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Scholasticism: definition and characteristics

Scholasticism: definition and characteristics

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will explain what the scholastic philosophy consists of, a theological philosophical current that was born in Europe in the year 1100, extends until 1700, and is based on the platonic philosophy Y aristotelian, which complement the truth of the christian revelation that is, with the teachings and writings of the Church Fathers.

It can be defined as “belonging to the school, and it is the current that dominates in medieval thought, and tries to be a combination of reason and faith and reason, although always subordinating the second to the first, subordinating reason to the faith. This means that philosophy will always depend on theology, which in any case always implied a clear subordination of reason to faith.LPhilosophy is the servant of theology ". If you want to know more about scholasticism, continue reading this lesson to know the definition and characteristics of scholasticism.

The term scholasticism, It comes from the Latin scholasticus, which derives from the Greek

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σχολαστικός, and means the one that belongs to the school. It is a theological and philosophical current with a Platonic and Aristotelian base combined with the wisdom of Christian revelation. This current prevailed throughout the Middle Ages and gave rise to the universities.

Scholasticism supposes a break with all scientific thought, considering that all knowledge depended on the principle of authority, and that the Holy writingsThey are the true source of knowledge. However, scholastic philosophy, promoted reason and knowledge, logic and discursive thinking, which was based on arguments, counterarguments, defenses ...

The central theme of scholastic philosophy is God Y the problem of the relationship between reason and faith, between philosophy and theology. This relationship, would be of dependence, philosophy can help theology to understand the truths of revelation, but never supplant them, since reason will always be subject to faith. Around this debate will arise 3 different postures:

  • Dialécticto. They defend that the truths of faith must always be based on reason. That is, the fej will depend on the reason. The main representative of this current is Juan Escoto Erigena.
  • TOntidialéctica. They affirm that, they maintain all knowledge comes from faith, human reason cannot reach it. One of the main representatives would be Pedro Damiano.
  • St Thomas In the thirteenth century, he will defend an intermediate position by affirming that faith and reason are two different ways to reach the truth, Both are already from God, and if they are well argued, the conclusions of philosophy cannot contradict those of theology. In addition, from Philosophy the existence of God or the immortality of the soul can be demonstrated, that is, certain truths of faith. Theology, for its part, can through Revelation, provides a greater knowledge of God.
Scholasticism: definition and characteristics - Definition of scholasticism

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