers have shown this particular emotion, in a large number of their literary works.

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disgusting phrases

Would you like to know the most famous disgust phrases, which tell us about this feeling of repulsion?

Below you can enjoy the best phrases of disgust and disgust, written by great writers and thinkers of all time.

1. It is necessary to achieve that the shame of themselves is awakened in others, that self-defense is replaced in them by self-disgust. The day the Uruguayan is disgusted by his own passivity, that day it will become something useful. (
instagram story viewer
Mario Benedetti)

We should all feel disgusted with ourselves, if we are not capable of fighting to achieve our goals.

2. No, listen, what happened was this: they lied to you, sold you ideas about right and wrong, made you distrust your body, and shamed you out of your profession. of chaos, disgusting words were invented for your molecular love, they "mesmerized" you with their indifference, they bored you with civilization and all its filthy emotions. (Hakim Bey)

By arousing our disgust towards someone or something, they can control our actions in regards to it. Disgust can be a method of control.

3. I don't give a damn about humanity, what has she done for me, I'd like to know. If they're stupid enough to slit each other's throats, bomb each other, napalm each other, exterminate each other, I won't waste my eyes crying. A million children slaughtered So what? Children are never anything other than the seed of scoundrels and thus the planet is decongested a bit, they recognize that it is overpopulated. And then what? If I were the earth I would be disgusted by all that worm on my back I would shake it off. If everyone bursts I want to burst. Children are nothing to me, I'm not going to be moved by them. My daughter is dead and my son has been stolen from me. (Simone de Beauvoir)

A very visceral appointment where we can see how Simone de Beauvoir is capable of transmitting weariness and disgust in a totally explicit way.

4. I think that in life you only have two options: either try to be happy, or die of disgust. I try to be happy. (Jordi Sierra i Fabra)

The search for happiness is one of the most relevant searches of our lives. We all go through it unequivocally.

5. They cleaned the dust from their rooms, the lint from their seams, the crumpled papers from their desks and their offices. They reestablished order in the beds where they made legitimate or illegitimate, satisfying or frustrating love, without feeling disgusted by those foreign odors and stains. (Jose Donoso)

Feeling disgusted or not depends solely on our predisposition to it.

6. We are taught that certain things are bad and that is why we hate them and are disgusted by them; but we could still be taught in another way. (Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio)

Our education transmits a series of values ​​to us and also teaches us to hate other types of attitudes. Disgust can be a clear symptom of visceral hatred.

7. To try to understand people, you have to dig down to the roots. It's not enough to give time a nudge with your shoulder to make it look better; You have to scratch through his cracks and force him to give his best. Get your hands dirty. It doesn't disgust me. (Philippe Claudel)

Indeed, as Claudel tells us in this quote, getting to know someone for real can be quite laborious work.

8. I deeply abhor large areas. Sitting in those huge sweet shops that still persist in Buenos Aires gives me an extremely unpleasant feeling of vertigo; a certain disgust in the pit of the stomach. In places like these one finds oneself permanently exposed, fatally in full view of all. And that's something I just can't stand. Eight years of analysis have not been able to take away that restlessness and restlessness. (Eduardo Sacheri)

Society can cause us a great emotion of disgust, depending, of course, on our personal point of view.

9. I didn't greet Leopoldo Moreau even when we were members of the UCR together. I personally disgust him. (Elisa Carrió)

Those people we are most disgusted with are usually also those we hate the most.

10. And I suddenly sit up, standing up, shouting: “I love you, I hate you, I bite you, I despise you, I hug you with disgust, with nostalgia. I do not know any more. Forgive me". (Gabriel Celaya)

Disgust is one of the most sincere emotions that human beings can feel, we must know how to understand and value it.

11. After so many years of serving the Chief, you had lost your scruples, your sensitivity, the slightest trace of rectitude. Just like your colleagues. Like the whole country, maybe. Was that the requirement to stay in power without dying of disgust? Become a fiend, a monster like your Boss. Staying fresh and happy like the beautiful Ramfis after raping and leaving Rosalía bleeding to death in the Marion Hospital. (Mario Vargas Llosa)

Those most relevant people within society can also be authentic monsters, people to be truly disgusted with.

