"The human being is not limited only to his body format"
Antonio Salguero (General Rock, RN, Argentina, 1957) is a unique person in terms of his learning and some of the experiences of what he calls "terrestrial life" (sic). In addition to being an essayist, self-taught, meditator and assistant in child psychology, Salguero is the author of two books: "Intellectual Maturation" (2000), and his recent critical essay: "Theory of Mind, Patagonian Version" (2009).
In the latter, he raises an open and frontal critique of some stagnant academic structures, current in various sectors of academic disciplines such as Philosophy, Psychology and Neurosciences. The author proposes that there are conceptions far from the Reality of the Human Being and the Mind, which according to his criteria in the 21st century should already be practically superseded. Thus, he states in his book:
Interview with Antonio Salguero
«The Human Being is a complex system made up of the sum of four inseparable elements: Body + Thought + Time + Environment. […] The academic disciplines do not conceive it in this way, and the interpretation that they still carry out on the mind is not appropriate».
We wanted to meet with him to find out his opinion on those issues that concern us all from this position that is already guessed heterodox: the mind, the human being, the love or even the existence of life after death.
Q. Good morning Anthony. How are you?
(TO. Salguero): Very good, living this “unique segment of the evolutionary life of my own psyche”. I am happy to know that you are interested in learning about other approaches to human knowledge. And I am happy because some precursor voices towards the new knowledge about the Human being and the Mind. It is a time to "let go of the old in peace" and to "know how to accept new interpretations of the Reality”, although this leads to a trance of chaos between the old and the new.
Q. Now that you talked about the old and the new, it is evident that time does not pass for you. However, the clock does not forgive: we are already in 2015... Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with the feeling of seeing time flee?
You are not the only one my dear Xavier. The vast majority of Westerners only observe the occurrence of time as a single physical race or succession, which begins in the womb and ends in the coffin. This is an unfortunate conception very typical of the political, educational and religious cultures that we inherit. This is unfortunate, since science itself helps many fears and ignorance to be installed in the human psyche. This is not the case with the ancient oriental civilizations, which are well ahead of us in this and other matters.
Q. You mention other temporal dimensions around the human being. So: Is time something real, or a pure artifice created by man?
As much as science denies it, (if that were not its true name) "time" exists as an empty manifestation of a reality that undoubtedly happens. Both on this existential terrestrial plane, there is a particular format of time (planetary, cosmic), as well as, on the subatomic plane, quantum, interdimensional, that there is another peculiarity regarding the existence of time (infinity: where past, present and future are together). What's more, even the majority of psychologists and psychiatrists are still unaware that there is a format of "psychic time evolutionary ", which is typical of each human being, in close relation to his personal growth" carried out from lifetimes previous”.
Q. Here you mention something new for many. Are there other lives before this one and we still don't know it?
Yeah. There are previous lives of ourselves here on planet Earth, and it is certain and probable that there will be many more, especially for that we can minimally reach an "acceptable evolution", both for us as cosmic individuals, and for the harmonious life of the planet Land. This is generally a taboo subject in formal academic circles. Luckily there are very good investigations by some psychiatrists and researchers of the mind, which give an account of this vital phenomenon. In everyday life, these studies are called “sophrosis” (a particular hypnotic practice), or “past life regressions”. If we dare to know some of those past details, it is much easier to understand some particularities of the present time.
Q. According to your categorical statements: Should we understand that there is life after death? How do you base it?
Completely. This is where the human imagination enters into acute crisis. In general, we are educated to "not see beyond our noses", even the beliefs of religion have a lot of responsibility for it. This is my big criticism of some things in the current system. This is a serious brake on creativity and the evolution of the psyche. However, when a researcher has the opportunity to "interact naturally" with other aspects of life installed in a dimension parallel to this, inevitably a mental opening is produced, which modifies almost all the concepts and ideas that we have in mind. current. I insist, we must make the effort to advance in the concepts, we have been stagnant for a long time now. We must necessarily disobey some structures, bring down the wall of clumsy and obsequious knowledge. We must evolve, not towards technique, but towards the deep psyche.
Q. I notice that you are very frontal in your words, you denote a lot of security despite the great complexity of these matters. Let's change the subject for a moment: What is love?
