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The 9 best speech therapists online

Advance Psychologists is a recognized psychological center located in the city of Madrid that has extensive experience of more than 20 years helping people affected by different types of psychological and behavioral disorders language.

It has an excellent team of psychologists and speech therapists specialized in treating patients affected by disorders in speech such as dyslalia, dyslexia, and other pathologies related to communication, having obtained very positives.

Syndeo Valencia is a psychotherapy and speech therapy center formed by a team of highly qualified professionals whose services are offered in a totally individualized way to their clients.

The center's intervention is offered online and in its sessions it attends to queries in the field of speech therapy, anxiety, depression, emotional difficulties, youth violence, family conflicts and problems emotional.

Inpsiko is a recognized psychological center located in Bilbao that has professionals such as psychologists, speech therapists and pedagogues specialized in school care and in the treatment of children and teenagers.

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They have excellent results, with a 95% success rate in the treatment of children who manage to improve their school results after receiving therapies focused on improving communication and communication techniques study.

Naiara Riancho Blanco She has a degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Deusto, has a Diploma in Primary Education, and has completed a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

She is a specialist in the field of language hearing, early attention, and delayed language, having treated cases of dyslexia, dyslalia and school performance problems in children and teenagers.

Maria José Martí Peropadre She has a degree in Speech Therapy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she is part of the association of speech therapists of Spain, and works at Riosarcas Associats, a center specializing in speech therapy and care for children with specials.

He is a specialist in the area of ​​language delay, logophoniatry, and orofacial motor skills, having treated patients with dyslexia, dyslalia and speech disorders, significantly improving the communication skills of their patients.

Eduardo Rios Sanchez She has a degree in Speech Therapy from the University of Vic, has a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation of Language and Speech from the ISEP center, and they also have a Master's Degree in Audiology from the University of Alicante.

He is a specialist in the area of ​​neurorehabilitation, audiology, and logophoniatry, having treated patients affected by voice, speech and language disorders, obtaining very positive results.

Mar Lozano Vergé She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's Degree in Prevention, Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of speech and language disorders by the ISEP, and she also has a course in psychopedagogy.

She is a specialist in orofacial motor skills, language delays, and speech therapy, having she treated patients with dyslexia, dyslalia, speech disorders, and developmental disorders of reading.

Eva Errando Ricol She has a Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the Miguel de Cervantes University, she is She is a neonatal speech therapist, and she has also completed a Postgraduate Degree in Cognitive Rehabilitation from the University of Vic.

She is specialized in the treatment of language delays, logophoniatry, and neurorehabilitation, having treated to patients affected by vocal cord paralysis, by mixed receptive and expressive language disorder, and by dyslexia.

Olga Bermudez Canete She is a Graduate in Speech Therapy from the University of Malaga, and has a Master's Degree in Vocal Pathology, Rehabilitation and Improvement of Speech by the University of Alcalá, and offers the possibility to its patients to make consultations on-line.

She is specialized in logophoniatry, orofacial motor skills, and audiology, having treated patients in vocal rehabilitation processes, and in other types of pathologies related to speech.

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