12. They didn't want to touch it; it inspired them with the same disgust as a fat spider you don't want to squash with your hand. (Patrick Suskind)

When we feel disgust towards someone or something, we won't even be able to touch it with our hands.

13. The most interesting cinema today comes from the third world, because those people have something to fight for. We do nothing more than permanently describe the disgust we feel for ourselves. (Michael Haneke)

Western society feels a lot of disgust towards itself, but then it also feels a great dependency on everything that makes us really disgusting.

14. Memories are always disgusting… (Julio Cortazar)

Memories can put us in touch with emotions we don't want to feel.

15. Now we are going to play a blues… That old, old music that the blacks used to play, did you see? Yuck! (Charly Garcia)

Racism is also often disguised as an irrational disgust towards the other culture or ethnic group, all this only shows our own deep-rooted lack of culture.

16. I say the word in my sleep, I say it because I'm not supposed to say it. I say it because it is an invisible word... a word that arouses anxiety, discomfort, contempt and disgust. (Eve Ensler)

Certain things have always aroused great disgust within society, sometimes irrationally and other times simply because of our own incomprehension.

17. I wasn't happy, I never had been. Where, then, did that insufficiency of life come from, that instant rottenness of the things on which it rested? Each smile concealed a yawn of boredom, each joy a curse, each pleasure its own disgust, and the best kisses did not leave on the lips more than an unrealizable delirium of a more voluptuous high. (Gustave Flaubert)

Getting into bad dynamics during our lives can awaken negative emotions in us that we don't know how to deal with.

18. Lord, give me courage and strength to contemplate my body and my heart without disgust. (Oscar Wilde)

We ourselves are the ones who, at some moments in our lives, make ourselves more disgusting. We must work on our self-esteem so that this does not happen.

19. I remain in the world because the world is even more terrible than nothing. I have accepted life because life is more painful than death... Only from pain is truth born, and at the bottom of despair is the only pleasure that does not produce disgust. (Giovanni Papini)

It is in the most difficult moments, where we learn to live with our most negative thoughts.

20. I didn't know that disgust is one of the forms of obsession and that if we want something, it's easier to think about it with disgust than not to think about it. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

The impotence of not being able to achieve something can lead us to feel very fed up and from there to feeling disgusted, it is only one step away.

21. And when it's all over, I get sick because I barely have time to read and write and think, and because I know I shouldn't get high on that crap that's aimed at the kid in me. Especially since the child in me is claiming my mind. (Daniel Keyes)

When we are not able to lead the life we ​​dreamed of, most of the time we tend to blame ourselves. Are we really guilty of our own misfortunes?

22. I thought someone has built those buildings; someone who didn't just sit around and complain that the kitchen was dirty, that there were leaks, that a drain was clogged, that this world sucks… (Ayn Rand)

Changing the world in which we live depends solely on our own attitude.

23. They kissed her so much between Inés and her mother that her face was as if walked on, soft and smelling of rouge and Rachel Coty's powder, wet around her mouth, disgusting that the wind slapped her off. (Julio Cortazar)

Feeling the wind on our face can be one of the best sensations we can feel. The simplest things in life can also be the most valuable.

24. I have to tell you something very important, monsieur, we are all disgusting. We are all wonderful, and we are all disgusting. (Alessandro Barico)

A great quote from the Italian novelist and philosopher Alessandro Baricco, a writer who in Spain has been a sales leader with his great works.

25. Nothing can be fixed: evidence that must be carried with disgust and resignation. (Camilo Jose Cela)

We cannot change certain situations that we sometimes find ourselves in, we must know how to live with the emotions that these unfortunately arouse in us.

