Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Activital Psychologists Madrid

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Activital Psicólogos we are a team of psychologists in Madrid specialized in Third Generation Therapies. We are dedicated to helping people find ways to achieve the life they want, and to see themselves acting the way they want to act. The objective of this joint work is to help them feel satisfied and content both with their life and with their way of being. Normally, the great obstacle between how we do things and how we would like to are thoughts, emotions, fears... That prevent us from taking charge of our lives and enjoying the moment. For this, our work consists of helping people to connect with what things are important to them, what they want their life to be about, their way of being with oneself, with others... And at the same time provide them with tools and train them in ways to overcome those barriers; thoughts, emotions, physical sensations... That they stop them, so that they can feel that they are in charge of what they think and feel, and not the other way around. In short, to release discomfort in order to build and enjoy your life.

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The essential thing to offer a good service is to have a good base: a good understanding of how people work, what psychological problems really consist of. In this sense, in our center we have highly qualified professionals in constant training, who together with our extensive experience allow us to help you find solutions. The rigor with the methods we use, the use of scientifically proven techniques, and a close and personalized treatment are the axes of our professional activity.


Castilian (Spanish), English, Catalan

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"How can I get out of here?" Bringing EMDR to children and families

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The 6 best Public Speaking Courses in Madrid

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