Education, study and knowledge

4 facts that make psychology a profession for the future

In the last decades, human beings and the society that we have built has evolved in a very remarkable way, and with the advancement of new technologies, our way of relating to the environment is very different from that of previous generations.

Just 40 years ago, no one could have imagined the impact that social networks would have on our lives today, nor how a device called “telephone” would evolve, since mobile devices have become our inseparable companions.

The values ​​of our society have changed, and with it our way of thinking. But the changes have not always been for the better, and modern society can bring with it different disorders that were not a reason for concern before. consultation in psychopathology clinics... unless cultural changes and new ways of managing these situations are introduced new.

Disorders associated with modern society

But, What facts of modern life make psychology a profession for the future?

These four facts make the figure of the psychologist in the area of ​​health is essential in the present and in the days to come:

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1. The obsession with the digital image

New technologies have broken into our lives with such force that it is almost impossible to live outside of this new reality. Body image disorders are not something new, and in fact they are a fairly frequent phenomenon in our society. Our culture rewards those individuals with a body image that borders on perfection, something that leads many people to obsess over their body.

Excessive concern about appearance and the image we give makes certain individuals tremendously unhappy people. Access to new technologies and the possibility of being connected all day to social networks cause many problems for people who are prone to this type of behavior.

We all know someone who spends hours and hours taking pictures and then sharing them on their Facebook or Instagram profile, becoming obsessive.

In fact, the selfie phenomenon it has become a characteristic fact of modern society. In this sense, the psychiatrist Dr.david veale, from the Maudsley Hospital in London, comments in an interview with the British newspaper Sunday Mirror: "Out of every three patients who come to my office for Body Dysmorphic Disorder they are obsessed with selfies.” It could be said that access to new information technologies increases this phenomenon. However, it is important to understand that the main problem is not the new technologies, but the pathological use of them.

Recommended article: "Alert with selfies: they can be a symptom of a mental disorder"

2. Stress and Technostress

He stress It is not something new either, but nowadays it has become a very serious problem. It is frequent that people go to the consultation of psychologists suffering from the stress they suffer in their lives.

In fact, in the work environment, chronic stress or burnout It causes serious psychological problems. Stress is a complex phenomenon in which variables of the workplace, the expectations of an individual and their ability to cope with complex situations come into play.

Related article: "10 essential tips to reduce stress"

But recently, some experts say that a new form of stress is affecting many individuals. The cause? The irruption into our lives of technology in the form of computers, the internet, smartphones, tablets... what is known as technostress.

for the psychologist Marisa Salanova, a professor at the Jaume I University of Castellón, techno-stress is "a negative psychological state that associated with the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) or the threat of their use in a future. The perception of a mismatch between the demands and the resources related to the use of ICT causes this phenomenon that is characterized by a high level of psychophysiological activation, discomfort, anxiety, fatigue and the development of negative attitudes towards ICT". And the fact that the use of smartphones and laptops blurs the boundaries between private life and work life can also cause problems.

To learn more about techno-stress, you can visit our article: "Technostress: the new psychopathology of the digital age"

3. The use of smartphones

And of course, when we talk about the disorders and syndromes associated with the use of new technologies, it is inevitable to talk about the nomophobia. For little more than a decade, mobile phones have accompanied us anywhere, they are with us wherever we go. Since the appearance of smartphones we have access to the internet 24 hours a day, and Faced with this reality, it becomes almost impossible to disconnect for a single moment from the digital world..

Being constantly connected may not be all good, and in the long run, for some people, disconnection can have consequences. serious psychological problems, making them anxious, with great discomfort, and even feel lost in this world dependent on new technologies. Psychologists can re-educate these people in the use of new technologies so that they overcome their addiction to mobile phones.

Recommended article: "Nomophobia: the growing addiction to mobile phones"

4. The new ways of relating

In the modern world, our way of relating to each other has changed a lot compared to previous generations. We tend to be connected to social networks continuously, and we interact with our acquaintances on a daily basis. Being continuously connected to the network has caused a new phenomenon called FOMO syndrome (fear of missing out) or feeling of missing something. This syndrome has been recognized by psychologists as a disorder caused by the advancement of technology and the number of options that are presented to us today.

People with FOMO feel that their lives are much less interesting than those of their acquaintances, which affects their self-esteem and emotional health. FOMO can also cause depression or anxiety. As in previous cases, education is essential to prevent this type of pathology associated with the use of new technologies, and psychologists can help people correct negative thoughts characteristic of this freak.

Related article: "FOMO syndrome: feeling that the lives of others are more interesting"
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