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Who was Florence Nightingale

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Who was Florence Nightingale".

Who was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was an English nurse and writer she and she is considered the forerunner of nursing as a modern profession. She in fact she was the creator of the first conceptual model of nursing. Namely, she laid the conceptual foundation for the nursing profession. Florence Nightingale was born in Florence in 1820 and died in London in 1910. Apart from laying the foundations of modern nursing, she studied mathematics and that knowledge gave her were used to apply them in the study of nursing through statistical analysis and epidemiological. Thanks to these studies, she was able to lay the foundations for the professionalization of nursing. As we can see, she was a capital figure for the development of this profession. As we said, she was born in Florence in 1820, into a family of the English gentry. During her childhood, she was traveling throughout Europe and it was not until 1844 that she expressed

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her desire to dedicate herself to nursing. At that time and due to social conventions, she was a great hecatomb because, the woman, she had to take care of the children and be at home. Even so, apart from the social opposition, her family also opposed it. She with determination, finally managed to obtain nursing studies and dedicate herself to it. In fact, in 1853, she went to work at the institute for the care of sick ladies. A year later, the Crimean War broke out and she and a group of nurses were transferred to the front to put her knowledge into practice. When she comes to the front in CrimeaShe realizes that in the field hospitals, in the hospitals that were for the soldiers, the hygiene was very bad, very inadequate, which caused many infections. Namely, she realized that more soldiers died from infections than from war wounds.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Who was Florence Nightingale"and he practices with the exercises that we leave you next.
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