What a question yours, I did not expect this twist. In truth... I have been changing, mutating with this definition throughout this life. As a child I began believing that it was an obligation because that's what they told me at home and at school. Later in high school, I continued to accept that Love was a natural condition of the human being. Later, already in college, I began to realize that it was more of a social trend imposed by the system. At another time I had the religious idea of what love means to them and their books. However, none of these temporary definitions left me satisfied. Today... after many comings and goings, joys and sufferings within the cultural system, I can say that: "it is a particular vibratory state of the quantum mind." That is to say… of the Soul Mind, as many know it. "Love then is the vibratory, balanced and harmonious result of the very psychic evolution of the human in us."
Q. I understand that you have elaborated quite a bit on all these concepts that you mention: Are you in love, Antonio? What is the difference between love and falling in love?
I love the stages that I have gone through throughout my life. Many were pretty, others were romantic, and a few were very severe, without being sad. I practically don't know sadness, because I never joined its vibratory format, although I have had enough troubles strong, above all because of the result that I observed of the human behaviors around me, behaviors that I did not expect with those results. That led me to meditate a lot and practice inner silence even more. Over time I have understood them. With the help of many years of meditation I began to understand other states of mind and love. Today I understand that love is the result of the evolution of the deep Psyche, it is a vibration that grows in feelings, in the will and intentionality of the soul. Instead, falling in love is generally linked to brain and behavioral behaviors of the human body. Well, as you can see, the body and the mind are different issues.
Q. It seems that we begin to deal with concepts strongly embedded in our culture. I thought that body and mind were the same thing, but you maintain the opposite.
"Let's go in parts," said Jack the Ripper (laughs). The human being is not a single thing that interacts with the environment. The human being is a true intelligent system, composed of four inseparable elements: Body, Thought, Time and Around. However, until now we had been "taught" that body and mind were the same thing, and that that was the human being. This is not so, it never has been. Now is the time to clear up old doubts and old prejudices. The human being is not limited only to its bodily format, no matter how much the majority of academics insist on it.
Q. Well then, how are we to understand the idea of Mind?
Well, to begin I will tell you that: "The Mind does not exist, there are only mental processes of information. The first to make a dual distinction of the "Body-Mind" was the philosopher Rene Descartes, and for enunciating an almost exact dualistic perception, today almost everyone (including notable thinkers of the mind of the world), criticize him without any valid reason, since they still do not know the true structure and nature of the human mind since they have not investigated what enough. I must say: "The error is not Descartes's", but rather the confusion belongs to those who criticize him on unfortunate grounds. The body exists, just as the mental states of the body exist, and the mental states of the "thinking subject" (soul is his best-known name). That is to say that there are "two (2) minds", the mind of the physical body as an intelligent system and the mind of the subject who thinks in every physical human being. Most scientists, including: psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists and philosophersThey are still unaware that there are, present in the human being, two different natures, each one with different properties, for what we call “Mind or mental processes”. That is why the foundations of the debate, whatever it may be today, change radically. The subject is long to cover, for this reason I express that some sectors of science "are responsible for the ignorance that abounds on the subject", they stop the natural evolution of knowledge by being tied to their own "traps neural”.
Q. It's yours the concept of Simultaneous MindHow does this arise in your life?
The first idea of the existence of two (2) mental processes, interacting simultaneously arises as a private experience, some years ago, in 2004 while meditating deeply on the forest. At that time I lived in my cabin made in the mountains. At that time I was able to distinguish very clearly the difference between the two mental processes. What amazed me the most is that both mental processes interacted simultaneously. After a few years of research, I can understand what their different natures were, how their properties interacted in the body, and I was able to learn more about their origins. However, this in turn led me to seek other answers, among them, about another possible origin of one's own being. human, and because of this I had no choice but to depart from the ideas of Darwin's theory regarding the origin of the man.
Q. Before venturing into your reasoning about another possible origin of the human being, let's contextualize: What is the current state of science in this regard?
What I call "Simultaneous Mind" happens and takes place, between the synaptic processes of the neurons of the brain. So far, no one that I know of has managed to separately identify these two processes, there are many resistance to it, since many academic chapters on the mind and being would have to be rewritten. human. Some of it is because our cerebral self-perception is quite slow, and that is why no one still distinguishes the two simultaneous processes that exist. I provide very important data: they are of different speeds, they come from different places, and they also have different natures. That last detail makes them very convenient to identify, however researchers Neuroscientists have been indoctrinated to assume, and accept, that "all mental processes arise from neurons". And this is not the case, I understand that they still have a lot to discover, although they have enough technology, and I think they still don't know what to look for. I add another detail here: if they understood this, they would find many answers to the phenomenon of "consciousness after death", and they insist on giving a neural response to the phenomenon of nde, (“Near Death Experiences”), but it seems that it is also another taboo subject.