26. The enemy is the one who, from within, destroys what is worthwhile. He is the one who shows you the decrepitude contained in each reality. He is the one who brings to light your baseness and that of your friends. He is the one who, on a perfect day, will find an excellent reason for you to torture yourself. He is the one who will make you feel disgusted with yourself. He is the one who, when you catch a glimpse of the heavenly face of a stranger, will reveal to you the death contained in so much beauty. (Amelie Nothomb)

The one who can make us feel more disgusted will always be ourselves, because only we give ourselves the authorization to feel this particular emotion.

27. There is no fear that can face hunger, there is no patience that supports it, disgust simply does not exist where hunger is; and as for superstitions, beliefs, all that you would call "principles", they are less than straw facing the breeze. (Joseph Conrad)

When hunger manages to settle within us, all our daily actions will be aimed at ending it.

28. One always likes to look good, and after looking good one likes to look better in front of whoever he wants, in front of whom one, in turn, intends to make merits to be loved. I did not invent it, first, because I believe that Avellaneda is worthy of the truth, and then, because I am also worthy, because I am tired (and in this case fatigue is almost disgusting) of dissimulation, of that dissimulation that one puts on like a mask over the old face sensitive. For this reason, I am not surprised that, as Avellaneda found out what Isabel had been like, I also learned what I had been like. (Mario Benedetti)

Some emotions are easy to confuse with each other, we must know how to understand each other and learn to live with our thoughts.

29. A young man with a sprained foot elicits our sympathy, not our disgust; an old man with a twisted foot, however, only arouses our disgust. (Thomas Bernhard)

Many times we are totally unfair giving our emotions to others. We should all be a little more compassionate in our personal lives.

30. He liked even less what awaited him at the entrance to the town, where his guide left them alone to go in and ask for instructions. Dirt, piles of garbage, dust, dogs, flies... With her face distorted in a disgusted grimace, Lenina, she put a handkerchief to her nose. (Aldous Huxley)

Disgust is part of the emotion itself, a really intense bodily sensation. This sensation can even cause physiological reactions in us.

31. It disgusted me to think like that, once again to be thinking everything that others just felt. (Julio Cortazar)

Our thoughts can be a great source of disgust on our part, knowing how to control them will help us avoid this unpleasant feeling.

32. Such is time, naked time; it comes into existence slowly, it takes time to wait and when it arrives you feel disgusted because you realize that it had been there for a long time. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Feeling disgusted with ourselves is something that has happened to all of us at some point, this situation should not scare us because over time we will be able to reverse it.

33. I chat a lot with the bottlemen. They know more about life than anyone. I gave them pumpkins and they accepted me. If people put resentment and disgust in them, it is because they are a mirror of reality, that disgust and resentment is held by others inside. I don't. (Daddy)

Projecting unpleasant feelings towards the most disadvantaged shows others what our true values ​​are.

34. The assumption that conservatives are the natural allies of libertarianism bothers me. Why not the left? Or better: Why not none? Both sides suck. I don't know what I would choose, if I had to choose an ally; unlike many stupid libertarians, I realize we didn't "come from" any of them. We are better than both. I'm really sick of cosmopolitans telling me "we're on the left", but I'm even more tired from Republicans who act like conservatives are our natural allies and home and origin. (Stephan Kinsella)

Politics is a "profession" that can make us quite disgusting, many of the actions that are carried out in it usually leave much to be desired.

35. The one who never woke up in an anonymous bed, next to a face that he will never see again; and he did not leave a brothel at dawn, wanting to jump into a river out of physical disgust at existence, something has been lost. (Charles Baudelaire)

Many of our personal actions can become quite disgusting once we have already carried them out, we should not do anything in our lives that we cannot live with.

36. Reality is disgusting, I hate it, I hate it; but where else can you find a good steak for dinner? (Woody Allen)

Dealing with what is most difficult for us is essential to be able to enjoy what we most want.

