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Feminism in philosophy

Feminism in philosophy: definition and history

Image: Plaer Kit

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will explain what the feminism in philosophy, its definition and history, a term that refers both to the principle of equality and to the movement that fights for real equality of rights between women and men, in all areas and at all levels: economic, political, civil, sexual, cultural, etc.

The environment of the Enlightenment encourages the birth of this movement that today continues to claim the same rights for all people, regardless of their sex. At present, despite the fact that some rights have been gained, the truth is that women continue to being victims of discrimination and sexist violence throughout the world, and many times, in a very subtle. If you want to know more, continue reading this article.

Feminism is a social and political movement born at the end of the century XVIII and implies a change in the thinking of a part of society, about the situation of women in society and in the world, throughout history, which has always used physiological differences to defend the domination of men over women.

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This marks a before and after in the history of humanity and from this moment on, women they begin to be thought of as a collective, victims of male domination and oppression within the patriarchal society. It is therefore necessary to transform society, as well as its classic production models.

Women have historically been relegated to reproductive tasks and to private life, that is, to domestic and care tasks, while the man was in charge of the productive tasksHe could actively participate in public life and enjoy independence, and this had to change.

Feminism in Philosophy: Definition and History - Definition of Feminism in Philosophy

Mary Wollstonecraft, is one of the precursors of philosophical feminism although it is true that already in Classical Greece there were female philosophers as is the case of Hyparchy of Maronea or Hipatito Alexandria. But it was not until the baroque stage when women became aware of their condition as victims of patriarchy, and this thought developed during the Enlightenment giving rise to feminism. In this period, in addition to Wollstonecraft, other great pioneers of movement like Marie de Gournay, Poullain de la Barre, Emilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil Marquise de Châtelet, Olympe de Gouges or Nicolas de Condorcet.

With the Suffrage, feminist philosophy is consolidated, especially thanks to the work of H. Taylor and her husband, J. S. Mill, and other great intellectuals such as Flora Tristán, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Clara Zetkin, etc.

Already in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, thanks to the inclusion of women in the academic and labor spheres, a diversity of different movements began to emerge within this current. The quality and variety of philosophy go hand in hand, and thus, we can highlight important writings of great philosophers, such as The Second Sex from Simone de Beauvoir,My Mortal Sin: The Female Vow and I, from Clara Campoamor or The secret Gwar of the Sexos from Maria Laffitte

In Spain, and thanks mainly to the entry of women to universities, and the excellent work they do there, the Feminist movement is stronger than ever, highlighting, among others, thinkers of the stature of Celia Amorós, Alicia Puleo, Amelia Valcárcel, Alicia Miyares, Luisa Posada, Rosa Cobo, Ana de Miguel, María José Guerra Palmero, and a long list of women philosophers.

Feminism in philosophy: definition and history - History of philosophical feminism

Image: Culturamas

  1. Appeals to the universal principle of reason against the dogmatism of tradition and religion.
  2. Appeals to the beginning of individual freedom.
  3. Create a movement and a whole theory around it, which make clear the need for it.
  4. Appeal to the diversity.
  5. Claim the Rights Women's: right to work and labor equity, right to education, right to vote under equal conditions, reproductive rights and sexual rights, right to decent treatment.

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