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Hedonism and Epicureanism: most important DIFFERENCES

Hedonism and Epicureanism: differences

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to explain the differences between hedonism and epicureanism, two philosophical currents that emerged during the Hellenistic period, that goes from the death of Great Alexander in the year 323 a. C. until the Roman invasion of Macedonia in 148 a. C. Athens its hegemonic position in the commercial, political and also cultural field, although to a lesser extent. The city-states are replaced by the Hellenistic monarchies and there is a time of great political instability. Without theπόλις (cops), The human being is no longer understood as a civic animal, but as a social, autonomous and self-sufficient one, which seeks security and happiness above all else.

The philosophy then begins to divide between logic, philosophy Y ethics and it moves away from abstract theories, being its only end, moral. Among the many schools that appear in this period, are the Epicurean and the hedonistic, which have great similarities, but also certain differences. If you want to know more about the differences between hedonism and Epicureanism, continue reading this lesson from a TEACHER.

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  1. Hedonism defends pleasure as the supreme good
  2. Epicureanism understands pleasure as the absence of pain
  3. Main differences between hedonism and Epicureanism
  4. Main Similarities Between Hedonism and Epicureanism

Hedonism defends pleasure as the highest good.

To understand the differences between hedonism and Epicureanism we have to know well what both schools consist of. The hedonism (from the Greek ἡδονή hēdonḗ 'pleasure' e -ism) is a moral doctrine that affirms that the higher end and the foundation of life is pleasure, associating it with the highest good and identifying it with the immediate bodily pleasure.

They can be differentiated two types of hedonism:

  • A hedonism ethical that is committed to social welfare and another psychological and individualistic, which mainly pursues pleasure, in the face of pain, from which it is necessary to escape.
  • Likewise, it is necessary to distinguish between a radical hedonism which affirms that the highest good is the pursuit of physical pleasure, and a moderate hedonism who considers intellectual pleasures superior.

The latter is known by the name of eudaemonism, a philosophical doctrine that affirmed that the true good was the pursuit of happiness. His main representative would Aristotle, but also, Democritus, Socrates, Aristipo and the Cyrenaica school, Stoicism or Neoplatonism. Aristotle said:

"Those who do well are the only ones who can aspire to happiness in life."

The hedonism liesl pursues bodily pleasure without any limitation. The moderate hedonism He states that physical pleasures must be restricted in order to obtain greater spiritual pleasure. But in both cases, pleasure is the main driving force behind their behavior.

Hedonism and Epicureanism: differences - Hedonism defends pleasure as the highest good

Image: ResearchGate

Epicureanism understands pleasure as the absence of pain.

In order to understand the differences between hedonism and Epicureanism we also have to describe the concept of Epicureanism, a philosophical movement that defends the pursuit of happiness based on a rational administration of pleasures and betting on the ataraxia or “absence of embarrassment”, like the stoics or the skeptical. The main representative of him is Samo Epicuruss, the founder of the school "The Garden of Epicurus " where he imparted his teachings.

Epicurus stated that, well it is everything that that produces pleasure, which is the foundation and purpose of the good life or Happy lifeAlthough it should be moderate, managed in a rational way. Pleasure, for Samos, consists of the satisfaction of bodily needs and the absence of passions. The bad, would be everything that it causes pain to the human being, both spiritually and physically.

But unlike hedonists, did not identify the pleasures of the body with sensual enjoyment, but rather with other activities such as relaxation, the satisfaction of basic needs such as eating or resting, or the enjoyment of music or reading.

Epicurus distinguishes spiritual from physical pleasures, valuing the former more. The body pleasuresThey have a more immediate effect and are the most important, but they do not last. Instead, soul pleasures they are more durable and can be used to heal bodily illnesses.

To achieve spiritual peace, says the philosopher, it is necessary to limit physical pleasures and eliminate fear. And since the greatest fear of the human being is the fear of death, it is necessary to overcome it. In the words of Epicurus:

"Death does not concern us, because while we exist, death is not present and when death comes, we no longer exist".

Classification of pleasures according to Epicurus

Let's see below the classification of pleasures what Epicurus of Samos does:

  1. The natural and necessary: eat, sleep, dress, protect yourself ...
  2. The natural but not necessary: talking, walking, sex ...
  3. The not natural or necessary: power, fame, fortune, prestige ...
Hedonism and Epicureanism: differences - Epicureanism understands pleasure as the absence of pain

Main differences between hedonism and Epicureanism.

Without theπόλις (cops), the human being is no longer understood as a civic animal, but a social, autonomous and self-sufficient one, which seeks security and happiness above all else. The philosophy then begins to divide between logic, philosophy Y ethics, and moves away from abstract theories, being its only end, moral.

Among the many schools that appear in this period are the Epicurean and the Hedonist, which bear great similarities, although there are also certain differences. Let's see below what are the main differences between hedonism and Epicureanism:

  1. Hedonism defends pleasure as supreme good.
  2. Hedonists identify pleasure with the satisfaction of the bodily and immediate desire.
  3. Epicureanism is a philosophical movement that defends the search for happiness based on a rational administration of pleasures and betting on the ataraxia or "absence of embarrassment."
  4. Epicureans bet on the intellectual pleasures, those of the soul, over the corporeal.
  5. Epicureanism constitutes a doctrine individualistic.
  6. Hedonism can be individualistic or social.
  7. For Epicureans, pleasure is identified with absence of pain.
  8. For hedonists, pleasure consists of sensual enjoyment and the satisfaction of physical desires, mainly.
Hedonism and Epicureanism: differences - Main differences between hedonism and Epicureanism

Main similarities between hedonism and Epicureanism.

Now that we know the differences between hedonism and Epicureanism, it is important to talk about the similarities between the two schools.

Hedonism associates pleasure with the satisfaction of immediate desires, while Epicureanism identifies it with the absence of pain. But the purpose is the same: the pursuit of pleasure. Let's see below the similarities that keep both streams.

  • All human beings experience pleasure, and this is identified with the good.
  • There are pleasures physical and spiritual, although the seconds have more value.
  • Some pleasures may be contrary to happiness and you have to avoid them.
  • The pursuit of pleasure is the synonym of a long and happy life.
  • Pleasure can be found in the satisfaction of pleasures individual or collective.
  • Rejection of superstition and religion.
  • The foundation of conduct must be experience and reason.

If you want to read more articles similar to Hedonism and Epicureanism: differences, we recommend that you enter our category of Philosophy.


Laercio, D. Life of Illustrious Philosophers. Ed. Omega. 2002.

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