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The 9 best Psychiatrists in Ciempozuelos

In About you Psychologists You will be able to count on the best professionals in the field of mental health, with psychologists, psychiatrists and other top-level experts who will help you improve your personal and emotional well-being.

Throughout all these years they have had the opportunity to help people with ADHD, with sexual and relationship problems, with addictions to alcohol, to tobacco and other types of substances, and people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, achieving very good results after the treatment.

Leopoldo Barroeta is a prominent psychiatrist with a degree in medicine from the University of Caracas, in addition to expanding his academic training with a master's degree in psychopharmacology and drugs of abuse from the Complutense University of Madrid, and has also completed a postgraduate degree in psychiatry.

Throughout his more than 25 years of experience in the field of mental health, he has helped a large number of people with disorders addictive to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, achieving excellent results after the treatment.

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Recal Foundation is a prominent psychological center located in Majadahonda, which offers the possibility of comprehensively treating to patients who are suffering from some type of addiction, and want to detoxify in a complete and lasting way.

They have 24 places to care for those patients who want to overcome their addiction, carrying out a totally where family support and closest friends are sought to help the rehabilitation of the patients.

Advance Psychologists is a prestigious psychological center located in Madrid with a large team of professionals who have the medal of gold from the Institute for Professional Excellence, in addition to treating both children, adolescents, and people adults.

They have treated patients with all kinds of disorders, from anxiety problems, depression and stress, to addictive disorders, and going through eating problems such as bulimia and anorexy.

Sergio Oliveros Calvo He is a doctor of medicine and surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a specialization in psychiatry, and has also carried out postdoctoral studies at Yale University.

He is a leading specialist in extrahospital psychiatry, in psychoanalysis, and has cared for patients with disorders due to post-traumatic stress, with dependence on drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, and in cases of anxiety and depression problems.

Pedro Garcia Parajuá He has a degree in medicine from the University of Barcelona, ​​he has a specialization in psychiatry, and is specialized in hospital and extra-hospital psychiatry, and in emergencies psychiatric

Throughout all these years he has treated patients with obsessive compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, people with sleep disorders such as insomnia, and with other types of pathologies, achieving very positive results after the treatment.

Christian Jose Prado Mendoza He has a degree in medicine from the Cayetano Heredia University, is specialized in psychiatry, and also has with extensive experience in treating eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

He has treated people with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with bipolar affective disorder, and with problems of addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, achieving very good results after the treatment.

Vito Cavone he has a degree in medicine from the University of Catania, has a master's degree in cognitive psychotherapy, and is specialized in the field of psychiatry, having improved the psychological well-being of many people.

He has improved the quality of life for people with bipolar disorder, anxiety problems, depression and stress, and with different types of phobias such as the fear of flying, or the fear of spaces open.

Alfonso Chinchilla Moreno He is a recognized professional who has a degree in medicine and surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has specialized in neurology, and is also a specialist in psychiatry from the MCU.

He is an expert in hospital and extra-hospital psychiatry, treating numerous cases of addiction to alcohol and tobacco, to people with relationship problems, and with different types of phobias such as fear of flying, and fear of spaces open.

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