37. That is why I do not raise my voice, old Walt Whitman, against the boy who writes a girl's name on his pillow, nor against the boy who dresses as a bride in the dark of the closet, nor against the loners of the casinos who drink the water of prostitution with disgust, nor against the men with green eyes who love man and burn his lips in silence. But yes against you, fags from the cities, with swollen flesh and unclean thought, mothers of mud, harpies, sleepless enemies of Love that distributes crowns of joy. (Federico Garcia Lorca)

What disgusts us perhaps only shows our own shortcomings, or the fear we have of what we do not know.

38. It should give you disgust, gentlemen it should give you disgust. (Viviana Canosa)

We must be consistent with our own actions and never be ashamed of them.

39. An unmistakable message had passed between them. It was as if their two minds had opened and thoughts had flown from one to the other through their eyes. I'm with you, O'Brien seemed to be saying. I know what you're thinking. I know your disgust, your hate, your disgust. But do not worry; I'm with you! (George Orwell)

Supporting our friends in their most difficult situations can help both of us improve as individuals.

40. Fed up with the rich on TV showing off, as if we had to drool... There are more commandos to go! They disgust me being afraid of the reds, they ate the coconut, I anti-establishment and proud, it should be aberrational not to be, the crime: supporting this that destroys the entire planet. (Paul Hasel)

The proletariat has always felt a great visceral disgust for the opulent way of life of the bourgeoisie.

41. I love human beings. There is nothing else that causes me tenderness, disgust, tears and fear than humans. All the bitterness of my life I am transforming into a sincere and neat smile that I give to the first person that crosses my path. (Ilya Beshkov)

We must know how to understand all our emotions, they all tell us something about ourselves.

42. Many things have changed if as a child I was afraid of the cops and now I am disgusted by them. (KaseO)

Over time we learn to value things more accurately, maturing allows us to be more in touch with our thoughts.

43. If you didn't love me, I would die; How you love me, here I am, writing to you to stop. My own stupidity disgusts me. (Gustave Flaubert)

A very romantic quote from the famous French writer Gustave Flaubert, undoubtedly a benchmark of his time.

44. She only lived for me, feeling repulsed... by any physical exertion. (Odilon Redón)

Some people completely refuse to perform any physical effort, each of us perhaps was born to feel comfortable doing a different task.

45. Now you are at the worst moment. It may be harder than death. But perhaps there is no other worse. Because the limits of a person do not change. You may get sick again, and a cold like this may strike you again, but if you are strong you will never suffer so much again in your life. Things are like that. You may think that it would be disgusting if it happened again, but don't you think it would be better to get used to the idea that things are like that? (Banana Yoshimoto)

Learning to fight everything life throws at us is something that can take a lifetime. Positivity is really essential to be able to lead a fuller life.

46. I write whenever I can, with nausea at the beginning. (Horace Quiroga)

Nerves can be a lot like a feeling of physical disgust, knowing how to differentiate between the two situations can be somewhat complicated in times of great stress.

47. Everyone adores me, it's nauseating. (Noel Cowards)

When everything is perfect in our life, this very particular feeling also usually awakens in us. The problems in life are totally necessary to be able to know how to differentiate the good and bad moments.

48. Disgust is always close to desire. (Luis Landero)

This is undoubtedly a great truth, from desire to disgust there can be a really short distance. The limits between the two are set by us.

49. Hate was a vomit that freed them from the greater vomit, the vomit of the soul. (Clarice Lispector)

Hate can be a really disgusting emotion, we should not encourage hate among those close to us.

50. Don't judge me the way you see me tonight. Decrepit, old, undone. Try to remember me how you didn't know me, boy. Forty years ago, you'd already be gawking, bewitched by me, desperately imagining any ruse to get you to bed with me. Now in return, I disgust you, my fame overwhelms you and you want to run away because you know I collect young meat. But someday not too far away your health will leave you, boy, and you will go out into the night in search of what you already lost. (Alberto Fuguet)

Those people who today can disgust us, were also young and beautiful at some point in their lives. Respect is vital within our society.

