Education, study and knowledge

Your heart, your inner GPS

Imagine having the answer to all the doubts that arise, and thus always being able to choose the path that leads you to live your best life. Well, that is just what we are going to see precisely now.

That tool exists, although it requires practice to master. I call it the "inner compass", and although it sounds very typical when you start using it consciously, the The sensation that it will produce is very similar to having a navigation system that always shows you the way correct…

Day by day we decide little things automatically, without certainty in many cases, whether the decision we are making is the most appropriate or not.

Thus, when we are faced with choices that we consider important for our lives, in In those moments, doubts, uncertainty, insecurity, fear are often experienced... What is the reason for this?

In most cases we think about decisions; this is obvious, right? What problem is behind this? so what the mind is totally variable, in a moment it tells you white, and just a few minutes later it can tell you black, at the moment gray, and again it can return to the target and continue in a constant loop... This will have happened to you more than once, TRUE? And more than two too...

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  • Related article: "Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection"

The mind is totally conditioned

This is very fickle and, therefore, susceptible to the incessant fluctuations of change. But if what you want to decide has a great implication in the medium or long term, obviously you need confidence, and some certainty that what you are choosing at that moment is the most useful for you.

For this it is essential that, using the metaphor of the sea, you go beyond the surface waters to take each decision connecting with the depth, with your true being, with who you truly are beyond the appearances. So the decisions you make will truly come from you, not from your conditioning (the ideas that your family, your culture, have sold you…).

this becomes vital at the forks in your path in which the decision you make can condition your next years or perhaps your whole life. Great news is that on a superficial level you will never be sure that what you choose will be the most useful in relation to what you want to achieve. But on a deeper level, everything you choose is always the best, and just what you had to decide, without the possibility of error. You can't go wrong. There is no such thing...

  • You may be interested in: "Self-knowledge: definition and 8 tips to improve it"

Different levels of depth

To see this work area it is essential to use the metaphor of the waves of the sea. To do this, as we said before, we have to connect with the deep waters of who we truly are. And so that you better understand what we are talking about, imagine that people are like planet Earth, which has different layers or strata.

Well then; in the outermost superficial layer is the body. A little deeper, the next layer is made up of thoughts, a little deeper are emotions, more inside we find the feelings, and a little more inside is the "heart", which is what is closest to your true be…

Abroad there is agitation and there are located the superficial and confused movements of the mind. Therefore, all you have to do is ask your heart what you want to know and the answer it gives you will undoubtedly be the answer that is truest and most connected to you.

Let's see how this works.

  • Related article: "Fear of decision-making: what it is, causes and how to manage it"


First define in a simple and concise way the question you want to ask. The question must be closed, that is, your only answer must be yes or no. Silently, mentally, or out loud, formulate the question in question.

At that moment, stay tuned and you will receive the answer at the same moment, just as it is. It is important that you understand that once your heart truly discovers what you want, or the closest answer to what you really want, the mind, right after it will begin to question and refute what your heart has told you. saying. This is how this works. The important thing is that you know that this is going to happen and that you understand that what your mind tells you later, whatever it is, comes from a much more superficial and distant plane. You must understand that you cannot trust your mind, since the opinions it gives you have much less to do with who you really are than those that your heart gives you.

Another way of knowing what you really want and that you respond from it when they ask you a question quickly and you answer without thinking. It is very important that you keep in mind that, like any skill, this one requires that the practice for a long time, before mastering it and that way you gauge how this works sophisticated machine.

For that I recommend that:

  • Start practicing every day with things that really do not have a great importance and observe how it works, how you feel, how the mind appears after the first response, the one that comes from the heart…
  • Values ​​if the answer that your compass gives you is really an answer that satisfies you much more than the other possible options. Whether it's consistent or not...

As you try it, you will generate more confidence about the process, so that when an important decision comes up for you—such as whether to move in with your partner, if you study a competitive examination or if you start a business, etc.— you will no longer have doubts about the answer. Once you master the simple but extremely helpful art of asking your heart and following what it tells you, you will be that much closer to living a more authentic life.

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