Q. Although this subject generates many controversies in the current academic and scientific model, what could you tell me about that "subject who thinks" that you mention?
To begin I will tell you that the Will, the Feelings, the Intentionality and the Thoughts, are processes intelligence of a subatomic or quantum nature, of the still unknown "subject that thinks", present in every human being that exists. (The four elements that I have mentioned "do not belong to the neurons nor to the physical body", here is a great error in the academic conceptual bases). To the novelty of many thinkers, this "thinking subject" has existed for tens of thousands of years. years, and he is coming and going to life on Earth, again and again to evolve his own Psyche. To summarize this I will tell you: the physical body is by definition, a true "Composite Intelligent System", and also the body has its own intelligent mind.
Q. So, according to your words: I am not my own body? Who am I really? What is the human being exactly?
Your reflection is very good, my dear Xavier. Actually, the body atomic and molecular that you have now, is only the physical vehicle, of hominid format that helps to move and express your subatomic particles, in this planetary dimension. It also helps you to manifest all your deep creativity, evolution and intelligence. He thought (contrary to what is claimed), is of a subatomic nature (typical of intelligence of subatomic or quantum particles) and in addition to interacting with the brain, it is capable of transcending physical matter. He time it has a double aspect, so to speak. And the around Dimensional is also double, that is, here and in the other dimension parallel and simultaneous to this reality that you and I now live. Sorry if I have complicated the subject a bit, but it is unavoidable. It becomes impossible to maintain the old cultural paradigms if we want to advance and evolve as a species. We must use the resource of our subatomic intelligence to interpret things in a different way, more open to the truth. We must make the effort to get out of the structures of the neural traps that the neurons of the brain impose.
Q. I guess the concept of mind and the one of intelligence They are linked in some way. In your opinion, what is the definition of intelligence what else convinces you?
In general, the opinions of the different authors over time seem to me to be correct. Although the vast majority agree that it is a capacity or ability to solve problems in the environment. That is perhaps an appropriate expression for hominid brain intelligence. I share more with the idea of Eyssautier and Maurice (2002), when they argue that: "Intelligence is an ability to analyze, separate and dismantle a complex situation, extracting its meaning”. This conceptualization seems to me more appropriate than others, since it can include subatomic thought, which is undoubtedly superior to brain intelligence. Although I must add that on the other hand I adhere to the accurate classifications made by Dr. howard gardner and that he calls the "Multiple intelligences”, making the exception that he, perhaps with sincere intentionality, said: “I don't know where they come from, I only know that I have typified those eight for the human being”. To close this great story, Gardner only needed to add something like: "I have discovered that these multiple intelligences they are, in reality, accumulated aptitudes and skills that result from the product of the psychic evolution produced by the subatomic mind of each human, in the different previous lives, and that are present now in the current social individual, where they are expressed with their potentialities”.
Q. How does this fit in with your theory of Intelligent Systems?
If we did the exercise of having an "adequate mental openness", we would notice that life on planet Earth is a complex smart system designed, created to comply with cycles of balance and imbalance, thus keeping life forms in perpetual motion. Regarding my theory about the Intelligent Systems, I must say that everything we observe on the planet is, as a whole, a Supra Intelligent System of molecules and atoms. The exception that escapes the natural balance system is that of the human being. Well, man is an "Intelligent System composed and simultaneous", integrated by two intelligent systems, the of the molecules plus the atoms of the body on the one hand, and by the intelligent system of subatomic particles of the subject who thinks, on the other hand. The latter is intertwined with the body and mind of the hominid physicist, but that "it is not that body nor that mind physics”, since these subatomic particles transcend the fact of death itself, since they have another nature different. The resulting human intelligence, then, is a true mix of Simultaneous Intelligence, between the abilities of the body and the creativity of the soul, present the latter, in every second of our decisions. That is why we should talk about the intelligence of the body system, and the intelligence of the system of thinking particles, that is, we have two integrated and simultaneous intelligences. When these words that I expose are interpreted as they should be, all of humanity will be facing a new evolutionary paradigm.