51. Now he knew the exact answer to that question and a few more. Enough to know that sometimes knowledge sucks. (James Dashner)

As they say, trust is disgusting and when you know another person in depth, perhaps even more.

52. At this very moment - it is atrocious - if I exist it is because I am horrified to exist. I, I get out of nothing to which I aspire; Hate, the disgust of existing are so many ways of making myself exist, of sinking myself into existence. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

A really insightful quote from the great writer Jean Paul Sartre, we will all feel disgusted with ourselves at some point in our lives.

53. You want to know that life is more than endless fucking disgust. (Arnaldur Indridason)

The life we ​​have in the future will depend to a large extent on our actions, we must know how to make the right decisions in it.

54. How disgusting I am with all these intellectual complications, this philosophy that discovers the beast and then saves and justifies it!!! (Luigi Pirandello)

Who has not felt this sensation at some time? Disgust towards the ideas of others is something that usually happens regularly.

55. How do you manage to always be so happy? -Easy, sadness disgusts me. (Margaret Mazzantini)

Sadness is something that, without a doubt, we must banish from our lives, being positive and maintaining a good attitude we will manage to avoid it.

56. Overall, I'm not good, it's not one of my character traits. The humanitarian disgusts me, and generally the fate of others does not give a damn to me; I don't even remember ever experiencing the slightest feeling of solidarity. (Michel Houellebecq)

Being aware of the disgust we give, can be the first step to be able to correct our defects.

57. When they hurt you as much as the one you did to me, you will understand the disgust that can be felt.

The hatred that we feel towards someone can end up leading to this unpleasant emotion.

58. In that dream I was flattering someone I despise. When I woke up, I felt more disgusted with myself than if I had really committed such a baseness. (Emil Ciorán)

We must not let our dreams embitter our character, dreams will have the importance that we give them.

59. In this last sense, disgust could be considered an emotion derived from civilization itself whose mission is the protection and preservation of the cultural values ​​of the moment. (miller)

Disgust can be an emotion that unconsciously tries to divert us towards certain values ​​that our elders have instilled in us. Being disgusted towards certain behaviors or towards certain types of people is something very common.

60. The experiences of hate are possibly supported by the biological framework of disgust. (Alberto Acosta)

Knowing how to differentiate between disgust and hate can be something really important. Are we disgusted by that person or do we simply hate what he represents to us? We must not let ourselves be guided by false prejudices.

61. The greatest pleasures are very little separated from disgust. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

The politician and philosopher Cicero wrote about the uses and customs of ancient Rome and also about human nature and its preferences.

62. I can't raise the dead; It's disgusting and it smells really bad. (Aladdin)

One of the conditions that the Genie of the Lamp establishes when granting his 3 wishes.

63. The vine gives three kinds of grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of drunkenness, the third of disgust. (Diogenes)

An excess of alcohol ends up causing truly unpleasant experiences.

64. Equality is the mother of disgust, variety is the cure. (Petrarch)

Petrarch valued the diversity of people above all else.

65. Love turns, with a little indulgence, into indifference or disgust; only hate is immortal. (William Hazlitt)

Love can progress into feelings of disgust, hate is usually more unalterable.

66. Women are 'expected' to have slim waists and still be voluptuous. The people around us tell us we have to eat, but then look at us in disgust if we cross the invisible line of overeating. (Katelyn Ohashi)

This great athlete suffered in her own flesh the hatred and discrimination of the great American public.

67. However, the passions, violent or not, should never be expressed in such a way as to reach the point of disgust; and music, even in the most horrifying situations, should never be painful to the ear, but should flatter and charm it, and therefore always remain music. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Virtue is always in the right measure of things.

68. All disgust is originally disgust for touching. (Walter Benjamin)

A rather surprising and accurate assessment of disgust.

69. If I could write, I probably would. But movies have given me a part of my life where I can express feelings and carry convictions to an audience as if I could write. So I did 'Gandhi' about human relations, prejudice and empire. In 'Cry Freedom' I expressed my horror and disgust at apartheid. (Richard Attenborough)

Disgust for certain social and political systems can lead artists to create great works.

