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Aristotelianism in Medieval Philosophy

In this video I will show you Aristotelianism in Medieval thought.

The works of Aristotle they had been lost to Christian Europe. At this time there is a truce in the war between Christians and Islam in the Iberian Peninsula. Toledo proclaims itself as an open city and a school for Latin - Arabic translators is established in the city. The Arabs had works of Aristotle, and this allows us to know the thought of Aristotle and of Aristotelian thinkers of the Islamic area.

The most important Islamic work of Aristotelian thought is that of Averroes, known as the great commentator.

Averroes tries to reconcile the thought of Aristotle with the Islamic thought. (But his preference: Aristotle, and not Islam).

Conflicting themes (between Aristotle and Islam): God creator of the world / The mortal / immortal soul

Averroes tries to save the two thoughts by creating the theory of the double truth: A truth of reason and a truth of faith, both can be right at the same time.

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