70. Man thrives where angels would die of ecstasy and where pigs would die of disgust. (Kenneth Rexroth)

Men are somewhere in between, they are capable of the best and the worst.

71. Placing 'friendly' and 'breakup' together creates an oxymoron: we usually don't decide to end a relationship until seeing our soon-to-be ex fills us with disgust, misery, agony, or a combination of the three. (Mariella Frostrup)

Some couples lead to separation due to feelings of disgust, discomfort or suffering.

72. Everything is disgusting when a man leaves his own nature and does what is not proper. (Sophocles)

Being faithful to our principles will make us happier and lead a healthy and balanced life.

73. The trade of drama is to exercise, possibly exhaust, human emotions. The purpose of comedy is to provoke those emotions into an expression of slight relief; of tragedy, to hurt them and bring relief from tears. Disgust and terror are the other points of the compass. (Laurence Olivier)

Art is a means to express and provoke certain primary feelings such as disgust.

74. The irrationality of disgust suggests that it is unreliable as a source of moral knowledge. There may be good arguments against gay marriage, partial-birth abortions, and human cloning, but the fact that some people find such acts repugnant should not have weight. (Paul Bloom)

That something disgusts us is not reason enough to condemn it.

75. Filthy rat, creeping animal, scum of life, badly made eyesore (Paquita la del Barrio)

This popular ranchera is undoubtedly one of the songs that best reflects disgust towards someone due to heartbreak.

76. Nothing arouses our disgust more than cannibalism, but we make the same impression on Buddhists and vegetarians, because we eat babies, but not our own. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

A deep reflection on cultural differences, as well as on the vegetarianism that some peoples profess.

77. I cannot understand how a man of honor can take a newspaper in his hands without shuddering with disgust. (Charles Baudelaire)

Acid critic of the society and politics of his time.

78. There will come a time when looking in the mirror will disgust you. (Rose Kennedy)

The passage of time is relentless and old age tends to strip bodies of their beauty and wither.

79. The people of the future will say, disgusting carnivores and they will look at us in the same way that we look at cannibals and cannibalism. (Dennis Weaver)

Some people believe that the future lies in embracing vegetarianism and veganism for both ethical and ecological reasons.

80. A minister of Jesus Christ should not be indifferent to his attitude. If he is the representative of Jesus Christ, his conduct, his attitude, his gestures, must be of such a character that they do not cause disgust in the spectator. (Ellen G. White)

Religion is based on maintaining a virtuous life and strictly obeying the marked precepts.

81. If there is a God, the phrase that must disgust him is “Holy War”. (Steve Allen)

No war has anything holy or obeys divine designs.

82. Much of our contemporary culture is actually steeped in resentment of limits and the passage of time, anger at what we can't do, fear or even disgust at getting old. (Rowan Williams)

We must begin to conceive old age in a more positive and optimistic way.

83. Contempt is the only asymmetric expression in the muscular facial system: disgust, fear, happiness, surprise, and anger are often expressed symmetrically. Contempt is marked by one corner of the mouth turned up and in a sneer. (Pamela Mayer)

A reflection about the symmetry of facial expressions.

84. The most common mistake that is made in relation to poetry is that it consists simply of making verses. Many confuse the metric and rhyme chest with the jewel of thought that it contains and, perhaps, in some cases, after careful investigation, they have found the chest empty and have rejected it with feelings of disappointment and disgust. (Orson F. Whitney)

Poetry contains a wide variety of knowledge, wisdom, emotions and passion that must be perceived by the reader.

85. When I return to the United States, after a few days, I am once again filled with this kind of alienation. angry and disgusted with this thing America has, you have no idea how ubiquitous it is over there. The PR and propaganda issued by the corporate monoculture there is so pervasive. (Robert Crumb)

The politics and habits of a specific society can be disgusting to some people.

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